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@jb @Terry Isn't the point of a Mission to go to them and preach, not to import them here? We should send him to Haiti for a full time ministry.

@jb no pride flags spotted but they are big fans of Israel
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@jb @Terry Baby boomers cannot die fast enough.

Unfortunately this kind of buffoonery crosses generations
But I get your point

@jb @Terry "Spiritual boomers" too.

@LudditeMan @jb @Terry > A Boomer is essentially anyone who has hopelessly succumbed to (((American))) indoctrination.

"Neo-boomers" such as Styx and Razorfist show that a person's age doesn't always determine if they belong to the Boomer generation.

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @LudditeMan @jb @Terry They should be sterilized.

@Bunsen @LudditeMan @jb @Terry Buck V. Bell still has not been formally overturned. It is clear that the United States could gain significantly from the reintroduction of progressive era "mental hygiene" legislation.

Three generations of retards is enough, Dr. Mengele was right.

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @LudditeMan @jb @Terry Any excuse to post Styx Gretchenhammer

@PhoBingas @LudditeMan @jb @Terry Glad to see that his female to male transition is going smoothly.

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @Terry @jb @Bunsen @LudditeMan
The normies who take the next round of pandemic vaccines deserve what they get.

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @Terry @jb @LudditeMan Can we add Jeremy Hambly to that list ?

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @LudditeMan @Terry @jb Jeremy Hambly a.k.a. The Quartering

needs to be wearing sandles with gnarly gross hairy feet and no stocking , hairy legs. Yep perfectly gross.

@Jonny @Terry @jb @Bunsen @LudditeMan I'm going to break into your house with Bill Gates tonight and vaccinate your entire family for measles, mumps and rubella if you don't pipe down

@Jonny @Terry @jb @Bunsen @LudditeMan Still waiting for the 3 million soccer players that Tucker Carlson claimed would die due to the vaccine.

๐™’๐™๐™š๐™ง๐™š ๐™–๐™ง๐™š ๐™ข๐™ฎ ๐™™๐™š๐™–๐™™ ๐™ฃ๐™ž๐™œ๐™œ๐™š๐™ง๐™จ, ๐™๐™ช๐™˜๐™ ๐™š๐™ง?

@Orkin_Awk @LudditeMan @jb @Terry @comradepond > Sister Pondle, blessed tard wrangler of Randbot

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @LudditeMan @jb @Terry Spiritual boomeritis is a real epidemic in xennials & millennials.

@catmanmancat @LudditeMan @jb @Terry Unfortunately, it is a thing among Zoomers and Gen Alphas as well. The Groypers are a prominent example.

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @Orkin_Awk @LudditeMan @jb @Terry @comradepond Mel Gibson after 4 beers, perpetual Truth Teller. Name of koikes. Shamer of rightoids. ๐Ÿค๐Ÿป

@catmanmancat @Orkin_Awk @LudditeMan @jb @Terry @comradepond I'm just a semi-informed (possibly brain damaged) sperg shouting into the void of cyberspace, but thank you friend

@Jonny @Terry @jb @Bunsen @LudditeMan To his credit, Dr. Fauci was against switching the name of GRIDS (Gay Related) to AIDS (Acquired Immune) and helped ban faggots from donating blood during the early pandemonium of the AIDS pandemic.

.........Wtf, I love Fauci now.

@Jonny @Terry @jb @Bunsen @LudditeMan > The pandemic has been over for nearly 4 years.

@Jonny @Terry @jb @Bunsen @LudditeMan We're also going to spray paint a giant "V for Vaccine" on your wall on our way out

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @Jonny @Terry @jb @Bunsen @LudditeMan Tucker is pushing UFOs, Demons, and such - not a good source. The "all vaxxed are dead in 2 years" was another one - designed to make the actual deaths look "small by comparison" - and smear anyone not repeating govt-propaganda look like "crazies." This isn't a new trick.

Since mid-2022, it is not hard to calculate the vaxx-caused deaths using public excess-death numbers, which correlate with a conservative, published (pre-covid) VAERS under-reporting rate.

