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Hong Kong is crashing



Communism will always end like this no matter how long they go it will always come crashing down.

China crushed their own currency in a cycle of debt and inflation to stomp out all foreign competition and dominate the market with goods cheaper than the material used to build them.

No mater how U calculate, that is a suicide strategy. They kill our business because no one can compete. While amassing huge amounts of foreign capital.

But on average they made a loss on every transaction.



In an effort to dominate the worlds production and kill all western competition Chyna ended up working for free.

While doing that they sure hurt our business and gained lots of foreign capital.

But when they finally crash we will just rebuild our industry. If we were to remove the climate taxes the west would rice like a fckng rocket and leave Chyna in the dust.

And when much labor are replaced by robots I fail to see the reason to import from Chyna.

The freight cost...

China is the final proof about "central planning".

Of course the retards, the lazy, the gullible, the opportunist, the criminal, the revolutionary activist is going to keep the ideology of Communism alive forever, but there is hope that it is going to be proven beyond the shadow of the doubt...

Communists are the retards, the lazy, the gullible, the opportunist, the criminal, the revolutionary activists and they are a drain on the resources of Humanity.

In this case it's really about the consequences of debt.

Feels great while you're spending it, but you can't spend other people's money forever.

That's not just for nations, it's for individuals too -- racking up your credit card feels great, you look like a hero because you can buy anything you want, you can pay for others stuff, you don't even need to earn much income.

Japan also did this strategy of spending tons of debt. America for the past 25 years as well. Japan is a tiny little island that looked like the new superpower while they racked up incredible debt, America was able to pretend it was still a global superpower, but the bill comes due eventually. Japan has been dealing with the consequences for a decade, the US has been beginning that phase, and China isn't too far behind.

@sj_zero @EvolLove @Twig and now private entities own more and more of what used to belong to the public

@asa @EvolLove @sj_zero @FourOh-LLC @DrFell

Remember the death of Soviet Russia, it simply expired in its sleep.

@EvolLove @Twig

>But when they finally crash we will just rebuild our industry.


@sj_zero @EvolLove @Twig

Look up who holds the Japanese bag.

@CapitalB @sj_zero @EvolLove

Japan is the largest foreign holder of U.S. debt I think….


And? The other post was about Japanese debt.


Hong Kong stock market?

It is held by the Bank of Japan💥

@Twig @CapitalB @sj_zero

Might be. I assumed it was Chyna but Japan makes sense. Or Saudi

@Twig @asa @sj_zero @FourOh-LLC @DrFell

What is the death of "soviet Russia"

The communist empire the soviet Union was dissolved since it cost more to maintain than to simply dissolve. When Russia abandoned communism and started to approach capitalism.

@asa @Twig @sj_zero

Used to belong to the public?

@sj_zero @EvolLove @Twig Japan went from the wreckage of WW2 to an ultra-modern economic super-power. A massive real estate bubble burst there in the mid-90's. Japan's largest banks held huge debt collateralized by Japanese real estate. Suddenly, they were insolvent (zombie banks). The Japanese government propped them up (and continued to prop them up) with massive government debt. This resulted in decades of economic stagnation. Japan's government debt is now 263% of GDP. (US is at 100%)

@sensei @sj_zero @Twig

Sounds like socialism to me. And if memory serves me right the Japanese was nazis and. Aren't they still?

A brilliant example of how utterly useless socialism is. Even Japan is failing.

@EvolLove @sj_zero @Twig Imperial Japan was an ally of Nazi Germany during WW2. After their defeat, Japan was ruled by a guy named General Douglas MacArthur from 1945 to 1952. The US wrote their new constitution, which is modeled on the US constitution. The US-written constitution limited Japan's military (and military spending). After 1952, they served as an ally (and location of US military bases) of the US during the Cold War.

@sensei @sj_zero @Twig

Yes but the Japanese ways still persisted. Their traditions and way of thinking and doing business. In many ways I admire the Japanese. They have close to zero Muslim immigration and it's almost impossible for a foreigner to become a Japanese citizen.

