FBXL Social

apparently you can "come out as trans" to your companions in the upcoming dragon age. sounds like a ton of fun

@anemone it would be funny if they all left your group if you did that

@anemone based on the demographic I've seen still care about these games 10 years later it seems that they just know their audience

@anemone i havent seen anyone who's not an afab he/they (based) talk about these games since 2015

@vriska@lizards.live im skeptical those people actually buy videogames

@anemone you havent spent a decade on tumblr and it shows

@vriska @anemone the irony is that fantasy environments have little to no reason to talk about these issues.

why is there no extended discourse on accessibility and cripple rights?
Heal, 6th circle spell, my blobbo. Sticks brand new legs right on those stumps!

i am sad because man
just go down to the temple and borrow the greater emboobening scroll my blob, nobody cares

@icedquinn@blob.cat @vriska@lizards.live theres was discourse on D&D wheelchairs a few months ago which is also idiotic

@anemone @icedquinn @vriska is this dungeon wheelchair accessible

@anemone @vriska there is literally a spell to cure dementia and has been for like over ten years

the discourse is unnecessary because the conditions were already cured

@sun@shitposter.world instead im sure they will tell you how heckin valid you are

@anemone @icedquinn @vriska I mean top surgery scars tho ? In a fantasy game ? I can get coming out as trans but the top surgery seems a bit unrealistic and excessive lol

@teratology@the.asbestos.cafe @icedquinn@blob.cat @vriska@lizards.live yeah why tf would they be doing 21st century medical procedures in a world with magic (and no modern technology)

@anemone @teratology @vriska pseudoprogressives are not capable of higher order thinking is why, probably

@sun@shitposter.world @icedquinn@blob.cat @vriska@lizards.live probably has magic to get around it but it still has to look identical to a modern real world wheelchair for some reason because these people have the creativity of a slab of concrete

@anemone @icedquinn @vriska they are fucking up like every single part of D&D and actiing like this was a change that needed to happen, lol

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @teratology gender complicated women aren't coopting this series they've been the main selling point since DA2

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @teratology it is a little silly to not just use magic to do this kinda thing in settting but acting like the active dragon age fandom isn't a bunch of blue haired pronoun havers since 2012 is disengenious

@vriska @sun @anemone @teratology i don't play bioware games just laughing at how incompetent this storytelling is

"this is my d&d campaign about getting your credit card number stolen on the internet and the police not taking you seriously when you call them on the phone"

But it isn't though, is it?

@vriska @anemone @sun @teratology pseudoprogressives are such obvious robots that even their pandering is offensively obvious. its like

the story to be told here is someone being extremely uncomfortable with their own body, being rejected socially for having completely wrong mannerisms, etc, hating life for being held to wrong expectations

this is something you can build a story around but you have to at least have the slightest bit of sense to do it in a setting where "cleric casts 6th level Heal, dysphoria cured" isn't LITERALLY CANON

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @teratology under capitalism pandering to your main demographic is legally required

@anemone @sun @teratology @vriska the olde thing we would do in these circumstances is distill the core story out of the problem and rewrite it so people don't immediately recognize whats going on.

you'd turn the person in to a tree demon or something, so normies would experience the same things the people did and then you can rug pull later like "yeah that was actually a commentary on disabled war veterans though" and people go ah, shit, i've been had.

idk. i should shut up

@anemone @icedquinn @vriska @sun do you have to roll dice to get up stairs or are dungeons outfitted with accessibility ramps ?

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @vriska just cuz they're not as loud doesn't mean they're not there lol trans men got a niche for certain vidya

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @teratology Im talking specifically about dragon age, and yes, annoying gay people are the only ones who have cared about that series for over ten years

@anemone @icedquinn @vriska @sun that’s some hand wavy bullshit

@a7@annihilation.social @icedquinn@blob.cat @vriska@lizards.live @sun@shitposter.world so is a "combat wheelchair" when you can just fix your legs with some magic

@anemone @vriska @sun @a7 unironically i think combat wheelchair is kind of offensive.

like in Arrow where felicity is injured for like one episode and then they find some technobullshit that fixes it (being in a wheelchair wasn't focus testing well i guess)

