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Good general critique of jobs too. "Capitalism" my ass.

If it's sex work, she should pay me to fuck her while she's laying there.

Typical woman, she wants me to do all of the work and then pay her for it. 😒

@Humpleupagus @ninafromcanadaeh

I am going to call work and say I have a headache then not show up for three months.

> It takes at least two people to have sex.

> Only one is working.


I'm going to fuck her and then sue her in quantum meruit.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @ninafromcanadaeh No trans action during sex, it's ghey.

@Humpleupagus @ninafromcanadaeh


IMHO women generally do not want to have sex with men, but take psychological benefit from having desired men be paired to them.

We're basically BMWs or iPhones.

@amerika @Humpleupagus @ninafromcanadaeh just say you are having your period and you won't have to show up for the entire week.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @ninafromcanadaeh

They can't prove I'm *not* female, legally at least, I guess.

@ninafromcanadaeh funny, because the only people I ever heard calling prostites a "sex worker" are progressives. Conservatives just call them prostitutes, slots or chores but never ever "sex workers"

@amerika @Humpleupagus @ninafromcanadaeh I guess they can't given the current rules.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @ninafromcanadaeh

We should call this "the egalitarian trap" or something of that nature.

Egalitarianism lets you get whatever you want... until someone who is officially more of a victim comes along.

@amerika @Humpleupagus @ninafromcanadaeh Yeah, that's true. I think it's part of their narcissistic essence. The egalitarian always have to somehow feel more important/morally superior than other.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @ninafromcanadaeh

Yes. To be individualists, they have to reject reality... and that means they need to find a reason to be morally superior to it.

@amerika @Humpleupagus @ninafromcanadaeh I have yet to find the egalitarian who does not believe that somehow the world owes him something

@TheMadPirate @ninafromcanadaeh i would consider a wife as a sex worker

She works to be rewarded with sex

@charliebrownau @ninafromcanadaeh Tradwives are not what they used to be

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @ninafromcanadaeh

They hate the world. So do the dualists.

It's unfortunate because to oppose reality itself means... being locked into human neurosis.

"Pay you to lay there like a dead fish? Forget this!
I'll present you with a new deal like a leftist
Show you my hourly rates in a net twist
Me taking charge it's got you feeling wettest!

And this is why I never became a rapper.

@sj_zero @Humpleupagus @ninafromcanadaeh

That, and the music sucks. It's like deathcore, numbing the brain.

@amerika @Humpleupagus @ninafromcanadaeh They hate the world because they resent the world can not be turned into this supposed utopia that exists inside their head and nowhere else. It's like someone who convinced himself that the Harry Potter world is real and lives resented that words do not become magic spells no matter how hard he tries.

@TheMadPirate @ninafromcanadaeh You cant have trad with

No fault divorce
child support
divorce settlement
The pill
Working Women
Educated Women

Also you cant have Local Patoracy (Trad marriage)
with the state

Either Men, Family and the community
have the authority

or the state has the authort

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @ninafromcanadaeh

IMHO the only reason they think about Utopia is to have a basis for being superior to the world.

It's just the individualism of the less intelligent, amplified by use of symbols.

I'm a Ferrari. Vroom vroom!
Now pay me, sluts.

@amerika @Humpleupagus @ninafromcanadaeh it their superiority was based on natural selection and spontaneous order hierarchy, leding to critical rationalists without cognitive dissonance, that would be understandable.
But instead they claim superiority based on the most irrational, reality detached, morally subjective stuff. On things that either contradict observable reality or that can not be corroborate at all.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @ninafromcanadaeh

The natural selection superiority scares them, but egalitarian/dualist moral superiority excites them.

@amerika @Humpleupagus @ninafromcanadaeh until they actually have to compete in a free market with the natural selection rules. That's when they lose it.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @ninafromcanadaeh

Or even in argument, which is why they all like censorship.

I find it odd that in some ways we live in the least symbolic era of all time, where people will pick apart organized religion or fairy tales as if they're scientific fact told with the full intent of expressing the results of a lab test, but in other ways we live in the most symbolic era of all time where everyone chooses their words so carefully because everyone is expected to look at words and actions through more lenses than an optometrist.

It was actually a postmodern instinct I had to shut off because it's a poisonous way of looking at your own life. I mean, try to be a good parent or a good husband or a good brother, and the postmodern mind starts setting off alarm bells that through a literary lens you may be setting yourself up to be killed off-screen or something.

Human beings have always had an instinct for metaphor, but I think the inauthentic deconstruction and critical lensing of the current day is a unique artefact of pop-postmodernism. In that sense, the millennial generation craves authenticity but they've been trained by their media from birth to tear down anything authentic and replace it with 15 layer deep false symbolism.

I think it's just a lot easier to deny something than contemplate it. After that, just add an air of superiority to the act of denial and you have a downward spiral into moral idiocy.

Sex work is gross, but I struggled with judging it TOO much when so many women are whores for free. The latter sound like the more stupid ones.

I'm going to assume that guys who pay for sex aren't exactly the pick of the litter. And I bet sex workers would have to service the handicapped under civil rights law.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh We live in world ruled by basically Syndrome's famous quote "When everyone becomes special, nobody will be". I think that's the ethos that postmodernism has brought upon us.

Oh, the horror 😩 Not discounting that, either. Guess if it's legal in Nevada (right?), ya gotta follow laws. If outside of law, maybe not, but I still stand by free hoes = bad, too.

@GoyGirl @Humpleupagus @amerika @ninafromcanadaeh I don't think it's ever a good and the woman Is always harmed but putting $$$ in the mix is 100x worse imho.

Yeah... I can see that.

Honestly certain handicaps would be preferable to pajeets

All hoes are bad. Fuck em.

Not in a way they'll enjoy, preferably.

Prostitution debases men and destroys women.

The only time I feel intimate with a hooker is while I'm strangling her. 😏

@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club how much does she charge for that? Asking for a friend

Prostitutes and mercenaries are some of the oldest professions there is. Men's power is their physical force, women's is their sexuality. Ideally both can be brought to harmony with one another but outside of a civilization it makes sense for people to transactionalize their core essence. I think that a good chunk of White women who become whores are really just fleeing niggers. Most White whores only go after White men.

Baddies 😍

$100, but it's refunded when she dies.

@sj_zero @amerika @TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus religion is delusional. and you are over analyzing.

I called it. 😏

@Humpleupagus @amerika @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Not everyone is capable of grasping the epistemological essence of moral law through critical reason alone. So, sadly, for many people, those moral laws should be put in a format they can grasp and understand at least in a symbolic way. That's what religion does for better or worse and there is no way that is gonna change anytime soon given that people need to have a moral law to conduct themselves in life.

What's critical Reason? 🤔

What's the epistemological essence of moral law?

What makes it "law"?

Can you explain it to me without using any symbols? I'd like to avoid the "symbolism" you mentioned.

Also, the notion that a "reason" results in truth has not been established and any belief that it does is itself religious.

And thinking about what you wrote, the idea that false symbols convey a truth is very convoluted. Hermes would be proud.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Ayn Rand used to call that argument the "stolen concept" fallacy, that is, for example the idea of using reason and logic arguments to disprove the existence of logic and reason itself. All in all, in order to disprove reason you would need to disprove that reality can not be known by empirical methods first, akin to staying that we all live in a solipcistic dream we're reality is nothing more than a figment of our own imagination and thus it lacks logic and reason.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh
>What's critical Reason?
The understanding of objective reality by identification of entities and knowing how those entities work and why they work that way.

>What's the epistemological essence of moral law
Knowing where that moral law comes from , why it works that why and why it exists in the first place.

>What makes it "law"?
The fact that it acts the same way for every human being regardless of your personal beliefs. For example, knowing that if somehow it were moral for you to murder another human being, then it would be moral for another human being to murder you too.

>Can you explain it to me without using any symbols?
Depends on whether you are trying to get me riled up in some "progression to infinity" linguist trap or not.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I never said that.
What I said is that some people need to be fed moral laws in a moral digestible ways other than logic and reason arguments.

I call this retardation

> I only accept Reasoned arguments, thus you have to use them to disprove me.

If Reason can be disproven with Reason, then it's not stolen, it's imperfect and incomplete.

Reason is useful, not true. This is what you miss.

Also if Reason is your religion, is the belief of your order, just say so. It's ok to be religious. You can't not be.

I identified a unicorn. Please explain what it is and how it works using Reason. 🙄

But are not all things reasonable? If not, you can't Reason all things. Kant prolly.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Yeah, because otherwise you would probably be appealing to emotion and that's quite a fallacy.

What's unreasonable about emotions? 🤔

@Humpleupagus @amerika @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh My religion is Deism. Therefore I follow a mechanism exegesis, not a teleological one.
What that means is that I only care about how and why things work, not if they somehow have some "divine" ultimate goal.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh sure but show me the photographs of those unicorns in their natural environment first.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh There is never any sense or point in trying to debate with irrational people who believe irrational things.

That's very irrational.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh The unreasonable thing is appealing to then to try to make a point about something.
For example, just because the consequence of an argument scares you, doesn't make the argument any less valid or even false.
Another example, you because some people feel disgusted at the social consequences of natural selection laws, makes the social consequences of natural selection laws any less valid, natural and true.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh pointless debates with irrational people is indeed a very irrational thing to do.

A long time ago when I was in college, I had a highly intelligent linguistics professor who taught me to laugh at guys like you. You're not the second coming of Aristotle. Tbh you sound more jewish than Derrida.

There you go again. 🙄

@Humpleupagus @amerika @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I despise Derrida and Levi-Struss. In fact all post-structuralism is nothing but made up hokus pokus shit without any base in reality.
I preffer a good book on linguistics by Stephen Hicks instead.

Despise? That's a very emotional response.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I despise postestructuralism because it doesn't makes sense and it's not grounded in Objective Reality.
Fuck, Ayn Rand essays make much more sense than anything Derrida or Levi-Strauss ever wrote.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Besides postestructuralists are a quite a species of moronic idiots too.

I don't care. Reality isn't reasonable. Stop trying to reason it. Go touch grass. Find a woman. Have a family. Stop running away into this retarded fantasy. In reality, it's sad.

Its amazing that emotion has been ruled unfit for debate and research even though those without emotions have been found unable to make decisions effectively.

