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All right everyone, need participants for a bit of punt-a-troll.
Withoug Hammy here, I've completely lost my own creative edge.

Come on. An interloper needs making fun of.

@Gnomeshatecheese I can try to channel the spirit of Hammy.

@Fullycaffeinated She should've given us all lessons before she left. And we should've made notes.

@Gnomeshatecheese Who are we making fun of?

@sim Some twit who showed up on Spinster, utterly failed to read the room and proceeded to admonish us for wrongthink.

Punt-a-troll is a Spinster sport, sadly neglected since Hammy left. I was hoping to revive it.

You're free to join IF you're so inclined, you should be able to find him through my replies, I think he was Williams or Walter or something. Ws and As if I recall.

Here's a link to my last reply...

Note that I'm not encouraging a lynch mob.
Merely calling for a spirited game.


@Gnomeshatecheese What even? This sounds like a case of I'm going to get second-hand embarrassment reading his posts but I'll do my best.

@sim Oh, it could be worse.

He's not the most embarrassing specimen we've seen on Spinster.
Yet. I'm willing to give him time, maybe he'll rise to the occasion.

@Gnomeshatecheese @sim I actually think he might be genuine. He’s certainly not a patch on Grandma, thus far.

@Gnomeshatecheese @Fullycaffeinated It’s a shame no one made a bot, but I guess she didn’t have the same fan base as Emma.

@Flick @Fullycaffeinated @Gnomeshatecheese I suppose she wasn't as vocal going into threads outside spinster.

@sim @Flick @Gnomeshatecheese Oh, she did if they interacted with Spinsters. It was a joy to behold.

@Gnomeshatecheese It was pretty cringe expecting to see mainstream progressivism on spinster. Like you need to join spinster to see those takes when they are all over twitter or facebook or whatever other mainstream site there is.

I welcomed him to the fediverse so we will see what happens next.

@Fullycaffeinated @Flick @Gnomeshatecheese Sounds like I missed out on a lot of fun!

@Gnomeshatecheese @Fullycaffeinated I’ve just checked, she went off to uni in 2021. Are degrees three or four years in Canada?

Depends on the program. There are some 3 year programs that grant degrees, most are 4 though. People who fail a class could end up taking much longer obviously.

I know, not terribly helpful. But my brother did a 3 year ba program and then had his masters in like 1-2 years.

@sj_zero @Fullycaffeinated @Gnomeshatecheese Oh, gawd, I didn’t think of a masters as well!


@Gnomeshatecheese @Fullycaffeinated And another one: surely PissAnt must have finished writing up by now? Tsk. Slackers.

@sim @Flick @Fullycaffeinated It was glorious. And great to join in.

We still live in hope that Some Day Hammy Will Return.

She's the Spinster MEssiaH.

@Flick @Fullycaffeinated I KNOW.

I mean seriously. There are priorities.

@Gnomeshatecheese @Fullycaffeinated Even you didn’t take this long! ;)

@sim Well, I for one nearly got bingo already when he mentioned history not looking on us fondly.

One or two good hits and I get free coffee for a month. And I don't even drink coffee.

@Gnomeshatecheese @Flick @Fullycaffeinated I think that I recall Hammy although I didn't see her enough. I do remember liking her though.

As an aside: I have started a post about coming here expecting progressivism to support our new friend through the traumas he is going through having discovered horrors beyond his imagination here. I, too, have lived with his plight.

@Flick @BCLADY @Fullycaffeinated @Gnomeshatecheese Thanks! Unfortunately we no longer have her posts since we switched servers.

@Gnomeshatecheese That was hilarious I have to admit. I do not think that history will look on us fondly but for the progress that he advocates for because it is damaging.

Where is the bingo card? You could turn it into a game to see if you can get him to say the things on it.

@sim I really should make real bingo cards... I'm pretty sure I saw a generator at some point.

I'm sure history will look extremely fondly on him however, for showing up on forums and Saying Things.

@Gnomeshatecheese You should! That would be a fun game to play against these types. Do you think he sees himself as a male feminist too?

Oh, I'm sure! He is a goldmine for memes waiting to happen. I came here expecting progressivism.

@sim You mean something like this?

@Gnomeshatecheese Yes! This is perfect.

@sim Or perhaps this one. With a touch more of pathetic.

@Flick @BCLADY @Fullycaffeinated @Gnomeshatecheese Yeah. That is sad. We may not have seen everything too.

@Gnomeshatecheese Is this him?

@sim Certainly gormless enough to be.

@sim I tried very hard to figure out how to make a Spanish Inquisition meme work for this, but that would've involved some kind of double negative and I think that structure is too complicated for memes.

@Gnomeshatecheese Nobody expects the Spinster Inquisition! You have done good work so far.

@sim I kind of like this one.

@Gnomeshatecheese This is good. I love that you are really getting into the spirit of this.

@sim Thank you. Sadly, I'm running low on suitable meme bases for now. But if I get more ideas, I'll do something with them.

@Gnomeshatecheese Understandable. Perhaps more ideas will come after a rest. Hopefully someone else can come up with more in the meantime.

@Gnomeshatecheese This one made me laugh and I don't know why.

@sim Harry Potter memes are very fitting when it comes to making fun of the TRA crowd. Basically like meming with their cryptonite.

