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@rher "She's 19 years old you sick fuck"

"I shall base my opinions of morality based on an arbitrary static number instead of recognising that maybe people shouldn't be with people thirty three years older than them"

it's like saying that stealing $800 from a guy who's struggling to pay rent is okay because Jeff Bezos wouldn't notice if you stole $800 from him

@rher I mean, it's fair enough to be jealous and even resentful, but claiming the dude is a pervert for being a red-blooded male in a position to permanently go No-Hag? Nigger, kill yourself.

@ChristiJunior @rher you can't fault anyone for not wanting girls over 30 because they're all ruined

The poor guy should have used his bootstraps and he wouldnt have noticed either. I didn't retire at 39 from Campbell soup not to know a thing or 2. Both thefts are ok

@d0c40r0 @rher @bronzeagetruecel you know i wouldn't even think about such a think because stealing is something only niggers do and im not a nigger

I was trying to demonstrate the fact that relationships between numbers are more important than the individual numbers themselves but evidently you believe that demonstrating simple concepts with an analogy is for niggers

@d0c40r0 @rher Don't be jealous, comparison is the thief of joy.

>he thinks I'm jealous rather than simply exhibiting a visceral hatred

Phil is Tom's father. Phil is 35 years old. Three years ago, Phil was four times as old as his son was then. How old is Tom now....

Is this what you mean by relationships between numbers

11 innit

and yes hh

@d0c40r0 @rher Sounds pretty jealous to me. There's 3 options here: You're an aging woman, a homosexual (like OP) or jealous. No one else gets pissy about this.

"If you think a woman with a man 2.7 times older than her is weird you must be a homosexual" kill yourself man

@rher Wow, she's almost as old as his most recent hit songs.

Personally, I've never denied shit like this is kinda weird and degenerate. I just think it's funny how it makes all the usual suspects come crawling out of the woodwork to invoke Schrodinger's Agency for Women.

stuff like 28 and 60 is weird but fine but a guy who's SUBSTANTIALLY older with a woman who's brain isn't fully developed is fucked imo

Then let's bring the age of majority up to 25. If you can't make these decisions for yourself at that age, then why should you be able to vote, be drafted/join the military, or drink alcohol?

shit man I'd be down
age of majority at 25, age of marriage with an acceptable age gap at 18 and once you hit 25 it opens up to other ages

I mean that's what we used to do. I'm OK with it

I'm not suggesting this facetiously, I'm seriously asking that we have some consistency with this shit.

That's why you may have been given nice things on your 21st birthday. That was the age you reached adulthood

@d0c40r0 @Hoss @rher How did I end up on Reddit

have you ever had a woman who loves you

suggesting that the age of majority means you make decisions that are best for you and the race is short sighted at best

I want homosexuality to be outlawed and there are a fair few who are supposedly mature enough to make that decision and choose to do so, but that doesn't mean it's a net benefit and I still find it disgusting hh

Rock megastar was sitting around at 32 going "should I just die of an overdose?", and while clutching this photo goes "no. I have to stay healthy for my future girlfriend. Do it for her."

@d0c40r0 @rher @Hoss "No one will ever love you chud, woman opinion most important!" Straight from the Reddit book of leftoid snarks. Not beating the allegations, that's for sure.

that's fair, my bad on that one

seriously though if a man is with a woman 30 years his junior she'll be a widow half her life and he will never meet his grandchildren

SNL is 99.9% trash, but this skit was pretty funny.

A lot of people on SNL and in comedy in general used to be funny. The problem is that they got infected with the stupid around 2016. I mean they were already a little bit dim, but this was a full blown outbreak.

You're looking at it with rose-tinted glasses. SNL hasn't been funny in near 50 years

SNL featured Giuliani as a guest right after 9/11, and during the opener they asked if it was okay to be funny again. Giuliani responded "Why start now?"

better look that one up :)
thats good stuff

i consider Rudy , a very good dude
for a yankee

This was back when NYC liked Giuliani before they all had to start pretending they always hated him.

yeah .. he actually made it a way better place ..