I mean.... be as reasonable as you want, but you still have to eat, breath, and shit.

My gut has always been more accurate than my reason. I just feel and go with it.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Sure, I have to find first a woman who doesn't believe she is some kind of princess only to cry oppression when you show her she is not a princess. When I find such woman, I will definitely marry her and start a family.

Both work best in tandem much as a child needs a father and mother one is logical one is emotional.

@Dudebro @amerika @Humpleupagus @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I find it interesting that those defending atheism tend to be the most fanatical and irrational ones, even to the point of rejecting observable reality.

No idea what you are talking about because I wont scroll up

@Dudebro @amerika @Humpleupagus @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Everybody needs a moral law to guide their inner compass in life. Without that , they are lost.

Morals are based on emotion and not fact

You don't find a woman, you make them. They don't come prepackaged. A relationship takes work, as does making a woman from a girl.

Very zen.

@Dudebro @amerika @Humpleupagus @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh whether people need a moral law or not.

People dont, peasants do this is why monarchy forms moral law around its rulers.

@TheMadPirate @amerika @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh i ran over some net that we used to shield our grapes from birds , and it wrapped around me lawn mower blade, so i shut off hte deck and drove up to the grage and got them ramps out and backed up onto them so i could get under there and get that shit out, i need lawn mower gas, which is normal gas, but i put it in a can at the gas station.

What's wrong with a clogged heart stopping? That's what it should do. Just because it's clogged by a knife vs plaque shouldn't matter. That's how it works. Who cares about "some devine ultimate goal." 🤷‍♂️

@Dudebro @amerika @Humpleupagus @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh if they were the case moral subjectivists would be the most moral people on Earth, when in reality they are the most immoral, hypocritical, soulless, murderous mothefucker you would ever meet.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh That sounds like "you have to start training since 12 y.o so she becomes a fine woman at 21" pedo argument.

@Dudebro @amerika @Humpleupagus @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Toto, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore.

Knives are made of minerals from the earth, so who is to say a knife to the heart is less of a death by natural causes than a heart attack

Litteraly grooming

I met my wife when she was 19, so anyone thinking about children in light of my position is the person who has latent pedophilic fantasies.

It's a stretch, like Damascus steel...


@LovecraftEnthusiast @amerika @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh If someone stabs your heart with a knife it's only natural for you to die because of it.

All the top philosophers keep saying this

I feel this fact...

50-50 for me...

@Humpleupagus @npub1x0r5gflnk2mn6h3c70nvnywpy2j46gzqwg6k7uw6fxswyz0md9qqnhshtn
>as does making a woman from a girl.

19 years old is already an adult woman, so it was already prepackaged. You did not "made her a woman from a girl".

Logically this feels wrong in an ethical way

@LovecraftEnthusiast @amerika @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh And even some Medieval Fantasy authors say it too!

@Jonaschuzzlewit @amerika @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @JedDrudge @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I logically think that all moral relativists and moral subjectivist should be wiped off existence in the most cruel and painful way possible

Yet from ontological heuristics, it is subcutaneously ethos-driven by our current paradigm...

No, I meant it gets under the skin...

@JedDrudge @amerika @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @Jonaschuzzlewit @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh yes, the existence of postmodernism does in fact gets under my skin only for the fact it exists alone.

I'm definitely over-analyzing, it's kinda my thing.

Even if you take a step back and say that religion itself is delusional, I still think that something delusional can tell you something meaningful. Have you ever done dream analysis? Dreams are by definition nothing but delusion, but you can definitely tell things that parts of your mind you don't directly converse with are saying by the imagery and symbolism inside dreams. I've written before about my analysis of recurring dreams about buying old cars to fix up, and how that imagery is to me self-evidently about responsibility, and how at that time I was having those dreams I needed to be careful because I was taking on too many responsibility and like a bunch of used cars hanging out in your garage eventually things are so packed up you can't even do any work anyway and you have such a backlog you've overburdened yourself.

The thing about old stories whether you take them as religious doctrine or just old stories is that they've been around for a long time, and the information contained in such old stories can be very interesting. The story of the seven Pleiades sisters is quite interesting because for all of recorded history, it looked like six stars. However, about 200,000 years ago it would have appeared to be seven Stars. This tells us that this story was telling us about something that happened long before recorded history began. Similarly, there were a wide variety of archaeological finds that were discovered by simply looking at the old Legends such as The Iliad and looking in the places that the story is claimed had certain things happen. That's how they found what they believed to be the city of Troy, and something similar with the story of Theseus helped archaeologists find the Minoan civilization which was previously completely lost and forgotten. In the same way that these symbolic stories were able to tell us about archaeological and scientific facts, many of them can tell stories about moral or philosophical facts that our hyper rational and highly scientific civilization may have forgotten in the same way that we have forgotten about the Minoans.

Of course, you have to balance studies of ancient wisdom with living in the here and now, for a few reasons. For one thing, metaphor is pretty hazy over millennia, and you don't necessarily understand what they're trying to tell you. For example we didn't know about the story of the Pleiades until modern science learned that fact. For another, what was true a millennium ago may not be true today. The Bible tells us a lot about dealing with Romans, but the western Roman empire fell 600 years ago. Meanwhile, it doesn't tell us a whole lot about the Internet.

There's a big problem with this train of thought, and that's the ought-is problem. You can't get to morality from objectivity. There is no such thing as moral truth written into the objective universe. Thus, the phrase "The epistemological foundation of moral law" isn't really something that fits together with reality. There is no epistemological basis for moral law in a rational sense. You might counter that there are commonalities between humans, and to an extent you would be correct, but no particular human is objective, and the human race among all the known races isn't particularly special necessarily. A thing that is not human will have different values, and even different humans may have different values.

You have a morality imparted upon you by the civilization you live in and all the baggage attached to it. You think your morality is self-evident and self-proving to any rational person, but that's because you're a product of your civilization and have been built by those influences. In another society, the idea that an important man can't cut down an unimportant man where he stands would be ludicrous and offensive. In yet another society, the idea that a conqueror can't cut down the conquered would be ludicrous and offensive. There's an island in the pacific islands near India that has a neolithic tribe living there, and any human being who steps foot on their island is immediately murdered, and to do otherwise is considered ludicrous and offensive. In their own ways, they're all right, but they're also all incompatible with the idea that we're all equal in the eyes of God and thus it is wrong for one man to murder another.

The context here is a discussion where people suggest rejecting religion or fairy tales and other stories because they're "delusion". In that sense, if you reject those things then you're rejecting culture and history on a large scale, which is effectively assuming you can take facts and logic and magic yourself into a value system. The most famous attempt at this still ended up inheriting the values of the culture of the time, and still ended up the most murderous ideology in history. In another post in this thread, I talked about some examples of objective facts we learned from the crazy stories of the past, you can't just assume we know everything there is to know if we wipe all that out.

Objectively speaking, life on earth isn't meaningful. We all live on a tiny speck of dust surrounding an inconsequential star, and we're likely to be extinct within a mere million years or so, but even if we survive that we're going to eventually have to deal with our yellow dwarf star entering the red giant cycle and our planet and everything about it will be swallowed by billions of years of atomic fire until the sun uses up its fuel entirely and becomes an ultradense chunk of matter slowly cooling over millions more years. And we're unlikely to figure out any way out of the inevitable. All traces of the human race will be wiped out, anything you considered good, anything you considered evil, not that anyone or anything will ever even know we existed anyway, on a timeline that is possibly going to see the universe become a slowly dying and dwindling place over timespans we can't even begin to imagine.

Given that fact, and the fact that we'd all die out of despair if we think too hard about that sort of cosmic existential horror, we humans cluster around meaning or value we can find subjectively the same way our ancestors huddled around the primitive fires they learned to create out of nothing but sticks. Pretty it up with fancy words, but we're just trying to figure out the ways to live, and there's no mathematical equation for doing so. But those who came before us had ideas they thought worked, and so they'd pass those messages on through stories. And they also pass messages to us through genetics, where many subtle parts of our genome whisper in our ears about lessons those who came before us learned.

We have the capacity for both violence and peace, both prosocial and antisocial practices, because regardless of our personal desire for a peaceful and prosocial world, the world is an ever-changing place and individuals constantly will be tested with the reality that you can't always make friends, you can't always make peace, and people who are good sometimes or even often die. So we can't assume that one path or the other is written in the atoms of the universe, and we also can't assume that one path or the other has any moral value in the face of a truly nihilistic universe. We realize that, and that's one interpretation for why we stepped out of the garden of Eden when we ate the fruit of knowledge of good and evil -- once we understand its nature, we can never go back to the dumb primate bravado that we're definitely dong the right thing no matter what we do.

Postmodern man is an idiot. If we were as smart as we thought we were, we wouldn't be committing suicide. If we were as smart as we thought we were, we wouldn't be so depressed or otherwise mentally ill so widely. We're better off materially than many of our ancestors but they would say they're better off in ways that matter than we are. We think we're the most moral humans to have ever lived, but we tried to wipe our slates clean to get there, and that's not how human beings work. We lose our ancient wisdom, we lose the epistemological basis for the few things we think can actually work. Eventually we lose our morality because it's just loose sheets of paper sitting on a table.

I want to make it clear that I'm not necessarily saying that all morality is subjective in the sense of cultural relativism. What I'm saying is that there's a lot more going into a successful value system than we think, and we are arrogant to throw out the basis of our current values to think we'll somehow be able to do better without ancient wisdom trying to just wipe the slate clean and keep writing.

Life is short. Have fun. Stay out of jail.

Thats racist lol

Romans 2:14-15 - Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

And yet, most people in the West want a return to third world living.

@sj_zero @TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @ninafromcanadaeh

People confuse adaptive strategies with objective truth.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @JedDrudge @Jonaschuzzlewit @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Recognizing that all morality is subjective is the gateway to wisdom.

@amerika @Humpleupagus @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Only because the fallacy of the "Noble Savage" is so prevailing. Most of the blame coming from "social sciences" in academia that have idden, obscured and distorted most of the facts about those "noble" savages. For example, the amount of murder and genocide the Aztecs engaged on before the Spaniards even set foot on America.

@amerika @Humpleupagus @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh We agree to disagree on your Nihilism vs my Objecttivism.