@Flick @Gnomeshatecheese She didn't even come back for breaks! That's when we would usually get trolls.

@Gnomeshatecheese @sim Weird flex. I have more Marxist followers (the kind that have actually read Marx) than I have on any other sm platform. Spinster is all about who you follow (or who lets you follow them) I guess. Is there a more progressive platform than Spinster out there?

@AnungIkwe @Gnomeshatecheese Ah, but you see it doesn't matter how progressive you are if you don't conform to his ideas about transgender people and their rights. He has it all figured out.

@sim @Gnomeshatecheese Conform to ideas about transgender people and their rights? Like someone in a cult would?

@AnungIkwe @sim I'm just making fun of the dudebro who came over here only to declare we're insufficiently "progressive".
In fact, he even said he came here "expecting progressivism".
Insert the tiniest fiddle here.

Personally, I don't give a whit about monikers like that.

@Gnomeshatecheese @sim We're not progressive enough for him? Which cult was he from?

@AnungIkwe @Gnomeshatecheese @sim The TruTrans one.

Apparently we are quite disappointing to him.

@Fullycaffeinated @Gnomeshatecheese @sim Awwwwww. Was he literally shaking?🤣

@Fullycaffeinated @Gnomeshatecheese @sim Just what a forum full of radical feminists and lesbians of color need, another man lecturing us on how to be "progressive."
I wonder how white he is. Is there a pic?

@Gnomeshatecheese Yeah, that part wasn't lost on me either which made it funnier.

@sim You know, now that I think of it, I think I'm being a bit cruel.

I mean he does deserve our sympathies for being put through this hardship.

@AnungIkwe @Fullycaffeinated @sim I'm sure you see why I went on a meming streak.

Making fun of him was just too much of a temptation for me.

@Gnomeshatecheese @AnungIkwe @Fullycaffeinated @sim Cry harder - works every time.
And it's fun.

@sim Oh ye gods, this was too awful, I just couldn't help myself.

I need to get off of meme generators.

@Fullycaffeinated @AnungIkwe @sim Packed. Packed, I tell you!!

@Gnomeshatecheese @AnungIkwe @Fullycaffeinated It was a lot of fun I have to admit.

But we shouldn't be too hard on him. I mean, he did have quite a culture shock. It cannot be easy for him when he is used to progressive yes-feminists and then stumbles across the radical feminists that are outspoken and will argue. Have to shut that down very quickly. Can't have feminists thinking for themselves, you see.

@sim @AnungIkwe @Fullycaffeinated It very much has the air of a Jehova's witness going to an atheist meeting, declaring everyone hellbound unbelieving sinners in scandalised tones, and then being shocked as the sharks in the crowd circle and start roundly mocking him.

Some of just smell blood in situations like this.

@Gnomeshatecheese @AnungIkwe @Fullycaffeinated That is a good way of putting it.

I do wonder how well he understands the fediverse too. Whether he was originally referring to spinsters or people from the wider fediverse. But then his doubling down makes me wonder if that even matters, especially with the buzzwords that he used. Time will tell how long he lasts too.

@Gnomeshatecheese Lmao. I wasn't expecting that one!

@sim I will not post the inquisition meme again... will not post the inquisiton meme again...

@AnungIkwe @Gnomeshatecheese Yes. I don't know quite how far spinster is expected to go for it. Do you have to go for the whole hog? Or can you do roasted?

@sim @AnungIkwe @Fullycaffeinated I wonder how he ended up on Spinster in the first place, seeing as it's blocked by almost all of Fediverse for us being nazi Terfs*. Is it actually even possible to accidentally stumble on Spinster, without encountering some announcement first about how evil we are?

*In addition to this, we're apparently also "fake goths". Yes. I can back this up. From a description of "violent speech" spaces, see below.

@Gnomeshatecheese Yes. He has our wholehearted sympathies for his plight when he came here. He wasn't expecting...

@Gnomeshatecheese @AnungIkwe @Fullycaffeinated Something tells me that he learned about it from another site so he isn't so aware of the politics in the fediverse. Because you are right, it would be hard to find out about spinster through the fediverse and not be aware of your reputation. It even took me a while to warm to spinster because of that reputation and the reputation that feminism has thanks to liberal feminism. I'm still cautious with some users because I don't want to intrude too much if they don't want to interact with those outside spinster or get into arguments. But flick has been great to me, and a good window into the issues that spinster usually talk about so I'm able to learn more about it and hopefully interact with more spinsters willing to talk.

Still, I have no idea where they got the fake goths from... lol. That couldn't be an Emma thing. Hmm...

@Gnomeshatecheese It's too perfect! Lmao.

@sim OMG! What a twist!!

@Gnomeshatecheese He's a smart man!

I love that you are carrying this on. We can continue to have some fun. Although if he does come back and hasn't been scared off then I look forward to more memes.

@sim If he does come back, I'm posting the Chuck Norris one with the text "be more like Chuck Norris" accompanying it.


I don’t think he’ll like my views on trannies and I’m not even a feminist

@AnungIkwe @Gnomeshatecheese

@Leyonhjelm @AnungIkwe @Gnomeshatecheese I think you'll have a lot of fun with him. It would be funny if he thought you were on spinster too.