Excess-Deaths began spiking post-vaxx 2021, much more than 2020 during covid-infections. Whereas the infection killed the very old (86 Y.O. w/ 3 co-mobidities), the post-vaxx excess deaths hit the "Young and Employed" + University-student populations - those at no danger from covid, yet forced by Corporate and School mandates. Their healthy immune systems vigorously attacked their own spike-infected cells (among other mechanisms of harm). The deaths by-age followed the "vaccine rollouts" to younger age groups - group by group.

The result was "only" about a 1/2 Million Americans dead within weeks of "Trumpcine" injection - a 1-in-800 kill ratio. That's per-injection - not per-person. Every "booster" rolls the dice, again.

This is consistent with world-wide numbers - and better numbers are available from other countries than the USA. Less-vaxxed countries had lower excess-death rates.

Soccer players were a canary in the coal mine for the now well-documented heart-scarring damage, due to the nature of the sport. Most with damaged hearts have no idea - no chest pain - would only find out if/when their heart is stressed. The scars never heal, and do not conduct the electrical impulse to "beat" properly.

It's not only the heart which was damaged, of course - that was just the cause of the "too obvious to hide" / "SADS" deaths. In about 10 years, we will have the data for the long-term side-effects - which should have been gathered before any "rollout" to the general population. But, Trump had to "Push the FDA SOOO HARD" and try to "Get Credit" (being he is an idiot - history will give him "credit," all right).

@PopulistRight @Terry @jb @Bunsen @LudditeMan @MelGibsonafter4Beers
The vaxx deaths will go on for years. Same thing happened with the anthrax vaccine and boosters. Remember the ice water bucket challenge in 2014 for ALS awareness? Probably killed 50,000 veterans over 20 years

100 percent

@Jonaschuzzlewit @Terry @jb @Bunsen @LudditeMan @MelGibsonafter4Beers @PopulistRight
I got booted from the army in 2004 for refusing the experimental anthrax and small pox vaccines. Probably the best decision I ever made.

I got out the year they started and they tried to make me and I was like nope leaving. I was already leaving but I remember even then knowing it was a fucked deal

I sat at work today and listened to yet another younger coworker weeping about a spouse with sudden onset cancer. Those fuckers slaughtered our population and it is just beginning to truly bear fruit.

It is unreal

@Jonaschuzzlewit @Terry @jb @Bunsen @LudditeMan @MelGibsonafter4Beers @PopulistRight
Yep. My spidey senses were blaring, but America memory holed that whole fiasco, just like theyโ€™re memory holing all the troops that got kicked out for refusing Covid shots

It's hard to sympathize with many these days. I remember almost every coworker ok with the non vacc getting fired. Maybe not advocating but definitely not standing up for anyone who objected.

Played chicken with my job til the last second survived by grace of God but won't ever forget

@Jonaschuzzlewit @Terry @jb @Bunsen @LudditeMan @MelGibsonafter4Beers @PopulistRight
Yep, I have two coworkers on deaths door right now.

@Jonaschuzzlewit @Terry @jb @Bunsen @LudditeMan @MelGibsonafter4Beers @PopulistRight
Yep, I got booted from my office salary position for refusing the shot.
Everyone in my entire company took the shot except me. Now I work from home and probably drink too much. Haha

You chose wisely. It was an IQ test

@Jonaschuzzlewit @Terry @jb @Bunsen @LudditeMan @MelGibsonafter4Beers @PopulistRight
I think my boss/owner is coming down with early onset dementia. He doesnโ€™t remember things very well anymore.

It's definitely a thing. Remind him to pay you twice

@Jonaschuzzlewit @Jonny @Terry @jb @Bunsen @MelGibsonafter4Beers @PopulistRight I'm on the West Coast. I moved way the fuck out in the country in 2020 and some of the local hicklibs were trying to turn me in for not getting vaxxed. I was literally getting ready to shoot it out when it abruptly ended.

Glad you didn't man

@Jonaschuzzlewit @Terry @jb @Bunsen @LudditeMan @MelGibsonafter4Beers @PopulistRight
I never get sick, but as soon as everyone in my office took the vaccines I came down with a gnarly sinus cold from all the shedding.