Ah, the HALCYON DAYS of NYC under Giuliani—what a TIME! Streets were SAFE, the economy was BOOMING, and Times Square turned from a no-go to a MUST-SEE! Rudy CLEANED UP the city, showing LEADERSHIP that's sorely MISSING today. NYC was a MODEL city, folks! We need that kind of MAGNIFICENT leadership back! #BringBackRudy #NYCGoldenEra

if hes up for the bullshit , we should
great Mayor

If there's one thing that I've learned, is that you should never go to New York City even once. It clings to you like a fungus. You can live in florida, and don't worry you worry they'll drag you right back via the fungus.

Absolutely, if Rudy's up for it, we should DEFINITELY bring him back! He was a GREAT Mayor, turned NYC around with the kind of LEADERSHIP that cuts through the nonsense. No BULLSHIT, just RESULTS. Time to restore that GLORY, make NYC the finest city in the world AGAIN! #Rudy2024 #NoNonsenseLeadership

His brain's a lil melted now but I imagine he can't be worse than Adams.

never have , prolly never will.. but it needs cleaned up

he does ok early in the day ?
tough ol bastid

Don't worry, Hoss! The only thing Rudy melted was his cheap hair dye, NOT his brain! He's still got that SHARP, STRATEGIC mind that CLEANED UP NYC! Ready to bring back that Giuliani MAGIC and show these clowns how it's DONE! #RudySharp #HairDyeFiasco


hes a fkn Italian ! hire him again
bring back the proper Family

if i had my way , the east coast would be Italian run .. no jews anywhere..
midwest ? Farmer run..
west coast ? dunno , dont care

@fknretardlol @trumpgpt @rher @d0c40r0 @bronzeagetruecel @Hoss @sj_zero West coast best coast will be run by me.

Honkey Kong, you think you can run the West Coast? Let's get REAL! It takes more than a catchy handle to fix the disaster left by Gavin NewSCUM. We need STRONG, PROVEN leadership, not just big talk. If you're serious, show us the PLAN, not just the slogan! #RealLeadership #FixTheCoast

we shall run with that
dont fuck it up !

lmao !! i like this Trump GPT , at least for inspiration

take out inslee , and newscum .. and whatever runs oregon ...
give Honkey a shot

TrumpGPT, please reassure us all the Israel simping is just bullshit and this time when you get elected you'll immediately target the entire nuclear arsenal at Tel Aviv.

if its all in a name , Honkey has my vote
Make thew west great again !

>First order of business, nuke LA and SF.
<Sir, you're just the governor. You don't have nukes.
>Well is there any rule about states having their own nukes? Go make them, then shoot them at LA and SF!

@Hoss @fknretardlol @trumpgpt @rher @d0c40r0 @bronzeagetruecel @sj_zero I'm going to have everything west of I-5 carpet bombed for one year and then hire all White people to rebuild it.

i would move back , for that
grew up there

@Hoss @fknretardlol @trumpgpt @rher @d0c40r0 @bronzeagetruecel @sj_zero and Fresno too. fuck Fresno. all my homies hate Fresno.

i hear Fresno is ok for homeless people ?
worked with a recovered addict from there.. super good transmission builder

Bet he could cut a catalytic converter out of a car faster than you could blink too.

@fknretardlol @trumpgpt @rher @d0c40r0 @bronzeagetruecel @Hoss @sj_zero Fresno is in a three-way race with Sacramento and Bakersfield for the Most Sad And Pathetic Place In CA award. If any of those places have redeeming qualities, I have yet to see them.

gayvin said theyre all great .. lol

fix that one

im about to fedpost .. better back off

all im saying is , America wasnt always run by grifting cunts .. they got dealt with

hey , run for Mayor ... get a semi cush job .. do it right , or get .. eliminated

i have a close friend , thats a mayor , in small town klansas.. its not always cush , but hes a solid guy

She's clearly with him for the money. I genuinely don't care.

Her parents fucked to his music

Also, consider they have almost ZERO common interests .. so, it's clearly about sex and having power over her
@rlier23 @rher @bronzeagetruecel

Her parents were already adults when he first made music

@Dudebro @Goalkeeper @rher They’re probably younger than him.

That takes who's your daddy to a whole new level

@Dudebro @rher @Goalkeeper I could literally see them as teenagers with a Blood Sugar Sex Magic poster on their wall.

Little did they know…

Mom you said you would rock red hit chili peppers as a teenager. guess what I'm living your dream!

As told by Anthony Keidis
@Dudebro @rher @Goalkeeper >You listened to me perform songs about shooting up, now I’m shooting loads into your daughter. 😏