@anemone @icedquinn @teratology @sun right? So why wouldn't they pander to the one demographic who still cares? They are legally obligated to as well

@anemone @a7 @sun @vriska there's a kind of trauma and loss association to burn scars, tooth damage, limb disabilities and such. including it so people can experience that (in a sandbox context) or having people who find a way to succeed despite the handicaps (role models) is fine

but including it solely to immediately shit on it and shimmy it out of the way doesn't really do anything but trivialize the whole thing

@icedquinn @a7 @anemone @sun this is the proper way to hamdle it as a dm imo

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @teratology two entirely different companies shipping two entirely different products. Do you get mad at pepsi for not tasting like sparkling water

@vriska i think he's just upset because the fink virus affects both companies

@sun @anemone @teratology

@icedquinn@blob.cat @a7@annihilation.social @sun@shitposter.world @vriska@lizards.live that's not the purpose though, the reason it exists is so people who want to play an RPG without role playing can just copy paste themselves into the game

@anemone @icedquinn @vriska @sun @a7 caring so much about having your game character look exactly like you screams "everything has to be about meeeeee"

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @teratology is almost like companies only exist to market themselves to groups most likely to have disposable income under whatever the current meta for that is. Corps believe in nothing but making money and for the least 7 years or so this is how its made. Gay people don't have children or homes to pay for after all

@sun @anemone @vriska @teratology i don't speak for anyone but there is a lot of h-media made by sissies and transfems and they generally do not venerate surgery scars and the like.

there's a couple games that kind of slow roll parts of the transformation but even then its fade to black and then all of the healing is already done etc

afaik the mid point is kind of a painful process nobody really wants to do.

its like if i was trying appeal to fashion enthusiasts by doing 3 hours of barber shop hair cutting footage and then going 'wow such hairstyle'

@icedquinn @anemone @sun @teratology it is definetly integrated in the silliest and least narratively fulfillimg way possible but to pretend this is some woke company advancing an agenda and not "the only people who still talk about this game use neopronouns and we have to make the shareholders money" is equally silly

@teratology @icedquinn @anemone @vriska dragon age had lots of bi and gay representation. trans just seems like the next step. in dao your mentor duncan was probably gay and had right ear piercing

@colonelj @anemone @vriska @teratology i just click female on chargen and never think about it again

@vriska there was a very inorganic explosion of this kind of behavior across companies. it comes from the whole we're gonna force behaviors speech larry fink gave, where all the funding is now contingent on implementing what deranged out of touch old white men think "helping" is.

@anemone @sun @teratology

@sun @anemone @vriska @teratology yeah they're what 70% of the investment banking funds in the USA now?

@vriska @anemone I wouldn't be surprised because from what I've seen from the sidelines, it's practically the only audience Bioware seemed to have attempted to cater to

@icedquinn @anemone @sun @teratology is not inorganic at all. Liberal women and gay men have the most disposable income and are most likely to buy things. Corps believe in whatever makes them money and up until a few years ago pandering to those two demos is a money printer

@sun @anemone @teratology @vriska the correct way to have done this is just fund a handful of lgbt studios to make stuff. but honestly that wouldn't make these people happy because you just get resident evil lesbian simulator (signalis) and normal games with occasional girl kissing.

these old morons need you to SEE how much they are your FRIENDS so you won't guilotine them

@coolboymew @anemone @vriska Dragon Age Cisquisition was the original Mass Effect Andromeda.

@sun@shitposter.world @vriska@lizards.live @icedquinn@blob.cat @teratology@the.asbestos.cafe is he a secret nazi cause this whole thing seems like a conspiracy to turn people against lgbts lol

@sun my problem with this is that those people have directly admitted to doing this https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/blackrock-ceo-slammed-force-behaviors-dei-initiatives and we have clear evidence that this behavior is not profitable (Concored 400m, failed. Starfield 300m budget, garbage reviews and studio in panic)

i'm not talking about the indies like rose engine i'm talking about the big companies that are doing overt pandering to borderline or directly offensive behavior to make investors happy while completely fumbling the bag on the social issues they're supposedly being allies towards