@amerika @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @JedDrudge @Jonaschuzzlewit @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I see it more as a gateway to debauchery, hedonism and moral decay.
"When all moral laws became valid, no moral law will be"

Pretty good odds!

I also go with my gut, but I've also got a highly developed moral sense I can rely on. That's a key thing. But where did that sense of awe in the face of deep virtue come from?

Unlike most people at most times, for whom a discussion like this is abstract, right now the discussion of moral development is extremely embodied, immediate, and relevant, since I'm raising a son who will have to navigate his own way through the world, and I have a limited amount of time to guide him. Maybe 10 years where he'll listen to me, then another 10 years where he won't be listening to me nearly as much, then he'll be on his own, assuming I'm even still alive by the end of that second 20 years.

If I assume that this little life in front of me will magically become moral because the universe has a clear objective morality that will be obvious, then I'm going to fail because that's untrue, and I'll raise a child who lacks virtue. Many people in my generation are doing just that. Immoral, illiterate kids who go on to fail at life. I could be long dead by the time this little boy reaches 40, he can't live in my basement until he's 40.

So you have to have a mental model for the idea that a new mind will need to build a model of virtue. Part of that is being a role model of virtuous behavior. Part of that is going out into the world and teaching virtue by doing things together and informing him how to behave in real-world circumstances and correcting him when he behaves in a manner that isn't virtuous. And part of that is telling the stories of our civilization which help the mind understand virtue by seeing it in different circumstances.

My position is a bit different. I'm not a rationalist. I'm not some atomized homunculean monad with some virtual window into the world who is cognitively isolated from those around me.

I'm a phenomenologist. I exist in the world and across it and it exists in and through me. And based on my experience, I do not believe that people are atomized. I think phenomena like language, culture, morals and most subjects are learned through telepathy. Language is just part of the conveyance. Like a hand that points. The mind makes up the rest.

I also believe that we often hear the thoughts of others believing those thought originated from the "inside" due to the mistaken belief that all thoughts are somehow tagged with the name of the being from which they originated.

> "If your psychic, what I'm I thinking?" he asked me in the middle of the mall.

And this is what I'm referring to when I say I "rely on my gut." When I have feeling that something is about to occur or that I need to take some action, I don't analyze it. Instead, I assume it has an origin and conveys some meaning about the world. I also don't assume it originated in me. This gives a distinct advantage as compared to the rationalist who constantly questions himself.

> The world is a cup. I just fill it.

Now I will add that it's possible that some people are more "sensitive" than others, and this could explain why cretain groups of humans have difficulty learning on a very fundamental level. You point, but they literally can't see. They lack the ability to "understand what you're thinking," i.e. telepathy.

I will also add that another failing of the arm chair rationalist is their notion of truth and falsity. For me, all things are true, even false things. They are truly false, and thus, not false at all. Falsity is positional, if you believe something to be false, you need to move around it until you can see why it's not, i.e. all things are true if you look at them from the proper angle.

>"If you're psychic, what am I thinking?"

That you're smarter than you actually are.

I'm a dumb ass. I just read the minds of smart people. Get on my level. 😘

@Humpleupagus @sj_zero @amerika @TheMadPirate @Dudebro @ninafromcanadaeh >Now I will add that it's possible that some people are more "sensitive" than others

The interesting thing I chew on with this is all the evidence points to there being a genetic component to this.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh in other words, you are exactly the kind of person Karl Popper attacked merciless and relentlessly in "The Open Society and it's Enemies".

You name drop like a nigger.

@Deplorable_Degenerate @amerika @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh more like than he is a pseudo-scientific nutjob.

You'll die alone.

I have wife and family.

Reason yourself some pussy.

i wish i had somma that rn rn

"I know people who `read' enormously, book for book, letter for letter, yet whom I would not describe as `well-read.' True, they possess a mass of `knowledge,' but their brain is unable to organize and register the material they have taken in. They lack the art of sifting what is valuable for them in a book from that which is without value, of retaining the one forever, and, if possible, not even seeing the rest, but in any case not dragging it around with them as useless ballast. For reading is no end in itself, but a means to an end."

@Humpleupagus @amerika @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I like people to read good books that help them develop ther rational skills

@Humpleupagus @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh
Now you are speaking like a woman.
"You will die alone" is usually a shit test statement made by women who don't realize that men are define by their achievements not by their bonds ( which is the case for women).
So men are not afraid of dying alone. Men are afraid of haven't achieved anything in life.

Having a family is an achievement. Only a jew would tell the "goyim" it isn't. Just admit you're a spiritual jew.

Get his ass

@Humpleupagus @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh taking into account how much jews have brainwashed women via feminism into a bunch of narcissistic bitches with an oppression complex. I'd say that yes, forming a family in today day and age is indeed an achievement ( you know, like an Steam achievement).

You could just be an incel that no woman would touch.

So put your emotions aside for 10 or 15 minutes, think about it, and get back to me.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh 80% of woman are only interested in the top 20% of men. So your statement perfectly applies to 80% of the remaining men out there.

I'll take that as a compliment. 😏

@Humpleupagus @amerika @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

That's what I've been saying. All these hypergamy complaints from the underserved, meanwhile I can't remember names. I'm sure they're interesting...

And the idea that you have to be some super stud to pull chicks is just false. I've been pulling chicks since I was kid, and good looking ones at that, and I wasn't 6' or making six figures. Personality and owning a room when you walk in goes a long way.

Ive heard people complaining about how hard it is to pull a zoomette and I think they are fucking lying. Ive seen 8/10s with fat dudes who look like they were hit with an ugly stick.

When people say "pulling chicks" they don't mean into the back of a white windowless van.

Well.... that's what I mean. 😏

literally they just go limp and let you do it

I figured, Mr. Rape Elephant.

Its not rape without a conviction

This is why men shouldn't listen to the black pill "20/80" stuff. You don't get women unless you approach them. Black pilling doesn't help. Yes, some will reject you, but fuck, I've rejected women too. That's life. Don't give up.

just to be serious for a second you should be charged with rape as well if you don't report a rapist and he rapes again.

i was rejected by fucking coal burners and kept going. I wasnt some fucking uber chad I had two girlfriends and I married the second.

You're all just as guilty, so let's go raping. 🤷‍♂️


true right here...act like you DGAF and you're in

Karl Popper is not good books though

@Humpleupagus @amerika @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @Silverwolf @EssentialUtinsil @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

I keep trying to rape her, but she just gets into it. Like bitch, this isn't rape if you're laughing, I think you misunderstand.

Tattle tale.

The brains we have can be considered to have 3 different sections: the reptilian brain which is largely reactive and instinctual, the mammalian brain which works with emotions and memories, and the human brain that has higher thinking centers. Within the human brain is a powerful ability to model others minds, which in a sense is a form of telepathy, because we try to build models of those around us to understand them and see them. That isn't a rational process, it's subconscious and autonomous. It's paired with the broader function of our prefrontal cortex, which has the similarly amazing function of predicting the future, allowing us to predict and plan for future events.

To "fire on all cylinders" as a human with a big wrinkly brain then, you need to accept all modes of thinking. The rational brain is important because it can be used to reach places that are unintuitive through logic and reason, but the irrational brain or the subconscious brain is also equally or even more important because it can be used to places that are intuitively understandable but not necessarily rational or logical. That's why the paradox of understanding logically that the universe is meaningless, valueless, and senseless coexists with the understanding that there is nevertheless an intuitive meaning, value, and sense to the universe, and doesn't need to be rationalized. Both are true, but both are false. But depending on the situation, certain things are more true in that they are more useful to go with.

So while I agree in some ways, I'd suggest that you shouldn't make it an either/or situation.

If my view is correct, then your intuition does still need to be trained like your rational mind, and that's the benefit of society's ancient wisdom -- to help your intuition "kick in" and be able to use telepathy requires a base of intuitive knowledge about other people you don't automatically get, and that would be why some people are better "telepaths" than others.

So when I'm looking at a 30 foot tall tree, how exactly does it fit in my skull? And if it's purely in my skull, how can I say I'm looking at it outside of my skull and why doesn't my head explode? 👀 🧠

@ninafromcanadaeh These guys have no actual opinions except to say they hate working and hate women and hate having to consider anyone else's feelings ever.

They lament any accidental self analysis and their entire diatribe is - analysis. Borrrrriiiiiiing.

@SomaliRose Yup. men use words to take up space.

@ninafromcanadaeh Exactly. It's exhausting and boring.

@0 @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Well hypergamy is indeed an evolutionary thing. It's intended so the female can get the best chances to survive herself and her offspring ( while also getting the best possible genes for her children)

@TheMadPirate @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

I'd listen to you, but you've demonstrated no expertise, mostly I just hear bitter musings; sounds like loser shit to me.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh It is mean for guys to work to be the better version of themselves they can be, not to black pill them. Sure, those not putting the work to achieve those goals might get black pilled, but well, they deserve whatever is coming to them.

@sj_zero @amerika @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @ninafromcanadaeh Emotions will surge from identification. Simply put, whenever you are confronted with something that aligns with your personal values that identification will trigger an emotion. That's why two different people with different core values react emotionally in different ways when confronted with the same thing.
That's why the idea of a "collective consciousness " is utterly ridiculous since it presumes that people from the same group but with different core values will react the same way to a given situation. Moreover, to such fact the defenders of the "collective consciousness " will fall into the special pleading fallacy of calling "traitors" to those on the group that do not react emotionally the same way the do or expect.

And what precisely does any of that have to do with what I wrote?

@Humpleupagus @amerika @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Because we don't live in Harry Potter worlds and words do not posses reality bending powers.
As in, things do not just happen because you mention something.

@0 @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh that's because you have only being listening to the echo of your own voice instead of comprehending what I actually wrote.

@TheMadPirate @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

And which one of us is dying alone again? Just for those following along.

@sj_zero @amerika @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @ninafromcanadaeh the fact the inner works of all three brains have to follow the laws of nature.

And? Nothing that I said violates the laws of nature. I described the function of different parts of the brain that is fairly uncontroversial. The fact that the human part of the brain is capable of sophisticated modelling of other people and of using similar models to predict the future is established scientific fact.

@0 @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I don't know why you guys keep using the same female shit test arguments.

@TheMadPirate @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

If you knew what you were talking about you would be a loser, QED...