Same well clarify I did get it bad but only a year into the vaccine since and before fine

@Jonny @Jonaschuzzlewit @Bunsen @LudditeMan @MelGibsonafter4Beers @PopulistRight @Terry @jb life is much better in climates that are tropical. We got almost a tropical climate here on the tip of Spain, almost. Can swim about 8 months a year, almost there. Can even grow mango and papaya here. And if you live in a nice place with a good vibe maybe it can be described as reaching heaven before death
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@Diceyocean @Bunsen @Jonaschuzzlewit @LudditeMan @MelGibsonafter4Beers @PopulistRight @Terry @jb
Yeah I donโ€™t know anybody who got Covid before the vaccine roll out here in Hawaii

@Jonny @Diceyocean @Terry @Jonaschuzzlewit @jb @Bunsen @MelGibsonafter4Beers @PopulistRight I got it, but it was no big deal. Like a bad cold for a couple weeks.

@LudditeMan @Diceyocean @Terry @Jonaschuzzlewit @jb @Bunsen @MelGibsonafter4Beers @PopulistRight
People here in Hawaii lost their fkn minds. One guy on the street yelled at for not wearing a mask.
One of my neighbors walked around with a high tech full face gas mask on.

Lots of Jeff cliffs never recovered

I got a question for you then: is most of Spain desert? And if it is, what's growing on all of those farms?

I ended up looking at Spain's satellite view and found it confusing.

@sj_zero @Jonny @Terry @Jonaschuzzlewit @jb @Bunsen @LudditeMan @MelGibsonafter4Beers @PopulistRight It isnโ€™t a desert . It escapes my mind why they are wasting water which is scarce on all those vegetable growing. The entire north is lush and green and it snows. Some parts like Murcia is like a African desert. Southern Spain Andalusia is more like a Southern US place but surrounded by ocean . Some places are desert like. Thing is they shouldnโ€™t grow crops since water is decreasing due a abrupt change in climate causing drought since 2016 in southern Spain

@Jonaschuzzlewit @Jonny @Terry @jb @Bunsen @LudditeMan @MelGibsonafter4Beers @PopulistRight there are even people here dying of strokes. Young people. The nephew of a neighbor died suddenly. Thereโ€™s a massive 25% uptick in deaths not related to covid. And no media covers it

@Jonaschuzzlewit @Diceyocean @Terry @jb @Bunsen @LudditeMan @MelGibsonafter4Beers @PopulistRight
I overheard one lady in my office call me a covidiot

Hope she enjoys her vaids.
What tools

@Diceyocean @Jonaschuzzlewit @Bunsen @LudditeMan @MelGibsonafter4Beers @PopulistRight @Terry @jb
I was following the cdc websites death tally for the first 5 months and then they removed that webpage.
So then I started counting the obituaries in the newspaper.
The normal tally in the beginning was 10 per weekday and 50 on Sunday.
By the end of the first year the tally climbed too 25 per weekday and 100 in Sundayโ€™s paper.
I counted 125 in a Sunday paper last month.

@PopulistRight @Jonny @Terry @jb @Bunsen @LudditeMan We lost 2 years to Covid induced schizophrenia, let it go.

@Jonaschuzzlewit @Diceyocean @Terry @jb @Bunsen @LudditeMan @MelGibsonafter4Beers @PopulistRight
The government is going too save a lot of money on social security payments

@Jonaschuzzlewit @Diceyocean @Terry @jb @Bunsen @LudditeMan @MelGibsonafter4Beers @PopulistRight
All the veterans who committed suicide and died from their anthrax shots is saving the VA billions in benefit payments.

@Jonny @Jonaschuzzlewit @Diceyocean @Terry @jb @Bunsen @MelGibsonafter4Beers @PopulistRight My neighbor got the anthrax shots in the Navy and sixteen years later all his joints are disarticulating.

@LudditeMan @Jonny @Diceyocean @Terry @Jonaschuzzlewit @jb @Bunsen @MelGibsonafter4Beers I had symptoms for 1 day with Delta, again with Omicron. I was on high-dose Vit-D and Vit-C + Zinc throughout. At first symptoms, I took Ivermectin and Melatonin (night) and rinsed my nose/throat with 1% Iodine 3x/day.

Got that from the FLCCC docs - were banned all over social-media, but they were actually treating patients and succeeding - old/sick people who were actually at-risk. Subsequent trials proved what they did was right.

One can read all the trials of various things - what worked and did not work - here:
That page is ivermectin-specific, but all things are listed in the right-hand column, with all trial-results. Don't let anyone tell you "they didn't know" - they damn well did, and suppressed what worked - f-ing murderers.