@anemone @vriska @teratology

@icedquinn @anemone @vriska @sun @teratology >sissies

Anybody who uses that word should be shot imo

@arcana @anemone @vriska @sun @teratology i'm using their self identification

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @teratology certain video games are the same way. It's a demographic shift that companies want to take advantage of. I loterally have not seen a single person on this network who wasnt transmasc even mention DA until this week. Bioware knows exactly who is going to buy this game

@icedquinn @anemone @sun @teratology starfield didnt fail because of woke it failed because it sucked shit

baldurs gate 3 perhaps the most "woke" game in recent memory and it shattered sales records an expectations because it was good

@vriska @anemone @sun @teratology i saw blue hairs shit on it because there wasn't enough racial tension and everyone just kind of got along and didn't mass shooter each other despite having guns lmfao

@vriska@lizards.live @icedquinn@blob.cat @sun@shitposter.world @teratology@the.asbestos.cafe the thing i can't figure out is why 99% of the time "woke" pandering in modern media is so bafflingly lazy and out of touch. like aren't there a bunch of gays in the arts? why is it so fucking bad? It seems like sabotage

@anemone @icedquinn @teratology @sun all corporations run on focus groups, thats why

@vriska @icedquinn @anemone @sun @teratology Yes lmao, Starfield was incredibly boring just running over a barren rock for hours. I think Starfield was only "woke" in the exact same way that Hogwarts Legacy was woke, in that it let players choose pronouns.

BG3 was way more "woke" and way more successful.

@arcana well woke tends to be fake progressive bullshit, like preaching white man bad for no reason. BG3 didn't really give a shit. BG3 is outright racist at times (as all Larian games are.)

but the point is they put stuff in because they wanted to do that, not because the investment bankers said there must be a 'tranny scene' and other shit (yes they actually do this, there's post mortems from artists being told to ugly up characters to make finance happy)

@anemone @vriska @sun @teratology

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @teratology it has only started to actually statisically harm bottom line in the last 18 months or so and this is something they're actively teaching to people getting masters degrees in marketing in [current year]

@icedquinn @anemone @vriska @sun @teratology I don't believe those people represent the mass market of consumers lmao

That's like saying you saw some Christian preachers shitting on the Harry Potter novels. It's a tiny amount of people.

@arcana starfield was just afraid to be anything, tbh. they didn't want to make a stand and commit out of fear somebody might feel something about any of it. that's the best way i can describe the game.

even when they are doing outright existential affairs crimes (ryujin quest) the whole game has this like

complete nonchalance about it

@anemone @vriska @sun @teratology

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @teratology also, if its being driven by investment, that just makes my point for me. company is only doing thing because someone is paying them.

@sun @anemone @vriska @teratology still returning to my previous point. why not just fund a handful of actual lgbt shops if that's your goal though

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @teratology brother here got a masters in marketing three years ago and talked constantly about how much they were taught marketing is "finding demo with most disposable income and extracting it from them" with gays and liberal single women being given as the two biggest examples lol

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @teratology yup. gay males and single liberal women right now are the two biggest spenders and thats why modern marketing is the way it is

@vriska @sun @icedquinn @anemone @teratology
return to the days before political pandering videogame

@ageha @icedquinn @anemone @sun @teratology reminds me of "fallout 1 - no political themes

@sun idk i don't consider stuff woke because it has a gay boi in it. conservatives seem to. i look at if the commentary is specifically trying to shit on me for no real reason (ex. Dustborn, where they go out of their way to specifically name right wingers as the villain) or if its just like yeah, so there's a drow prostitute. that's a thing over there, nobody cares.

@anemone @arcana @vriska @teratology

@anemone @icedquinn @teratology @ageha @sun and us homos loved it, why cant the straights just admit sometimes things arent for them?