@0 @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh No, I mean, I do not know why you guys keep using the same appeal to emotion fallacy over and over and over.

"Oh but you will die alone, doesn't that scare you?"
So? Even if remotely that were the case doesn't makes my arguments false or invalid. Even "scared" people can state things that are factually true and corroborate with objective reality. So my point is that you are behaving like women, trying to emotionally manipulate the situation when they feel in the losing side of the argument.

@TheMadPirate @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

None of it is emotional, it's evident lacking in the subject matter at hand. Stay mad.

@0 @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh It is emotional. You are implying that people should be somehow scared of "dying alone".

Dying alone isn't something to be scared of. It just reflects your value.

Imagine thinking that you're some philosopher king that understands humanity when you can't even acquire or maintain a permanent, intimate relationship with one other human. Yet, we're supposed to believe that you're wise.

Now cope hard af and tell me how bad women are.

Have you ever stopped and considered that coupling is the natural order? Nature tends to reflect this over and over. Yet for some reason you deny this very objectively evident fact. Everything is doing it, except you.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

It's life: ten billion ways to screw up, and a number of paths to sanity.

You are building an edifice of clarity in yourself.

Maybe you die alone, maybe not; does it matter?

Family is a great joy but people vary widely. We all have different destinies except NPCs who are headed to the helicopters.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @doctorsex @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

I agree with him. Popper is the worst kind of reductionist: he reduces the world to what humans can measure so that the mind can pretend to control it.

@Humpleupagus @TheMadPirate @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

I smoked some weed from a thirty foot tree once.


@sj_zero @TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @ninafromcanadaeh

The perception of the intuition at least must be trained...

@0 @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @Silverwolf @EssentialUtinsil @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Every time I read about these rapes and murders I have to think, "these guys just have a shitty hobby."

Should get into death metal.

@Dudebro @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

I like a happy ending to a story. I hope you have a dog too. In romance movies at least the best ones have dogs.

@Humpleupagus @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

People who have been burned by the status quo of dating tend to be "twice shy."

I agree with not giving up, but people find different types of happiness.

@Dudebro @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Most women want someone who makes them feel secure and appreciated.

Also fat people have the best snacks.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Feminism is just the sexual version of the French Revolution.

White people screwed up this shit on their own.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

"Men are afraid of haven't achieved anything in life."

I agree. We fear insignificance and irrelevance.

For most, family and community are the palliatives there.

@Dudebro @TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Comprehension ability is innate and follows the bell curve.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @JedDrudge @Jonaschuzzlewit @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

The balance is not methodological but teleological.

That is, we are known by our actions.

Some become relevant through them, others insignificant.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

They're all just preaching egalitarianism.

The Aztecs kicked ass regardless of what the intellectualtards say.

@sj_zero @TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @ninafromcanadaeh

The is-ought problem: natural selection rewards some things, but many will choose other things.

@amerika @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

I doubt that only because thermobarics are cheaper and face less backlash internationally.

I think the most important thing is to not piss of Gandhi, he'll definitely nuke your ass.

(Now there's a joke most people won't get)

@0 @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Drone swarm bearing thermobaric genocide grenades in 3... 2... 1...

@0 @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Enforcing behavior is one thing, the soul another.

Besides... control of others is a time-consuming hobby.

@amerika @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Last words, eh? Ok. I have no regrets, shit was awesome. I would do it all again, twice.

So Elf Tummy is really in it for the tendies. 😏

We civilized their souls. Simple as.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh hmmm humps is having a conversation about the history of the American Indian schools Process of trying to civilize the red man…. No it’s about banging fat girls

Pictured: Civilizing souls using fat man powers

They have the best snacks. 🤷‍♂️

@Humpleupagus @amerika @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh humps knows how to fuck every part of the buffalo(fat bitches)

That's why they call me Buffalo Bill.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh it's the fault of the hand that the lemon doesn't worth the squeeze? Or is it the lemon for not worthing the squeeze the one to blame?

@JuicyGothMommyFeet @amerika @GoyGirl @ninafromcanadaeh this is untrue and you don't know about that life

@Humpleupagus >Now cope hard af and tell me how bad women are.

Modern women are indeed awful. Entitled and narcissistic, a combination of princess delusions with victim complex.

RE: https://eveningzoo.club/objects/a55dd24f-4879-48fe-a65f-11c991f7dc9c

Everybody literally told you you're a little bitch. Stop projecting.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh coupling is indeed part of natural order. That why people competes among their own gender group to mate with the opposite sex.
But then again, the consequences of the mice utopia experiment are also part of natural order.

Keeping justifying why you can't get pussy, because that's how you don't get pussy.

👆 This.

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I find happiness in math, physics, manga and video games. Those things make me happy.

I don't think he's happy either. He hasn't proven it with science, so he's self-assertion is just pseudo-scientific bullshit.

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh things would work for the better if women acted with more reciprocity instead of believing that "they deserve being treated that way". It can really go a long way for a woman to just give back in the same amount she receives.

You're full of excuses, aren't you?

Just take a bath, stinky nigga

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Some of the most successful men in history like Newton or Tesla were not the family kind of guy.
Yet they did died quite happy.

@amerika @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @JedDrudge @Jonaschuzzlewit @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh in that particular case then both teleological and mechanicist approaches agreed then.

You are as you behave.
So the core actions become explicity a reflection of your core values as a direct, not environmentally interpreted, entity.

First, you're not Newton or Tesla. Don't be delusional.

Second, Newton didn't die alone, and in his old age, Tesla stated that he sacrificed too much by foregoing the love of a woman and marriage.

Keep coping, loser.

@sj_zero @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @ninafromcanadaeh just don't piss on the Ghanges river and you should be fine

Solo les vengo a decir,
Me chupa la pija la opinión de los kukas,
Me chupa la pija la opinión de los kukas,
Me chupa la pija la opinión de los kukas,
Me chupa la pija la opinión de los kukas,
Para hablar hay que ganar!

For you it's more "chupa el pito" isn't it? 😏

@Humpleupagus @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh If I really wanted to get pussy I would have made the choice to do the effort of trying to get pussy, don't you think?

Getting pussy or not is a choice you make, not something that "just happens to you".

Based on this thread, you've thought a lot about why you can't get women, but now you claim you've never desired it. Strange.

You're a jew. Cut the pilpul.

@0 @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I am truly happy with my lifestyle. That's the reason I am not changing it. If I were unhappy I'd take action to change my lifestyle instead.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Unhappy people go out of their way to change their lifestyle. Happy people don't.

This is false. You know it. Unhappy people regular continue bad habits and live like shit.

Why are you so full of shit? Cut the pilpul, moshe.

@Humpleupagus No.
I'm just not desperate for pussy. I have more important things to concentrate on , like my undergraduate carreer than doing things to get pussy ( like those moronic PUAs believe).

RE: https://eveningzoo.club/objects/e25bcd18-afc4-453a-952b-6e1256ba6e54

@Humpleupagus No.
I'm just not desperate for pussy. I have more important things to concentrate on , like my undergraduate carreer than doing things to get pussy ( like those moronic PUAs believe).

RE: https://eveningzoo.club/objects/e25bcd18-afc4-453a-952b-6e1256ba6e54

@abner @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I'm about to do just that. Thanks for the reminder.

An undergraduate. That explains everything. How fucking insufferable they are. 😒

@Humpleupagus @TheMadPirate the survey course level understanding of philosophy didn't give it away???

@Humpleupagus @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Yeah, but the name of Tesla has transcend and will live for generations to come.
Instead a guy who immolate himself to "not die alone" probably won't achieve that level of transcendence.

Have the Undergraduates arrived to fedi to educate everyone?

Like a good cross-examiner, I gotta work him to put it on the record. 😏

@Humpleupagus @TheMadPirate You had me at hello...

Write me when you grow up, kid. Good luck with college. Been there, done that, twice. Never again. 😒

@Humpleupagus no, la opinion de los kukas me chupan la pija a mi, no al reves.

buncha nerds.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Getting into the free sexual marketplace is a choice. You are free to enter or leave whenever you want As you are free to decide to not compete sexually for whatever reason.

Also you are assuming than reason can not thwart desire. Which is weird.

Write me when you grow up, kid. Good luck with college. Been there, done that, twice. Never again. 😒

Write me when you grow up, kid. Good luck with college. Been there, done that, twice. Never again. 😒

@Humpleupagus @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

They do it only as long as they do not hit bottom.
When they hit bottom they seek to change.

Write me when you grow up, kid. Good luck with college. Been there, done that, twice. Never again. 😒

@TheMadPirate @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Being less polemic (well, to some), I think it's random. Tons of losers can get laid, conversely some good people suffer; I don't put pussy on a pedestal, but also some guys just don't have shit to offer.

@Humpleupagus I'm close to graduate though. A couple of curses more and the thesis and I would get my Master on Physics.

> I'm an undergrad

> I'm close to getting a graduate degree

Ugh. 😒

@Humpleupagus @TheMadPirate @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Ive met other people who believe this...they take the weak axiom of revealed preference as a golden rule in following their religion of utilitarianism...

@TheMadPirate @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

> Also you are assuming than reason can not thwart desire. Which is weird.

Stoics cope while their wives fuck gladiators.

She wanted a demon, ha ha, sounds like her problem.

im dumb. 🤨

I still love you. 😘

@Frondeur @Humpleupagus The people from the philosophy carriers are the worst. They think postmodernism ( aka philosophical dogshit) is a valid worldview and that faggot Foucalt is some sort of great intellectual.

Looks like there is a genius on the timeline.

@Quentel @Humpleupagus arrived? I've been on Fedi since before poast even existed.



sprints out through window

@Frondeur @Humpleupagus
The three laws of collectivism:
Collectivists always lie.
Collectivists always project.
Collectivists always double down.

Collectivism also requires that all truth be a public truth, which is also what science requires. You're a collectivist.

So double down.

@Alex_Fog @Humpleupagus @Frondeur
nerds, bloody nerds.
Nerds, bloody needs.

> I'm an undergrad.

> I'm not a kid. I'm way older.

youre making me hafta shid me loons now m8

Physics undergraduate require a lot of effort.

@0 @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Never engaged in stoicism.
I heard is a positive life upgrading experience.
I just haven't tried it out yet.

