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A lesbian woman from Yorkshire became the commander of a New Zealand navy vessel, HMNZS Manawanui, 2 years ago, and she just crashed it into Samoa a few hours ago, whereupon it caught fire and sunk. This ship is 10% of NZ naval tonnage.


How does NEW ZEALAND crash a navy vessel into SAMOA

@kybermace @BanjoPartisan @ned shit idk who else to tag

@CatLord relax look at this brandon i put on the bidet

I didn't even know New Zealand had armed forces, I thought they were dependent on Australia for that.

@Jens_Rasmussen they basically scrapped their air force for this reason about 10 years ago

@CatLord she looks exactly like how you'd expect

@CatLord Wait. Get this. The rear admiral is named Garin (((Golding))). Holy shit the entire world is fucked.

@Professor_Groyper i don't reckon he's jewish

@peemasons @CatLord joe bidet haha

@CatLord They all gave up their guns ,to that kind of retarded shit?

@CatLord So stunning, so brave.

@CatLord Oh but it just gets better (worse). The "captain" did not attempt to either save or go down with her ship


@CatLord @BanjoPartisan @ned got a URL for this? story is hilarious but i want something to kick to the racer's war for this.

@kybermace @BanjoPartisan @ned second article series is about the current happening

@TrevorGoodchild Of course she didn't

@TrevorGoodchild >The incident occurred on Saturday evening while conducting a hydrographic survey 1 nautical mile from shore.
>The 75 crew and passengers began evacuating into lifeboats at 7.52 pm on Saturday 5 October.

>At 6.40am Sunday, the ship was listing heavily and smoke was visible from the ship.
>At 9.00am it was known to have capsized and was below the surface.

cunt wot
It wasn't on fire when they evacuated? Not clear from the language here but it could be that they just all got out after it ran aground

@CatLord Cowardly cunts be cowardly cunts. Imagine my surprise.

@Giga_Vril_Breaker >The Chief of Navy, Rear Admiral Garin Golding, said the ship ran aground at 6.46pm and tried unsuccessfully to get off the reef.
>It then began to list and at 7.52pm Commander Yvonne Gray decided to evacuate the ship.

I keep reading and it keeps getting worse

>Most of the personnel were evacuated from the life rafts onto rescuing ships. But one small boat capsized on the reef, so the personnel walked to land.
>they walked
>rough seas such a tough evacuation commander so heroic
>but actually a bunch of them just walked lol

>Two people sought hospital treatment – one with a dislocated shoulder and one had a hurt back. Another 12-15 people have minor cuts and abrasions.

Whoops there goes 112 million dollars lol

@LittleTom @CatLord OH SHIT thats good

That took me a second I thought she somehow hit a boat called the Samoa but she no shit slammed into a fucking island?

@Dudebro Yes they hit Samoa LOL (well a reef to be fair but still)

@TrevorGoodchild @CatLord
One could argue that losing an expensive plane is still preferable to losing a highly trained pilot.
But with a whole ship compared to a couple of sailors the result probably changes.

I can't believe a former colony of Britain has (((Anglos))) in government

@Professor_Groyper @CatLord It's easy to put these things in charge of your armed forces when you're just LARPing. A real conflict would sort these out real quick.

I hope you didn't deface such a thing in the glorious nation of Nippon. Shamefur dispuray, great disgrace to famiry.

@sj_zero @CatLord lol i took it off right after the picture homie no worries


@TrevorGoodchild @CatLord To what extent are captains expected to go down with their ship? Surely nobody thought a woman would sacrifice herself.

Unfortunately as we've seen with Ukraine these fuckers are the first to pussy out and get themselves a desk job while they make sure anyone they don't like is sent to the front lines which is what will happen if they implement conscription.

@sj_zero @CatLord i make fun of them but at the end of the day theyre a very respectable people. just never let them dub over the american history channel it is comedy gold.

@sj_zero @CatLord histooreechannu

ARIENU DESU NE? Hai. Arienu so desu.

@sj_zero @CatLord ainshin aryan

@CatLord In This Thread: you'll find a story about a female cosplayer (i.e.: a woman doing anything other than raise a family), a navy ship going down due to a diversity hire captain, jews in military desk jobs and more!

Excellent way to start your Sunday with Clown World news.

