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Yesterday I met a follower of mine who is a quant trader at the pub. He makes $240,000. Pays $4k in rent a month.

I'm like, "do you even like it here"

He's like "it's ok"

he's in the top 1 percent and isn't happy about it.

that's london.

it feels like there should be more

@PaulSkallas >makes 240k
>pays 4k in rent

He'd probably be a lot happier with his life if he just became a pipefitter at that point...

@sj_zero @PaulSkallas people in new york are working 20 jobs to pay the same rent and cant even afford to sneeze because the medical system will put them in a pine box so they can rent the same 10k/mo shoebox out to somebody else

@graf @sj_zero @PaulSkallas I'm glad these retards want to stuff themselves into urban hellholes, more countryside for me!

@MeBigbrain @sj_zero @PaulSkallas I can't imagine paying 4k (that's pounds so it's like 6800k CAD) toward rent and not paying a fucking mortgage what is wrong with these tests. I go downtown Toronto proper to hang out with friends once a month. there's nothing down there e. why would you live in a city center??????????

@graf @MeBigbrain @sj_zero @PaulSkallas I was in that headspace for a few years. It’s uncanny; the possibility of leaving the city is always there, technically; but it just isn’t taken seriously without some serious seismic shift in priorities.

@KingOfWhiteAmerica @graf @sj_zero @PaulSkallas I feel my skull slamming into this wall right now with my family.

>"Wow there sure are a lot more homeless people in the area lately. Huh? Leave? Why would we do that?"

@MeBigbrain @graf @sj_zero @PaulSkallas That’s the one; I couldn’t ever pin it to any one thing, and the only reason I was “able“ to leave was because I inherited a house with property. Even then, I didn’t intend to leave for real; it just became impossible to keep the back-and-forth routine.
It is a very strange vortex.

@graf @MeBigbrain @sj_zero @PaulSkallas He chooses to live in London in 2024, he deserves his misery.