@Quentel @Humpleupagus I hate that snake oil salesman.

@Humpleupagus @Frondeur

There is nothing closer to Laissez Faire Capitalism than science. Believe me, I've seen it first hand.

The second time I went to college, I studied and/or went to class 60 hours a week, and slept every other day during the two weeks of finals we had each semester. I didn't have time to bullshit on the internet. You must have it so hard. 😒

Yeah. You can buy the results you want if you have enough money.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

You have no idea how much I despise university politics. You have no fucking idea.

@Humpleupagus @TheMadPirate for me it's the replacing of the most competent and intelligent with shiny minorities in university research departments...and the government controlled grants that remind me most of laissez-faire capitalism...

And yet philosophy degree is such a useless degree.

That's not the degree I earned, but ok. Whatever. 🤷‍♂️

@Humpleupagus @Frondeur No.
Science is based on free marketplace of ideas, free competition among research groups and free exchange of information among collaborative groups.

Just like Laissez Faire Capitalism and Darwinism.

You really are jewish.

Family is far more important than much cuhreeeeeer. Start there and actually perpetuate your kind.

Until then:

@Frondeur @Humpleupagus The best minds on STEM always move to the private sector as soon as they can.

@Humpleupagus @TheMadPirate just wait until he discovers patents...

@Humpleupagus @Frondeur

A wild "everyone who disagrees with me is a Jew" moment has appear!

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus weak...at least throw in a visual for your memes...

@Omega_Variant @Humpleupagus Everyone engages in their own pursuit of happiness in their own free way.

Thankfully I don't live for the needs of others, so I don't have to immolate myself for whatever other people think "happiness" is.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @Frondeur Darwinism makes sense, but science today is bought and is contorted to push the enemies' message

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @Humpleupagus @Frondeur The issue with the manipulation of information by the cartel of Science publishing companies is entirely another subject.
Ar.xiv is a better reflection of actual scientific work than Elsevier or Springer-Verlag.

@TheMadPirate @Omega_Variant @Humpleupagus
Feel free to follow your own path. But for most people, the people who you share your life with will bring you far more happiness than things ever could.

@ArdainianRight @Humpleupagus @Omega_Variant Everyone is free to chose their own path, as long as no harm is made to others.

@TheMadPirate @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @Humpleupagus define actual scientific work...

@Frondeur @Humpleupagus @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired Published work based on falsifiable hypothesis that can produced predictions that can be tested through repeatable experiments conducted by different and non related groups.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired you are gay...

>published : was just poasted so yes...
>falsifiable : check...
>repeatable : gross...
>independently verifiable: i guess if there's a video or something...

now we just sit back and watch the science happen...

I just performed a study that showed there's one faggot in this thread. His name is TheMadPirate. Can anyone else confirm my results?

Also, you can't question that he's a faggot because the objects of science, i.e. what a "faggot" is, don't have to be proven because ontological phallussy or something some faggot said.


@nice-nigger @Humpleupagus @TheMadPirate @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired looks like you got your second...i presume you and nigbot aint related...

Everyone is free to have a plan.

A choice that every institution since the turn of the millennium pressures you to enter. And exit. And enter.

There's a lot of in and out. 😏

Need to beat her harder, or stab her in the boobs with a toothpick

Bitchy feminists killed a lot of men's confidence, but that's a whole other can of worms.

Then fuck them. 😤

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @Frondeur > Science is based on free marketplace of ideas


That's not made with actual cheese. It's made from beaver butter. Science!

@Humpleupagus @TheMadPirate @Frondeur and if you want the beaver, you need to get what the beaver wants

pumpkin spice

Kidnapping and brainwashing (fixing) is the solution.

And I'm glad you caught that.

>Everyone is free to have a plan

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Indeed. Pair coupling has another set of parameters altogether like providing capability and whether it can or not provide stability to the female.

@amerika @Humpleupagus @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh People who make bad choices ought to suffer the consequences of such bad choices.

@Humpleupagus @ArdainianRight @Omega_Variant Everyone is free to shut themselves in the foot....with an Uzi.

@Deplorable_Degenerate @amerika @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh No.
That's precisely the gist of what we are discussing here.

@brigrammer @Humpleupagus @Frondeur
Science is a free marketplace of ideas.
I know.
I've been there.

That you're a huge jew nigger?

The only place you've been is stein-mart, fag. 😏

Disprove you're a faggot, with science.

You still feeding the IDF bot?

I can’t 😭

You could say I'm running counter intelligence, except there's no intelligence on the other side. 😏

Could just be a narcissist that refuses to admit he misunderstood me.

But I like calling him a niggerfaggot kike more.

Dó ḋean mé peer review ar d'obair agus tá sé go h'iontaċ.

I've just peer reviewed your work and it's perfect.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

They do unless egalitarians get in the way.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

People trying to separate sex from love are like people trying to separate the individual from civilization, cause from effect, and history from future: delusional.

@Deplorable_Degenerate @TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

All egalitarian movements do this. Destroy the strong to raise up the weak.

The solution is to not have egalitarians.

@0 @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Nerd culture is very stoic: so individualistic it focuses only on distracting itself for the present. It is why nerds are not builders but the warrior poets and warrior philosophers are.

@0 @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Everything is a bell curve.

There are a lot of failed males who become predators out there too; failed females tend to become prostitutes and are also predatory.

@Humpleupagus @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Education produces lobotomized droids unless actively resisted.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Maybe, but you also have an Enron problem (reputational) and more importantly, the fact of having done those acts and now having them in your mind.

People who engage in casual sex generally make less proficient marital partners, although some are good at faking it.

@Humpleupagus @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Oh I see. "Jew!" is the new "I disagree."

Unhappy people are caught in an OODA loop of their own. They do not believe things will really get better for them, so they engage in compensatory behaviors, but those also have a high cost.

Like casual sex, drug addiction, filth, top surgery, etc.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Sometimes lifestyles are partially compensatory based on the notion that destiny itself will not change.

"I am doomed to work as a web designer forevermore."

@Humpleupagus @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Too much of a long glance into the mechanics of reproduction will make anyone a Buddhist monk.

@amerika @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh prostitutes are not "failed females", they are often victims of circumstance and society. If you actually knew people who were trafficked or grew up in that life, you wouldn't be saying these things. And no I'm not comparing camwhoring and stripping to prostitution and trafficking, which are really different things and the worst type of thing anyone can go through.

@Humpleupagus @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Until nearly the end, Newton presided at the Royal Society (frequently dozing through the meetings) and supervised the mint. During his last years, his niece, Catherine Barton Conduitt, and her husband lived with him.


I love how you faggots assume I call everyone I disagree with a jew. Did I call you a jew? No.

MadButtPirate has been engaging in pilpul, literally. He's clearly jewish or jew adjacent. You don't pick up that style of argument by accident.

Now feel free to apologize for making a bullshit accusation.

Exactly. He didn't die alone. In fact, he went back to family. The idea that he was some pure rationalist is pure fiction.

@teratology @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

I disagree. Most prostitutes are thieves and almost all are selfish, which is how they ended up on heroin. Trafficking is a different story but look at the profile here:


She had serious problems that made her a victim.

@Humpleupagus @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

The whole biography is worth reading, especially the Hermetic influence.

Yup. He was an alchemist. Hardly what Pirate would call a rationalist.

In fact, the newtonian laws are purely alchemical if you truly understand them. They create forces ex nihilo.

@Humpleupagus @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

I am skeptical of rationalism, since it assumes equal human minimal critical thinking capability.

@Humpleupagus @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Seems very interesting since Hermeticism is probably remnants of the original PIE faith and closer to what the ancients knew/intuited.

Glad to hear. I can put up with a lot of positions, but I've found the rationalist and the related materialists / "science" people to he the most simple minded of the bunch. They're insufferable, and particularly because they tend to ignore the weakness of their position and scream "science" and "reason." I can't take it tbh. My apology.

Whoever you have kids with will have a place in the future.

So it should be that people fall in love, have sex, have kids, and those kids will be The future, and that's the future of the human race.

I hope you love your wife, because you're making another one of her!

I've been with my wife for over twenty years. I love her. We make love often. We have three kids as a result. 🤷‍♂️



I truly believe that love is the central force, but what that is is the question. At base it's the glue that binds everything together, and the nature that all things imitate.

See, even jew hating Humples can eloquently pontificate about the nature of reality.

You can love cheese. Especially the kind with holes in it. But in a pinch, feel free to make your own holes. 😏

Swiss. Problem solved.

Brb. I'm going to stick my dick in a dike to save all of Switzerland.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @Frondeur Science as an approach is not a marketplace, it is a series of techniques designed to produce and test hypothesis and formulate theories predicated upon those that fail to be disproved which can be tested for their predictive power and wider applicability

Science as an industry varies from trying to use science as an approach to produce goods and products (applied sciences) to the large body of non-use oriented science that is meant merely for publish

and in this science for publish industry, the science is anything but free or a marketplace - it serves primarily as a regime mechanism for smuggling political ideas into journals and studies to give them a veneer of plausibility to normies - those ideas are then be used by companies and governments to enact deeply unpopular and clearly false notions with a "a study says" argument

the published science industry has nothing to do with science as an approach, is rife with fraud and p hacking and fake data, and has very little replicability - if that is what you are studying, you are training to enter into a fraud industrial complex

> tldr - while science can refer to a tool and method, most science is a system to promote fictitious ideas for political and economic deceit,

> neither of those are a marketplace in which people trade goods or server

@brigrammer @TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @Frondeur Indeed, and hilariously, the science backs this up.

And the constant grant writing olympics is a hard science problem often even moreso than for soft sciences. It's way before we even start talking about ideologs and institutional capture (which is rapidly becoming a hard science problem due to the politics of the grant process, but that's a very long discussion).

@snappler @TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @Frondeur I think there should be a bifurcation of the sciences into right wing science and everything else - where the right creates its own academy, journals, grants, etc. and not only funds new research but begins retesting the journal science industrial complex and does an audit on their replicability

this could be funded, along with right wing applied science, by right wing companies and patrons

and then you would have an actual marketplace to choose from with the bias clear

Dicking a dyke damns the damn.

@Humpleupagus @TheMadPirate @brigrammer no...i believe him...he's been to...*checks notes*...science...