RE: https://poa.st/objects/afd99255-4cea-49da-8596-47b9829fb790

They're already praising the evacuation effort as heroic and stunning though an investigation is in place

We've seen this script before, Captain Lesbo is just going to be quietly relieved of her duties after things quiet down and given some desk job until retirement

@Rasterman @CatLord How is that DEI shit working out New Zealand? Only $147 MILLION sunk to the bottom! Read this shit have the boat is women! I sure nothing going to happen when we put these dikes on a nuclear submarine right?

In 2012, Commander Gray and her wife Sharon moved to New Zealand after falling in love with the country during a campervan holiday.

Leading Hydrographic Survey Technician Blenkarne says it is inspiring seeing confident women in the Navy, which helps others step forward. “I’m the Navigation Assistant on HMNZS Manawanui. My day varies between Navigation system updates, seaboat coxswain duties, watchkeeping and other auxiliary things that I do on board.

scissor lips sink ships

@CatLord The notion that bare human life is more precious than anything else has been thoroughly devastating for any concept of war, defensive or offensive. How can you expect heroic sacrifice in these conditions? Men used to die with the name of their country on their lips for far, far less.


@CatLord @Giga_Vril_Breaker I see Hamas is busy sinking our fleet with their lesbian boomer divisions.

@Sweetie_Squad_Liquidator @Rasterman @CatLord >it is inspiring seeing confident women in the Navy
Confident?!? She's the fucking commander, she better be! This is like saying someone's qualified to be a marathon runner because you saw her waddle up some steps.

I am the same way - I spent time in Nip land and they are an impressive people. Also imminently mockable.

@Torbasanigger @CatLord @sj_zero i got this from yodobashi camera and i had to bite my tongue to not laugh when the cashier said ”ah mishin impossibru“

@PoalackJokes88 @Rasterman @CatLord It was the second one, Leading Hydrographic Survey Technician and navigation assistant. This is the dumb hole that was looking at the sonar scope right? I was a commercial fisherman for years before I started my electrical company and I always knew how much water I had under my boat and had a minimal depth alarm not to mention sea charts that showed rocks, shoals, corral reefs, sunken ships and Godzilla. There is no fucking way that ship didn't have forward looking sonar and a backup system! The ships purpose is underwater locating and dive teams. I could drive down to the boat shop and get a civilian model for under two grand. Women are scary enough in a parking lot.

@Sweetie_Squad_Liquidator @Rasterman @CatLord The way it was written in the post, it looked like she (navigator) was referring to the Captain. But in the article, it was just a series of women all saying the other women were inspiring. The whole ship was filled with these types. What a shitshow.

@PoalackJokes88 @Rasterman @CatLord Well it could have been full of Indians.

@CatLord >the retards that ZOG hires damage ZOG's power trough their own wanton incompetence while us chuds sit and do nothing

@Sweetie_Squad_Liquidator @Rasterman @CatLord It had abos which are almost as bad.

@PoalackJokes88 @CatLord @Sweetie_Squad_Liquidator I've seen Abos before, that's no pure Abo. How many humans did that family tree mix with before producing that specimen?

@CatLord The crew included seven civilian scientists &
four foreigners.
No one knows what caused it
*Cough cough lesbo cap'n cough*.

@Rasterman @CatLord I love it when all my prejudices are 100% vindicated.

@Rasterman @PoalackJokes88 @CatLord @Sweetie_Squad_Liquidator I can never imagine seeing an abbo and going "ah yes, I should fuck that" straight up bestiality.

@peemasons @CatLord don't go defacing public spaces, you nigger

Flux Capacitor in the front, Party in the rear.

Fuck... That's backwards...

Drunk ass pirates didn't even do that

@feralphilosophernc @CatLord i know what you meant

@CatLord So your nation has lost its first navy ship since you were fighting the Japanese in the pacific.

And you simply ran it aground.

What happened did someone leave the toilet seat up and you were so busy dealing with that you didn't know where you were?

@thefinn @CatLord the sea suddenly surrounded and ambushed that ship
very sad

I always appreciate a little time travel with my bidet.

"It came outta NOWHERE!!!”

@ChristiJunior @CatLord One only needs to have the right kind of prejudices; then it just a matter of sitting back and watching them all come true over and over.

>I’m the Navigation Assistant on HMNZS Manawanui


Wait... so there are two wahmen involved? One "navigating" and the other commanding the ship into Samoa?