@sun i see it as a difference between someone who is progressive wrote a story vs. someone who wants you to see them as progressive constantly trying to signal how progressive they are

@anemone @arcana @teratology @vriska

@vriska@lizards.live @icedquinn@blob.cat @teratology@the.asbestos.cafe @ageha@tomo.airen-no-jikken.icu @sun@shitposter.world getting flashbacks to bronies complaining that the tv show for little girls wasn't pandering to them enough

@anemone @icedquinn @teratology @ageha @sun yeah when people who will and have never played the infamously gay 15 year old video game is too gay for them I get the same vibes

@vriska @anemone @teratology @ageha @sun > bronies
that was a hilarious time

@vriska i'm nominally fine with this proposition but the gay twitter mob has to also accept some games aren't for them in exchange.

t. the rage mob going after soulash 2

@anemone @teratology @ageha @sun

@icedquinn @anemone @sun @teratology @ageha anyone on twitter regardless of belief should not be considered at all imo

@vriska @anemone @sun @teratology @ageha well they sent a rage mob after the guy for saying he didn't want to add gay pregnancy to his game.

like i'm fine with just returning to the 1990s meta of market segments.

@icedquinn @anemone @sun @teratology @ageha yeah see I don't know or care about any of this because I go out of my way to ignore the very worst people from any given demo

no matter what group you will find the people who are the biggest and worst shitters from it on twitter

@vriska @anemone @sun @teratology @ageha that's the complaint, though. the investors are strongarming studios to pander to the very worst people. that's why, ultimately, everyone is so mad about this shit.

@anemone @icedquinn @vriska @sun how in the hell is that guy even supposed to move when both his hands are holding swords

@icedquinn @anemone @sun @teratology @ageha its time for all of us to stop caring collectively so rage/counter rage cant drive engagement then huh

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @teratology @ageha did you ever actually REALLY ignore it

also "he who fights monsters

@sun i play indie stuff still. they don't need you to see them as an ally so they just make a game that is good and its colored by their organic amount of weirdness.

that's why i mentioned earlier that you just get "resident evil but girl kissing." but that doesn't give the image the insane rich men want to be seen with

@anemone @vriska @teratology @ageha

@pettanko @anemone @icedquinn @sun @vriska definitely not magic, cuz if it was magic, wtf didn't he use it to heal instead?

@Azur_Fenix @anemone @vriska @sun @pettanko heal is 6th circle, mage hand is a cantrip. he might be too scrub to afford the cleric right now

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @teratology @ageha how exactly is making a game you havent played and never will play by your own admission more in line with what the people who will waste 140 dollars on the preorder want taking your lunch?

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @vriska @teratology @ageha Honestly, the biggest thing I notice in day to day life is that the culture war basically doesn't exist. Normal people outside don't talk about it, they're just getting on with their lives. People need to touch grass and stop letting grifters rile them up. As for the Dragon Age thing, are you even forced to play with those options people are seething about?

@arcana it does but normies keep hushed tones about things that bother them. they will only speak in the quietest of rooms to people they think are safe to talk to.

i am one of those people who has these conversations with people (unprompted seems my librarian status is somewhat metaphysical)

@anemone @vriska @sun @teratology @ageha

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @teratology @ageha it would be unforgivably bad if more things you will never care about otherwise are made for the people who do care about them ,yeah

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @teratology @ageha just play black ops 6 man

@vriska @sun @anemone @teratology @ageha personally i just laugh at what i can (body type a/b), shrug at some things, or just don't buy (or even pirate anymore) the title if its a trash fire.

fink will eventually go broke if people stop hate watching his shit.

@sun @anemone @vriska @coolboymew @teratology @ageha i mean

the market is already enacting corrections. concord was an absolute embarrassment. the tv series' are so atomized in to irrelevant subscription services as to not matter.

paradox has shit the bed and hooded horse has taken their place.

just buy the stuff that is good and damnatio memorae the garbage, nature heals.

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @teratology @ageha you don't "have" to "retreat" in an argument about the gay RPG for homosexuals going woke even though its always been the gay rpg for homosexuals

frankly any non faggot who complains about DA specifically is doing exactly what they claim we do to their media

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @teratology @ageha for every complaint about DA going "woke" I'm going to rewrite LOTR so its just gay sex scenes with Frodo and sam

@icedquinn @anemone @vriska @sun @teratology @ageha I mean they do complain about things, but it's things a lot more grounded in reality like increasing vehicle taxes, regulations on farmers, building regulations and the anti growth mindset of local councils

@vriska @sun @icedquinn @anemone @teratology
no, frodo and sam are pure gay only, sorry >:(

@ageha @icedquinn @anemone @sun @teratology not anymore, my hands are tied, moon did this

@vriska @ageha @anemone @sun @teratology the only thing i can really say that i haven't is imagine all your favorite TV shows got bought out in corporate mergers and they started doing new seasons where every character is worshipping hitler.

people would get really mad about it (as they should.)