If she laughs she's getting hung from them and used as a punching bag.

@Humpleupagus @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

She sounds lovely. Will she come drinking with us?

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus And in the US at least, the majority of them are Fat.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus I know this is hard to hear, but most "science" is unscientific and the results and conclusions are wrong, often deliberately so

being humble about how little we know and how little of what we've been taught is true is part of trying to fix this sea of fictions we are in


@ChristiJunior @Humpleupagus I remember back in the 2000s when my parents went on vacation to Florida. My mother was astonished on how fat the people ( specially women ) were there.

@brigrammer @Humpleupagus Seethe and Cope, White Nigger.

@Frondeur @Humpleupagus @brigrammer Seethe and Cope, White Nigger.

@amerika @Dutch @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh you can't have a set empanadas without the classic ham and cheese flavor.

@brigrammer @Humpleupagus @Frondeur @snappler most Social "Science" is not actual science. You can identify a charlatan in academia because the defend the ideas of Thomas Khun.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh All you need is love, all you need is love, tara-rara-rara love is all you need !

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh No it doesn't. It assumes a POTENTIAL for it ( such POTENTIAL varies from people to people) , but such POTENTIAL is wasted if not exercised which renders such person in a proverbial idiot.

@snappler @Humpleupagus @Frondeur @brigrammer Again, the Thomas Khun's definition of "science" is utter bullshit.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @sj_zero ninafromcanadaeh@spinster.xyz Seethe and Cope, White Nigger.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Isaac Newton never married nor he father any children.

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Again. He never married. He dis not had children. Stop moving the goalpost.

Seethe, cope, dilate is so 2023. 😒

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I am Deist, so Mechanicist Exegesis is my way to go.

You're 👏 not 👏 Newton. 👏 You're 👏 a 👏 fucking 👏 clown. 👏

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh You need to feel somewhat comfortable with your chosen lifestyle in order for not change course. Even if that means believing that destiny won't change calms your fears and produces in you a sense of security.

@brigrammer @Humpleupagus @Frondeur Stop using Thomas Kuhn's definition of "science". The guy was a charlatan. What Kuhn proposed to be "science" is not what science is at all.

Shotgun is the best way for you to go, but I'll accept a swan dive off of a tall building. 😒

Amerika: This is the pilpul I was speaking about. Absolute, endless hair splitting whose only point is to exhaust the opposition.

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Exactly
Different Tribe, same behavior
I believe Ayn Rand called those groups "Mystics of Mind" and "Mystics of Muscle". It's clear that humps is not part of the "Mystics of Mind".

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Indeed, indeed. In the long run they lose sight of transcendental values because they are so accustomed to the instant gratification. They just seek in other people that which better reflects their inner values and moral system.

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Thanks for noticing it. I have been resisting leftist indoctrination in STEM for years.

Just mute him. It's better that way. He can yell into the void.

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh The beauty of the transcendent is preferable to the shallowness of the transient.

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I used to like Plato and Kant. Until I read Popper and later Ayn Rand. Now I love Aristoteles.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh You are the one who moved the goalpost in the first place, white nigger.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Nahhhh...I prefer to use a shotgun to take down those insufferable collectivists.

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I am skeptical of nihilism, since it assumes everything is relative , including morality.

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Love is a byproduct of your inner core values. You fall in love with the person that better reflects those inner core values. If you are someone who prostitutes his mind and values, you will most certainly end up falling in love with a prostitute.

@amerika @Humpleupagus @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh That's why I reject egalitarianism. It gets in the way of people getting whatever they deserve.

@Humpleupagus @zucchini Says the guy who rejects reason.

@Humpleupagus Seethe and Cope, White Nigger.

@Humpleupagus @Frondeur @brigrammer Seethe and Cope, White Nigger.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @brigrammer you already said that one numb nuts...


@zucchini @Humpleupagus Seethe and Cope, White Nigger.

@Frondeur @Humpleupagus @brigrammer It doesn't makes it any less true

Wtf is an empandas? Some sort of mex food?


Ooohhh, are you White?

@Humpleupagus @Frondeur @brigrammer I haven't finished that one, tbh. There are like 11 cards remaining to complete the 72 cards set, but I haven't got in the mood to finish it.

He's not.

Then he should probably commit suicide o.o


Your suspect 😅

@daughterofgia @Dutch @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Almost everyone here in Argentina is descendant of Italians.

He doesn't act like a spaniard. Also, he's into the kaballah, which is very jewish.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @brigrammer so homosexual and a mystic...no wonder you can't get laid...

Spends two days talking about "science" and "reason." Turns out to be a tarot nigger. Jewish double talk maxing.

Dis nibba is a dick warlock

He's saving his vril for the afterlife. I hope he gets there soon. 😏

Spends two days talking about "science" and "reason." Turns out to be a tarot nigger. Jewish double talk maxing.

Oh not a warlock then. a necromancer. cockromancer

You'll say nigger but not suicide? Retard lololol

@Frondeur @Humpleupagus @brigrammer you 41% percent first, you White Nigger.

Notice he's calling you a "White nigger." A White person wouldn't say that to another White person. So we know who the nigger is.

"Mama mia why's mya skina sooo blacka? Imma da whitea man!"

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @brigrammer who brought up suicide??? you feeling down because you can't get it up anymore???

@RacistDwarf @Humpleupagus @Frondeur @brigrammer you 41% percent first, you White Nigger.

@Humpleupagus @daughterofgia @Dutch @amerika @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh There are cases where “Wigger” (White Nigger) is apt, This isn’t one lol.

1. Italian: He's a nigger.

2. Italian: this explains why he won't stfu.

@Humpleupagus @Frondeur @brigrammer I also use IA to generate images.

How hurtful rabbi

@Humpleupagus @RacistDwarf @Frondeur @brigrammer you 41% percent first, you White Nigger.



@Humpleupagus @Dutch @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @daughterofgia @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Amazing you had to scroll down through 6 months of posts just to find that one. I applaud your dedication. 👏 ✌️

@RacistDwarf @Humpleupagus @Frondeur @brigrammer A Son of Ether to be more precise.

Got your monkey ass

@Humpleupagus @Dutch @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @daughterofgia @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I just found out how effective that insult is to rile up the "Whites who behave like jews". It works like a charm.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @brigrammer it's AI you foreign fuck...

Ah ok, I've seen your work before

@Frondeur @Humpleupagus @brigrammer The only good collectivists is the dead collectivists.

Say suicide, faggot

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @Dutch @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @daughterofgia @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh well... whites that behave like jews or niggers ( tribalistic and embracing postmodernism ) are apt to be called "White Niggers"

Inteligencio Artificialè 🤌

Why are you afraid to say suicide? You're the negro version of this aren't you?

@RacistDwarf @Humpleupagus @Frondeur @brigrammer Not as good as "The Gamers". Man, that one is a true classic !

Got any troon gore?

He isn't going to be able to read that. Here let me try בינה מלאכותית

@RacistDwarf @Humpleupagus @Frondeur @brigrammer que te recontra; por las dudes.

I'm old enough to remember when you posted this. It's not even tapatio.

@daughterofgia @Dutch @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @koropokkur @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I am not afraid of it. I'm just wishing you a nice suicide because I'm just that kind of cool guy.

I like my roast beef dry. 😏

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus > Seethe and Cope, White Nigger.

From the river to the sea Shlomo

@brigrammer @TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus Israel has only been around 70 years
No one will miss it when it's gone

Yeah. I bought a butt funnel. Bend over. 🤨

>aka dry hump

Serious question. Are you Blitz from FSE? 🤔

@Monsignor_DickFace @Humpleupagus @ForbiddenDreamer @Dutch @amerika @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @daughterofgia @koropokkur @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Well those filthy feather head natives have one upped you hump. Tobacco was recognised as a medicine soon after it was first imported from the New World, and tobacco smoke was used by Western medical practitioners as a tool against cold and drowsiness, but applying it by enema was a technique learned from the North American indigenous peoples.[1] The procedure was used to treat gut pain, and attempts were often made to resuscitate victims of near drowning. Liquid tobacco enemas were often given to ease the symptoms of a hernia. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobacco_smoke_enema

loaded up wif humpysauce

"I am in flavour country. It's a big country."

Your point? 🤨

cunny mustard?

You're grounded, go to your room.


gonna take a baff first.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @Frondeur @brigrammer You've been "to" Science?


@LivingSpaceStudios @TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @Frondeur @brigrammer I went to science once they told me it was a Wendy's but I know they were lying

Just give me a frosty. 🤨

only plebs bathe in used bath water, fren.
i enjoy fresh milks afterwards!

You owned yourself there 🤣

@TheMadPirate @Dutch @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @daughterofgia @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Tribalism is good as it allows us to presue our interests as a volk aswell as uplift us, All other peoples do it, so why shouldn’t we? And why is it only portrayed as bad for us to do it?

@Frondeur @TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @brigrammer Ai? She's my favorite character. 😏

@koropokkur @Dutch @amerika @Doll @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @daughterofgia @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @Dudebro @ForbiddenDreamer @Monsignor_DickFace @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Milk, milk, lemonade, around the corner fudge is made, stick your finger in the hole, now you got a tootsie roll.

@brigrammer @Humpleupagus if you think like a nigger, argue like a nigger and socialize like a nigger, then you are a nigger.

@LivingSpaceStudios @Humpleupagus @Frondeur @brigrammer science is not a "set of institutions" but the aggregated collection of empirically tested knowledge. Yes, you can be immersed in such collection.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus Not desperate for pussy as a virgin on campus that's likely 60%+ female. Kids these days are hilarious. And always right. You just haven't been offered the sort of sexual marketplace that could solicit your supreme entry just yet. I'm sure there's a genuine Fedi homo on here somewhere who can show you those Grindr ropes.

@bigmattoidchimpin @Humpleupagus I prefer the Tesla pathway, thank you.

@TheMadPirate @LivingSpaceStudios @Humpleupagus @Frondeur > science is not a "set of institutions" but the aggregated collection of empirically tested knowledge.

you are the dumbest retard kike

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus cool story kike, denounce the Talmud and wish death upon Israel or blow your kike brains out

@bigmattoidchimpin @TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus Bro if that guy ain't laid by now, he ain't gonna. RIP

@glarf @bigmattoidchimpin @Humpleupagus Thank you, I ain't planning on getting a girlfriend again. I'm pretty much comfortable where I'm.