@CatLord How does NEW ZEALAND crash a navy vessel into SAMOA... a lesbian sence of direction.

How did the fire start? Did the commandress left her hair curling iron plugged in when she ran to the lifeboat? Has her dildo overheated?

what you fail to mention is that she DIDN’T crash it into Samoa for two years.

@CatLord remember when competent white men conquered the whole world with their navies? that was a long time ago.

@CatLord It gets better.

"Defence minister Judith Collins described the incident as "a really sad day for the Navy" during a news conference."

Are we talking UK Yorkshire? If so then I am not even surprised because I live there, I know how many leftists are in that part of the country all too well

@s2208 @CatLord This is her(?).

@Rasterman @TrevorGoodchild @CatLord Going down with the ship is a matter of honor, which most women lack. A man may choose "go out a hero" knowing that the hundreds of deaths and millions of dollars in damages he caused would lead to legal action and years of drama, a woman will just bluff her way through any trial/court martial and somehow come out on top because that's just how our two tiered just-us system works.

@thefinn @CatLord Survey ship-it's entire purpose in life is to see what's under the water 😂

@thefinn @AsukaNeko @CatLord Well. It did . Its ground.

@racs @Rasterman @CatLord @Sweetie_Squad_Liquidator Without knowing what I was getting into, I watched an Australian show where people came back from the dead because they were trying to do what they never could in life. There was a Crocodile Dundee type character who wanted to abandon his beautiful white family and fuck a woman who looked EVEN WORSE than the woman in the photo above. It was the most jarring thing when they finally revealed his lost love and her face looked like a 100 year old oak tree.

@PoalackJokes88 @Rasterman @CatLord @Sweetie_Squad_Liquidator > her face looked like a 100 year old oak tree
How dare you insult an old oak tree like that.

@racs @PoalackJokes88 @CatLord @Sweetie_Squad_Liquidator They all gravitate towards the same look. Like a fantasy race, like orcs or something.

@racs @Rasterman @CatLord @Sweetie_Squad_Liquidator Actual image of her from the show. Imagine leaving your wife for that. I can't even hate-watch TV anymore.

@PoalackJokes88 @racs @CatLord @Sweetie_Squad_Liquidator Yep, same look, just less wrinkled.

Diversity is not their strength, I see.

@PoalackJokes88 @Rasterman @CatLord @Sweetie_Squad_Liquidator I love how not even hollywood magic could make an abbo look like the same species.

@Sweetie_Squad_Liquidator @Rasterman oh my god this entire fucking article

>Sub Lieutenant Dooley is HMNZS Manawanui’s Assistant Maritime Logistics Officer (AMLO).

@HWABAG it wasn't even that long ago lol

@Professor_Groyper @CatLord He looks like Moby with cancer.

@Rasterman @PoalackJokes88 @Sweetie_Squad_Liquidator Those are Maori. Australian Abos are much more primitive.

Now all the NZ Navy cunts can have a sitdown and let their feelings out about the incident.

So the minister of defence is also a foid. I'm a lot less surprised by the overall incompetence now.

@BroDrillard @thefinn @CatLord The ship was sponsored by Jacinda Ardern.

Are there *any* men left in New Zealand?

@CatLord Don't laugh too hard,

NZ is currently in the middle of flipping to minority White.

That means South Africa conditions are incoming.

@petra @BroDrillard @thefinn @CatLord late stage jew control of your country is when they install females in all positions of power just to humiliate you

@thefinn @CatLord Now you have a submarine

@BroDrillard @TrevorGoodchild I don't know lmao

How much more of a percentage if you include her with it?

If that is 10% of their Naval tonnage most yacht clubs could blockade them

@CatLord and 20% of their crewed vessels

Everyone’s gonna talk about the dyke but nobody’s going to talk about why a first world island nation has a 4 ship navy

@CatLord @kybermace @ned Looks like a prime fighting force

@JulioReich @Rasterman @TrevorGoodchild @CatLord Expecially if it was appointed to a responsability position for other reasons.
Most of this happens whenever they appoint women, niggers or random sexual deviants into positions for which they're clearly unfit.
So the "how it has happened?" isn't even a reasonable question, it comes down to "why they appoint such figures in these oddly specific roles?".
Incompetence is the perfect method to hide malice.