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Stop calling Camel Hairs Czar.

Zcar/Tsar is a title historically used by Slavic monarchs. The term is derived from the Latin word caesar, which was intended to mean emperor, usually considered by Western Europeans to be equivalent to "king".

Stop calling Camel Hairs KING!

It is retarded. Just because the president is retarded doesn't mean everyone have to play along.

@EvolLove The right started the whole czar thing since obama took office to drum people up.

@EvolLove well, Russia had Czars, but when you really think about it, Russia isn't Slavic at all. The original Rus were Vikings who settled in Kiev and when they got to the empire level the rulers were interbreeding with western European rulers that they weren't even that 😉


The right started it?
I have no idea if "the right" started it.

It is still retarded as fck. And I thought Joseph was the one calling Camel Hairs Czar.

Retarded as fck no matter who started it.

Culturally my understanding is that Russia picked up a lot from the Mongolians who ripped them a new one on their way to Europe. A lot of their systems are inherited from pre modern era mongolians


Okay so it WAS used sarcastically. That at least makes sense.

@EvolLove People like Rush, Hannity and Beck toted the czar thing when Obama was appointing people to get their based all riled up. It doesn't matter whether it's retarded or not, it's to get people worked up and it's still working.

@sj_zero @EvolLove I'm thinking they picked up a lot from a ton of different cultures. After all, it's a country spanning 11 time zones and two continents.

@ThatCrazyDude @sj_zero

I didn't intend to be implying anything about Russia. There's nothing wrong with Czar.

But Camel Hairs is most certainly not a Czar.
On the contrary she is a fool.

@ThatCrazyDude @EvolLove no Russians descend from Vikings that maintained checkpoints along trade routes to the east & down to the Black Sea so they eventually went native w/local Slavic women which became the Rus, for red (haired) people.

Tsar came from Caesar meaning king or leader. Politically in the '80s chief bureaucrats started being referred to as the Czar of whatever the bureau was responsible for & by the '90s this caught on to US Presidential appointments as an unofficial title.

@klaatu @ThatCrazyDude

My post was not about Russians.

Russians are not the only ones who had Czar as a title but they spelled it Tsar.

Vikings were mostly Denmark and Norway and a little bit Sweden and of course Island.

Russia, I think they did something else at the time?

Vikings were mostly about trading.

@EvolLove lol "camel hairs" it was there the whole time, you found it


I think it might have been MTG who "accidentally" said it first.

@klaatu @ThatCrazyDude

An unofficial title that camel Hairs never gonna be worthy of.

@klaatu @ThatCrazyDude

I've never heard this about the Russian viking common past. It's interesting. Thanks.