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @Dutch @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @daughterofgia @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Because I made an oath of not living for the sake of others or allowing others to live for mine.

@MartianM00n @Humpleupagus @Frondeur @brigrammer We all miss Aizuna-chan. Well, she has graduated now.

@brigrammer @Humpleupagus Death to all Tribalists.
That includes the Jewish Tribalists.

@brigrammer @Humpleupagus @Frondeur @LivingSpaceStudios That's why I said Thomas Kuhn was a retarded charlatan.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus it is so strange that Jews can lie about so many things but you can't denounce Talmud and wish death upon Israel

@brigrammer @Humpleupagus Are the Talmudics and the Jews of Israel Tribalist?

Yes, and singlehandedly passed on a lot of VD to those simps in doing so.

They got what they deserved.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus it is amazing, now you are saying you don't know what the Talmud is and that you don't know what Israel is

oy vey!

put your head on the block

I'm 100% convinced that pirate is blitz. Blitz was just as gay.

@brigrammer @Humpleupagus you didn't answer my question.

If your answer to my question is YES, then I wish death upon the Tribalist Talmudics and the Tribalist Jews of Isarel, because Tribalism shall be squashed wherever it's found. Even on Isarel and even on the Talmud.

@Humpleupagus @brigrammer That Portuguese Socialist Normie moron?
Man, you got the entirely wrong continent!

@brigrammer @Humpleupagus Well. If block is what you want, why don't you just block me then ?

@Humpleupagus @brigrammer I mean, it's interesting, you have been complaining for two entire days about my replies but you have neither mute the thread or blocked I'm.

Maybe you are starting to get fond of my comebacks? If that's so, I feel honored.

Yes. Talmudists are tribalists. According to Jean Sequin, they're the most tribalistic people on the planet, a close second belonging to the Ashkenazi. On the Sequin scale, they rank as being 4x more tribalistic than the nazi party.

@Humpleupagus @brigrammer then they deserve to be anhilated

@brigrammer @Humpleupagus

Let that sink in

You're muted actually. I only look when I see someone else's reply. 🤷‍♂️

@Humpleupagus @TheMadPirate @brigrammer ahh the mysterious blitz Ukraine is going to win any moment now as there are no more people left in country to fight, Europe has never had a better economy than now, as Germany the center of the European economy has no more growth and is nearly in recession, Israel don’t target civilians as every centimeter of Gaza is flattened, there are no inflation , as prices for some products are 20% more expensive. And my favorite is his belief in Bideneconomics 😂

You doth protest too much, blitz.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus from the river to the sneed, I will not let you worm out of saying your kike vampire words

say that you denounce the Talmud and death to Israel

those two exact things that kikes cannot say

@Humpleupagus @brigrammer you are to coward to go all the way and block me, uh ?

@Humpleupagus @brigrammer That Blitz was so delusional that, one time over at FSE he believed I was chatting with a "Sexworker bot". Also that moron supported "Modern Monetary Theory" . LOL. He should have read Mises or Hayek but the idiot was too much of a socialist for that.

@Diceyocean @Humpleupagus @brigrammer He is from Portugal. So I think he is pretty safe from the Ukraine war.

@brigrammer @Humpleupagus I denounce the Tribalism of the Talmud and death to Tribalist Israel as all Tribalism shall be swept from the face of the Earth.

You think blocking is the worst thing that can happen?

Seriously. That's better than losing his virginity to an elephant.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus denounce the Talmud and wish death to Israel

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus nope, say you denounce the talmud and death to Israel

show that you can speak the vampire words

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Darwinism, eugenics, and aristocracy are far superior.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

True, I think. We love those we respect and admire, and the highest compliment is trying to make babies with them.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Everything is relative; it is a relative universe.

However, nihilism is extreme realism that recognizes morality is arbitrary and therefore specific to each tribe.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

The transcendent connects us to the world; everything else leads to an abyss of the ego.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Each tribe has its own morality, and within the tribe, there is a bell curve of willingness to accept reality and its possibilities.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

It's better to fight for something than die for nothing.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

I think most of us are in this boat. We believe in a divine force, positive direction to the universe, and afterlife, but anything more specific is human guessing. We also acknowledge that humans can screw everything up.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Lots of uebergeniuses basically have no energy for family and might be horror show parents anyway. The Britannica definition makes it sound like Newton was prone to periods of psychosis, which is somewhat common for high-intensity minds struggling with difficult problems.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

We need to dig his bones up and clone a few more of him.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

That's the minimum. In reality, potential is vastly different and many people have the consciousness of microwave TV dinners.

@brigrammer @Humpleupagus Literally Israel described in 14 words

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

The Beatles needed to be detonated publicly.

Except George and Ringo, those lads were alright.

@brigrammer @Humpleupagus I denounce the Tribalism in the Talmud and wish death to Tribalistic Israel.

@TheMadPirate @Dutch @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Funny how humans taste like pork, almost as if the gods wanted us to eat them.

It's academic. When the new ice age hits and the food runs out, we're going to eat the extra eight billion.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus Cool, say the phrases.

@amerika @Dutch @Doll @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @daughterofgia @koropokkur @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @CliffSecord @Dudebro @ForbiddenDreamer @Monsignor_DickFace @Sweetie_Squad_Liquidator @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I support the irrestric respect for the neighbor's life project based upon the principle of no aggression, life, private property and the pursuit of happiness.

@Quentel @Humpleupagus @brigrammer no, it's best thing that can happen.

@brigrammer @Humpleupagus I denounce the Tribalism of Talmud and wish death upon Tribalistic Israel.

@amerika @Dutch @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @daughterofgia @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Interesting, I have blood from both the North ( Palermo) and South ( Sicily) of Italy.

@amerika @Humpleupagus @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh for me is the three types of Darwinism: Genetic, Economic and Social , all at the same time which works the best.

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

We already been there before, many times on fact.
We just agree to disagree.

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh No.
Individualists in groups is called Nationalism.
Collectivism is runaway altruistic on esteroids.

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I still find the noumena/phenomenona model useful to explain certain aspects of epistemology of science but as a reinterpretation and not in Kant's literal sense.
I do not agree with Kant's moral theory though.

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I find this quote recently. I think it's one of the best arguments I've heard.

> If I make them hate me, I win.

@Humpleupagus @Quentel @TheMadPirate maybe he gets bonus shekels per block

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh The key managing to subject academia to the same rigorous epistemological standards than STEM.
If you fail to do that you end up with a Sokal's Hoax situation

Nievity is delicious.

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh True.
The question is....what is the kind of lemon that's worth the squeeze ?

Too lazy to look into it. Which one is the bot?

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Back to "you are known by your choices."

Savage morality works best in tropical places.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

I think he was onto something when he said to act as if our actions became universal maxim, which is more precise and broader than "do unto others as you individualistically want done unto yourself."

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I believe in the beauty of coherence and consistency. I refuse to believe that "things just happen " or that they "happen by accident " , I believe that everything has a cause and a reason for happening and existing. The universes is not a random salad that pop up by chance. It rules are well defined , consistent and coherent and we humans, are subjected to those very same rules. No human is above or except from those rules.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Plato is better for an explanation of noumena/phenomena IMHO.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

I disagree.

Nationalism is people working for a transcendent goal including civilization. This is an opposite to individualism.

Need to get to the bot of this... 😩

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Nihilism is a useful tool for understanding "you are known by your acts."

That's only significant if morality is arbitrary.

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

I know I would be an awful parent. So, there's that.

@TheMadPirate @brigrammer @Humpleupagus why do you hate tribalism so much

They've all rejected him. 😏

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

These are the same thing, in a healthy society.

@TheMadPirate @Dutch @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @daughterofgia @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Lots of North Italy looked like Southern Germany or Austria, last time I was there. Southern Italy was fairly mixed too, with higher castes looking almost Scots.

@TheMadPirate @Dutch @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @daughterofgia @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

National Socialism cannot make dualism good, or Christianity European.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Maybe. You may also be experiencing the flip side of Dunning-Kruger, which is that the smarter are full of doubt.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Coherence and consistency need to occur in parallel for an action to be relevant.

Is the universe random? No, clearly it tends toward rewarding the functional... but it uses randomness to get there.

Is anything really random? No, everything is an effect of a cause.

How dare they unify with each other over shared heritage and interests why can't everyone be a lone wolf faggot like me?

@brigrammer @Humpleupagus I already said it like 4 times already. I just clarified that Nazis, Commies, Progtards and Globhomo should also die along with the Jews.

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Truer words than thise have never being said.

Is that why you're so mad?

@amerika @Dutch @Doll @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @daughterofgia @koropokkur @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @CliffSecord @Dudebro @ForbiddenDreamer @Monsignor_DickFace @Sweetie_Squad_Liquidator @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

I'm an individualist exactly because : Civilization matters. Culture matters. Biology matters.

I want Civilization to improve via the Matthew Effect mechanism. I want Culture of enlightenment and coherence to matter. I want Biology to rule with it's perfect laws the way spontaneous order ememerges.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus a magic phrase must be said to have its magic work -

type "I denounce the Talmud and death to Israel"

if you don't, it is because you can't

Not shocking you have something like that saved

@Quentel @Humpleupagus @brigrammer Let me explain.
Here over at DRC we have a Block and Report leaderboard, so we all compete to see who manages to get the most numbers of Blocks/Reports from the least savory people on Fedi. Here at DRC being blocked by an "offended person" is a badge of honor.

Posting troon porn to get people to block you isn't the win you think it is, kike.

@Humpleupagus @Quentel @brigrammer
If I make them block me, I gain points and rank higher in the leaderboard, yes.

@brigrammer @Humpleupagus @Quentel no.
Just the badge of honor.

@Quentel @Humpleupagus @brigrammer It's just a very entertaining sport.

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh The ones that practice cannibalism and incest you mean ?

You can always stop being a huge faggot.

Actually, no, you can't. You can't fight what you are.

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh honestly I prefer a different version of the golden rule, the one that states "You won't do to other no more and no less that what is done unto you". I think that version works best for self preservation

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh His historical determinism is kinda wacky, though.


