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Guilbeault is literally campaigning on the disasters unfolding. They are the most cretinous cowards.

And when I say campaigning I mean, they're selling their policies as though defending them during an election, WITHOUT CALLING AN ELECTION. As well as putting a finger on the scales of the US election.

Stay in your fucking lane, Steven.

"if elected, weather will end"

U fokking wot?

@PNS They do the same anytime a kid is shot to campaign for gun control. Being a sociopath is a prerequisite.

@sj_zero @PNS they are so stupid they think humans can control nature to that extent and they think they are gonna fix it lmao

@PNS Ben Davidson would like a word...

@PNS Oh shit. So we’re on one of those days where climate IS weather? I need to be warned about those.

If I read the stats properly
- 5 TS or greater in mid Sept 2020
- 6 TS or greater in mid Sept 1971
Okay, maybe three in October could be a "big deal" but maybe not.