@sun buy indie titles. market indie titles.

@anemone @vriska @teratology @ageha

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @vriska @teratology @ageha Out compete them financially, and before you say you can't, yes you can.

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @vriska @teratology @ageha Vaguely rings true but I don't remember the entirety of the idea.

@icedquinn @anemone @vriska @sun @teratology
there has never been a good meriken telebi show

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @teratology @ageha buy video games you like is a good step

@vriska @icedquinn @anemone @sun @teratology
just let them cuddle and kiss man; it doesn't have to get lewd

@ageha @icedquinn @anemone @sun @teratology it does now, because of woke

@sun @icedquinn @anemone @teratology @ageha listen as far as gay shit goes shes the expert pffff

@J @anemone @vriska @sun @teratology @ageha i mean just trust bust black rock that's all you have to do

@sun@shitposter.world @vriska@lizards.live @icedquinn@blob.cat @teratology@the.asbestos.cafe @ageha@tomo.airen-no-jikken.icu you've always been powerless you just didn't notice as much when the majority of media was pandering to your demo. The rot goes back way further than the woke trend

@J @icedquinn @anemone @vriska @sun @teratology @ageha there's some major male brain vs female brain drama going on in this woke war ngl

@icedquinn @anemone @arcana @vriska @sun a good example of a shitshow of wokeism in games is TLoU2 and I still refuse to even acknowledge it as canon. The leaks were a shitshow and upsetting on multiple fronts. Neil Druckman can kick rocks and I think he hates women judging by how much graphic violence there is for the sake of it.

@teratology @anemone @arcana @vriska @sun i think TLOU is where i heard artists leak that finance hates pretty girls

@anemone @icedquinn @vriska @sun gay characters in netflix shows come to mind, I'd rather be called a slur

@J @icedquinn @anemone @vriska @sun @teratology @ageha on the contrary bro, fucking a woman correctly is what makes them less crazy. They need to be fucked more not less.

@J @icedquinn @anemone @vriska @sun @teratology @ageha well I need babies though and women are a lot easier than whatever the hell crispr fags are attempting

@icedquinn @anemone @arcana @vriska @sun huh maybe, there was a lot of talk about transing the characters and other stuff but imo that was just the tip of the iceberg considering the contradictions in the plot and killing of the protag from game 1 in the worst way possible. The game should have been standalone like bloodbourne imo

@teratology @anemone @arcana @vriska @sun there is a lot of wink and nudge to make the women as ugly as they can get away with its really weird

like it's not just a revision of "instead of everyone is a disney hourglass, maybe we have some pears and boxes too" or "maybe not EVERYONE has DD's" but like

an actual push to make all of the women flat and mannish

@J @icedquinn @anemone @vriska @sun @teratology @ageha Getting a cat instead of having a kid is like the equal of buying an anime pillow rather than banging a girl. Don't be cringe

@teratology @anemone @arcana @sun @vriska see the extreme anger at stellar blade even though 'eve' is literally a 3d scan of a human [albeit a model]

@J @icedquinn @anemone @vriska @sun @teratology @ageha anti-natalism is destroying society it's the opposite of based

@anemone @teratology @vriska @ageha @sun @J @carthage dodge v ford was a mistake

@anemone @teratology @vriska @ageha @sun i mean honestly same if it were up to me

@anemone @icedquinn @teratology @vriska @ageha @sun @J @carthage Humanity doing what it does best.

@sun @carthage @icedquinn @J @anemone @teratology @ageha we have been there since reagan second term tbh

@carthage @icedquinn @J @anemone @vriska @sun @teratology @ageha You are a perfect picture of what evolution does.

@anemone This is why women in the new Dragon Age game look like men btw - as I keep saying, trannies being allowed to exist literally makes the world dumber and uglier.

RE: https://ebiverse.social/notes/9yenma6db8

@carthage @icedquinn @J @anemone @vriska @sun @ageha you're more obsessed with the idea of having a kid than actually raising one and being a worthy partner for a woman to raise one with lmaooo