FBXL Social

My new union immediately leaked all my private data to the open market, and now I receive cold calls from recruiters. I always knew that unions were evil, but this seems like new low. Well, at least they aren't throwing me into Lake Buchanan in concrete shoes, so there's that.

Also TBH, Red Hat did it to me too, by way of their work gamification provider. Workers are given a budget of tokens, which they award to other employees. Their targets then convert the tokens into perks like merch at the provider. When they cash tokens, provider steals the PII.

I guess the disappointment is that employer doing this is expected (unless it was a paternalistic org like Red Hat, which resisted this shit for 20 years I was with them), but union is supposed to be on the side of the worker.

@zaitcev i got nailed by stripe recently (presumably), who must have given my info to american express and i got a legitmiate looking survey as an amex merchant, which i never really agreed to or set up anything directly with them

also i filed a trademark with the uspto a while ago and immediately started getting all kinds of scammy spammy messages

you also have the recent AT&T leaks combined with the social security numbers and addresses leak of 2b people. i already get scams and viruses from those

Do unions usually do that?

@Hyolobrika @zaitcev makes me wonder if whoever is responsible in the union heard of a cool new revenue stream and didn't actually understand what was happening

@feld @Hyolobrika Occam Razor points to either that, or perhaps not caring. I heard real people say about spam: "what's the big deal, just delete it".

My mum has that attitude. She thinks it makes her spiritually evolved or whatever to just ignore ads instead of blocking them.