The golden rule should be "You won't do to others no less or more than what is done to you"

@Spingebill @Humpleupagus @brigrammer Cause I do not believe it's moral or rational to immolate yourself for people who do not really care about you or has any concerns for your personal needs and desires.

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh We agree to disagree.
We use same word but with different meanings.

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

"When all moral laws became valid, no one shall be"

@amerika @Humpleupagus @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

It's not a sign of good mental health to be well adjusted to an egalitarian society.

@amerika @Dutch @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @daughterofgia @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Interesting, I hope Mrs. Mellons manages to turn the situation around and reverse the cultural rot in Italy.

@amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Oh man !
Have I been there!
It's practically the story of my adult life!

@Deplorable_Degenerate @amerika @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Oh they can indeed unify with each other over shared heritage and interests as no use of force is being used to coerce individuals into behaving a particular way. In other words as long as they unify voluntarily and nviolence is used to deter or defend themselves done to other is perfectly OK.

@brigrammer @Humpleupagus No, it's because Nazis, Jews and Comiies are all equally awful to me.

So you think child molestation is okay?

@Deplorable_Degenerate @Dutch @amerika @Humpleupagus @daughterofgia @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh No. It's because I got too addicted to Monkey Island saga.

So you run a monkey torture youtube channel?

@Deplorable_Degenerate @Dutch @amerika @Humpleupagus @daughterofgia @koropokkur @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @Dudebro @ForbiddenDreamer @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Honestly I had to scroll down 30 mind down the Loforo timeline to find it. I was so disgusted first time I saw it that I scroll down right away. But well....you guys asked for troon porn so I made the effort to makes you guys happy.

You have 50 additional terabites stop bullshitting jew

@0 @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh If you block me, I score higher on the leaderboard therefore you are gonna be helping me.

Jewish Sargon up here.

You could really score higher if you went into you cp folder.

I wish he'd stick his monkey in a blender. 😒

@Deplorable_Degenerate @amerika @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I think child molestation is an awful crime and pedos should be hanged lirmterally by their balls.

> As long as non-violence is used to defend.

@Deplorable_Degenerate @Dutch @amerika @Humpleupagus @daughterofgia @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh you never heard of "The Secret of Monkey Island? Where the hell where you in 1990 ?????

@Deplorable_Degenerate @Dutch @amerika @Humpleupagus @daughterofgia @koropokkur @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @Dudebro @ForbiddenDreamer @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Sadly I don't. But If you are so interested in that disgusting shit I can make you the favor of looking it up for you.

I don't believe you.

Your overall aura of jewery, your willingness to shove troon shit in people's faces untagged "just to increase my block score you guys", the half-baked lolbert ideaology.

You reek of someone that wants to abolish the age of consent.

I am sure you know exactly where to look, for it and worse.

@Deplorable_Degenerate @amerika @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh If that is what you fancy I bet there must be some lolicon content in nhentai.net .

Hey now, he wants to remain pre-op he isn't that kind of kike troon.

@Humpleupagus @Dutch @amerika @Deplorable_Degenerate @daughterofgia @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Blender has a very steep learning curve, my fren. Very very steep learning curve.

And there's the other 50 terabites on your 100 tb drive, right subhuman?

@Deplorable_Degenerate @amerika @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Then why are you making loaded questions in the first place if you already made yourself up an answer then?

@Deplorable_Degenerate @Dutch @amerika @Humpleupagus @daughterofgia @koropokkur @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @Dudebro @ForbiddenDreamer @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

You people are so easy to troll that sometimes it's not even funny.

Wait. No.
It is indeed always funny.

Because I know it is itching. I know it is clawing on the inside of your skull. I know it is taking every fiber of your being to not say "I mean the age of consent should be" or "owning child porn isn't the same as producing it".

I know it is burning you up having these opinions and being put in a position where sharing them would be that extra step over the line you know you shouldn't take.

I am doing it because I know it's making you seeth and dilate, (((white))) nigger.

"Guys I am just trolling I don't really have tranny porn at the ready no really!"

@Deplorable_Degenerate @amerika @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I wish I had a 50 TB drive. I could just reorganize most of my digital books, training videos, anime and software.

@Deplorable_Degenerate @amerika @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh No.
Pedos should be dealt without mercy or compassion.

We know exactly what kind of books and videos too.

I agree. Which is why I am showing you none.

@TheMadPirate @ForbiddenDreamer sadly graf defederated me ao his users get less fun

@Soy_Magnus @ForbiddenDreamer man! What a bummer!
Let me get it across the pond for you!

@Deplorable_Degenerate @amerika @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh mostly physics and math books, lots of rpg and programming books, some novels , comics and art books.

See? He has it on standby.


@Deplorable_Degenerate @amerika @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh
You have some weird definition of pedophilia then.

Sorry I am such an avid noticer.

@Deplorable_Degenerate @Dutch @amerika @Humpleupagus @daughterofgia @koropokkur @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @Dudebro @ForbiddenDreamer @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh my Fren Soy_Magnus was sadly degenerated by graf so, as I favor, I would be providing the entertainment instead.

*I would be forcing my troon fetish into other peoples faces instead

@Deplorable_Degenerate @amerika @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh
Is still "The Noticer" still on Telegram ? I used to enjoy his posts a lot back in the day.

Never interacted with him much did you? Otherwise he'd have noticed.

@Deplorable_Degenerate @Dutch @amerika @Humpleupagus @daughterofgia @koropokkur @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @Dudebro @ForbiddenDreamer @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh No, no. Soy_Magnus does gore posting not troonposting. So it would be just gore, gore and more gore.

I know, wholly different thing than you shoving your troon dick in people's faces. You aren't the same.

@Soy_Magnus @ForbiddenDreamer Sure! Let me know if there some more guro content you want me throwing at them

Right before the Epstein stuff? Hrm.

It outs you as a kike.

I'm not jerking off to it like you are, probable pedo.

@Deplorable_Degenerate @Dutch @amerika @Humpleupagus @daughterofgia @koropokkur @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @Dudebro @ForbiddenDreamer @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

All your comrades abandoned you. But hey, at least you are the last man standing, right?

lol you sound nervous (no I am not going to stop calling you a kike pedophile)


You just posted lolicon, I think it is pretty much fact at this point pedophile.

@Deplorable_Degenerate @Dutch @amerika @Humpleupagus @daughterofgia @koropokkur @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @Dudebro @ForbiddenDreamer @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha oh god ! I'm just imagining your face right now and it's so damn funny.

ok pedophile

"Hahaha this goy that figured me out completely is entertaining hahaha I am not scared and cracking under the pressure at all hahaha"

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @brigrammer did you know that lamotrigine may be able to treat autism symptoms?

I think that this case calls for a lobotomy.

Yes, you pack 'em in your rear end.

You should get them out.

Don't be gentle.

I'm a doctor. This is for science.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

"no use of force is being used to coerce individuals"

At no time in human history does this condition exist.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

The smarter see too many variables, and are addicted to simple answers as a result.

@TheMadPirate @Dutch @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @daughterofgia @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Meloni is like Trump, a first step. She is getting society off the Leftist spiral and toward a more libertarian and traditional outlook. If that succeeds, time to go further. Milei is the same way.

Nationalists in France, Germany, and the Netherlands seem too in love with the socialist state.

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

I agree; egalitarianism is just narcissism projected onto others.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Or just this: there are no moral laws.

There is only how the world works.

People differ greatly in mental composition, and this is biological.

They do not see the same reality, do not have the same preferences, and therefore making them share a morality is interrupting natural selection.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

I think it is misunderstood. He sees the world as a cause-effect machine, but that people choose the same stupid stuff time after time because they are not thinking about what is actually real (hence the cave metaphor).

Kant riffed on this with hypothetical imperatives.

@TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

To survive in a tropical place, breed early and breed often. Everything else is irrelevant.

No... there's an objective moral law that derives from the exigenic exigencies of ontological cathartic tautology. 😏

@Humpleupagus @amerika @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh I've only seen this level of word salad produced when a nigger wants to sound intelligent.

I see that you know TheMadPirate. 😏

@Humpleupagus @zeke @amerika @GoyGirl @ninafromcanadaeh This feels like a Bloodhound gang line

soy fagnus?

quit shitting up the tl with yer gay shit and peeps wont have to block ya, sodomite

@TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus can't say the vampire words, jew confirmed

Dark meat negroid or 'white' meat ashkenazi?

@Deplorable_Degenerate @Dutch @TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Jews are just whites who bred with Arabs. I think the tastiest people are probably Chinese.

You'll just be hungry in an hour. 😒

@Humpleupagus @Dutch @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh

Maybe they will be packaged in those little cardboard boxes with the handle.

> Yes... I'd like a box of chow man to go.

I'm not sayin nothing, but American would probably taste like wagyu beef imagine the nice marbling!

@amerika @Dutch @Deplorable_Degenerate @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Well....you can't say their diet is not diverse, I mean the do eat pangolin soup after all.

@sj_zero @amerika
Americans would probably taste fatty but with a really not tender meat.

@amerika @Dutch you will probably would still need to marinate the meat 24 hours in milk as so make it tender.

@TheMadPirate @sj_zero

You think they'd be tough? These people never move, so they're just like the pigs that live their entire lives in a 4x6 pen.

@amerika @sj_zero I think their meat will be hard as rock, yeah. You know, just like fit locked cow meat.

@Dudebro @amerika @TheMadPirate @Humpleupagus @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh No retard. Morality is based on reality.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @TheMadPirate @Deplorable_Degenerate @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh Sex pest Mormons need to be sterilized and euthanized.

@teratology @amerika @Dudebro @0 @sj_zero @ninafromcanadaeh That is not an argument and full of bullshit.

The women I knew grew up to be whores were gullible and arrogant prior to their current state and remained so. Circumstance and society had zero influence of their moral failures as women. And the men I knew that fucked these females retards were whoremongering scum who were begging to have their necks slit while their backs were turned or got divorced raped by obvious low loyalty curs. Circumstance and society had zero influence over their moral failures as men.

Men and women get honour killed when they /fail/ their obligations.

@Deplorable_Degenerate @amerika @Humpleupagus @GoyGirl @ninafromcanadaeh That device should shoved down your cock sucking throat tbh.

Watch out guys the pagan is having fantasies about straight men sucking his dick again.

When they're straight, it makes him feel more girly.