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@Forestofenchantment A very interesting read indeed. I got really high on marijuana when I was with my ex-girlfriend and developed some theories of my own; the first being your death is the ultimate punishment for insanity. You refused to change and now your energy shall be recycled into something else.

The second; The levels of death in the human brain or levels of awareness; Life or Death (fight and flight) Very Alert, Alert, Normal, Zombie, Dementia, Death. Once the brain dies the body dies

@Forestofenchantment @TntrcNhlst @i @h4890 @ins0mniak @RegalBeagle @TenaciousGoat @mutageno2 @cbrooklyn112 @AlphaKiloPapa @EvolLove @Killer_Mule @Vox @basileion @greyknight @magicalthinking @dj @Marko @asa @jeffcliff @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @Flick @TriptychTwinsRidesAgain @teratology @walkman

Or in simpler terms, NPCs are people who have no sense of purpose.

They are extras in the movie of life.

This is why for them, the ride down from the helicopter is thrilling drama.

@amerika Purpose is easy; produce something for society. It’s an outward concept. Meaning is more difficult. Especially since the only person who’s ever going to be there for you no matter what happens is yourself.


There's degrees of purpose.

Some is adaptive, like you mention, but there is also a need for the transcendent.

Without it, people become merely reactive.

@amerika Transcendent purpose then can be what you want to build. You can start with yourself, then your home, support your friends and family. Support your community. Build a family, support your wife and kids etc.


I think that is adaptive purpose. Transcendent is less tangible.

@amerika Hmm, I’m curious if you can find the answer then.


I write about it a lot, but not enough.

Evola mentions the classic Indo-European goal, excellence ("arete").

Romantic poets and philosophers talked about the good, the beautiful, and the true.

I aspire to the beautiful and real at least.


A few options:



These exist in the intersection between philosophy, religion, and Darwinism so beware :)

@greyknight @Forestofenchantment @TntrcNhlst @i @h4890 @ins0mniak @mutageno2 @RegalBeagle @TenaciousGoat @cbrooklyn112 @AlphaKiloPapa @basileion @EvolLove @Killer_Mule @magicalthinking @Vox @dj @Marko @asa @jeffcliff @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @Flick @TriptychTwinsRidesAgain @teratology @walkman

I was talking about the Crowleyian/Advaita dimensions of power-nihilism with a buddy earlier.

There is IQ, and then there is the esoteric path...

If you are metaphysical trad like the Dalai Lama, you believe this is organized pre-birth. Souls incarnate in appropriate minds.

If you are not, you recognize that only some have both openness and diligence, and they go further in the Great Work.

One of the biggest dangers is assuming that because someone is intelligent they will come up with the right answer, and that because someone is unintelligent they will come up with the wrong answer.

Intelligence is a tool, like a knife. A knife can be used to create, or to destroy. It can be used to set up a camp or perform a life-saving surgery, it can be used to stab an innocent person. It can be used to oppose tyranny, but it can also be used to support tyranny. Ironically, intelligence is a tool, and like any tool it's stupid. It only becomes smart with wisdom and humanity behind it.

We are the most intelligent civilization in world history, but we are the least wise. We've extremely intelligently disregarded all our historical wisdom, sure that we can rebuild new wisdom with our vast intellect. Unfortunately, that's cutting off your left hand to make your right hand stronger -- it works, but you can never grow your left hand back. That shows though, that you can't assume that if there's a right answer that the people who come to that answer are necessarily more intelligent.

@sj_zero @TntrcNhlst @Forestofenchantment @i @h4890 @ins0mniak @RegalBeagle @TenaciousGoat @mutageno2 @cbrooklyn112 @AlphaKiloPapa @EvolLove @Killer_Mule @Vox @greyknight @magicalthinking @dj @Marko @asa @jeffcliff @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @Flick @TriptychTwinsRidesAgain @teratology @walkman

It was the denial of the inequality of intelligence that made us this stupid.

The old #WASP formula of intelligence + character + family still stands.

People of higher intelligence need exposure to the important questions, but gut instinct will take them to the answers.

Stupidity is the greatest threat to humanity as always.

@amerika @TntrcNhlst @Forestofenchantment @i @h4890 @ins0mniak @mutageno2 @RegalBeagle @TenaciousGoat @cbrooklyn112 @AlphaKiloPapa @EvolLove @Killer_Mule @magicalthinking @Vox @dj @Marko @asa @jeffcliff @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @Flick @TriptychTwinsRidesAgain @teratology @walkman well, i wouldn't say its the greatest threat to humanity but more so letting these stupid people decide the direction of humanity is the greatest threat to humanity

Nature, nurture, and free will all contribute to our behavior.

You can't teach a dog to recite Shakespeare, it doesn't have a mouth to speak.

Someone who has never learned Shakespeare will never recite Shakespeare, they don't have the knowledge to do so.

And someone with the biological means and the cultural upbringing may still choose to never recite Shakespeare because it is our choice whether to do so or not, and two similar people may make different decisions.

Without understanding this, people will fail to act appropriately because they might try to culture those who lack the faculties to have culture, or they might fail to impart culture, or they might assume you can treat men like a piano key and they will always play the same note.

@sj_zero @TntrcNhlst @Forestofenchantment @i @h4890 @ins0mniak @RegalBeagle @TenaciousGoat @mutageno2 @cbrooklyn112 @AlphaKiloPapa @EvolLove @Killer_Mule @Vox @greyknight @magicalthinking @dj @Marko @asa @jeffcliff @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @Flick @TriptychTwinsRidesAgain @teratology @walkman

You're using weasel words here to defend the egalitarian assumption.

"may choose"

Smart people generally choose smart; dumb people choose dumb.

Smart people also need some guidance.

It isn't egalitarian to say that some people are better morally than others and will choose to do better things than others. It's inherently hierarchal, with a hierarchy of morality.

My brother is a good example, where he's smarter than me genetically, and better off physically, but he morally failed to make good choices and so despite having similar and in fact better biology, and similar culture having been raised in the same household, he's far worse off in life than me.

The nexus of nature, nurture, and choice is what's important, and you can't nurture your way out of nature and choice problems, and you can't choose your way out of nature and nurture problems, but to be someone who deserves to be king, one needs the nexus to meet at the pinnacle of all three. It doesn't mean the lesser people are bad people, nor does it mean they don't deserve a good life, but they shouldn't be king, and if you put them there then you're doing everyone wrong including the falsely elevated.

It might not be a peer-reviewed study, but it can be convincing enough evidence. What's interesting is that my brother helped disprove a lot of ideas that I had about what might make someone successful or at least happy in life.

From very early on he was a very successful hedonist, but a lot of people that live that lifestyle end up miserable...