Japan is for the Japanese people. And they are proud of and value their own culture.

I wish we would have done the same.

But the socialist part seem to be less fortune. But where did they come from? Feudalism?

@EvolLove @sensei @sj_zero @Twig The US forced Japan to give their women rights at the end of WWII and this is the reason for their population decline.

@RegalBeagle @sensei @sj_zero @Twig

I don't think so. Japan is very different from the west. Japanese women are not bragging about abortions.

They have some decline in birth due to natural instinct. When a place becomes to dense populated birth just starts to decline.

@EvolLove @sj_zero @Twig They are not Socialist per se. The government is more capitalist than we are, and social spending is lower in Japan than in the US.

That said, they are society that highly values consensus, social harmony, and cohesion. There are a LOT of social conventions, and you will be judged on them. Gaijin ("outside people" - foreigners) get a certain amount of slack. Visitors are treated with hospitality. Gaijin living in Japan are expected to conform to the social norms.

@EvolLove @RegalBeagle @sj_zero @Twig
I've spent a lot of time in Tokyo (largest city in the world). It's beautiful, very livable, with low crime.

The low birth rate (a crisis) is a complex issue. Workers work LONG hours, have lengthy commutes, and (for social cohesion) frequently go drinking with their work group after-hours. This leaves little time for meeting a potential spouse or spending time with family.

The economic downturn has also been an issue affecting the birth rate.

@RegalBeagle @EvolLove @sj_zero @Twig General MacArthur tasked an American woman - Beate Sirota Gordon with writing women's rights into the Japanese constitution. Women were given the right to vote, and women were permitted to own property. Population grew rapidly postwar. It started declining during the period of the post-boom stagnation.

@EvolLove @Twig @sj_zero yeah like the farming fields in Ukraine

@EvolLove @Twig @sj_zero I don’t know the details but generally speaking public assets are moving towards private and private assets that used to belong to local private entities now belong to multinational corporations

@asa @EvolLove @sj_zero

Japan and China have been the largest foreign holders of US debt for the last two decades.

Foreign-owned securities are about over a third of total US debt, about $8 trillion.

Interestingly, China has been quickly reducing its US bond holdings.

@sensei @EvolLove @RegalBeagle @sj_zero

Indeed, also the nature of Japanese debt unique and burdensome to the Japanese.

@sj_zero @EvolLove @asa

Japan is in trouble if Kamala wins.

@sensei @EvolLove @sj_zero

I think the concept is everywhere, assimilation, but the Japanese are more partial to conformity.

@Twig @sensei @EvolLove @sj_zero

Top level consideration is respect, for others and for themselves. Quite a contrast for what we have devolved to here.

@Kirk @sensei @EvolLove @sj_zero

I say we have given more than taken, Kamala and her supporters think it's not quite enough.

@Twig @sensei @EvolLove @sj_zero

I don't consider her relevant any more. Time to move on to bigger and better things. I liked this thread e.g.

@sensei @sj_zero @Twig

As it should be. I lived in Indonesia for a few years and it is the same. Bule (foreigner) are given some slack and treated with hospitality but they are also expected to conform to the social norms. As it should be everywhere.

So we try to dress and behave good when we are there. Showing respect and being treated with kindness

Indonesia fought of the Communist infiltration and won. But Islam has become the dominating religion and it is a sad contrast to their culture

@Kirk @sensei @EvolLove @sj_zero

Hoping “60 minute” interview killed her

@Twig @sensei @EvolLove @sj_zero

I hope it killed 60 minutes

@sj_zero @Twig

We can not overlook Japans role in the modern industrial era. Japan were pioneering the modern car manufacturing and a lot of technical goods and for a few decades seemed to take a lead in the global market.

That was their tiny island strategy. But they were/are dependent on importing a lot of goods for this production, steel among other things. Thus their economy was rebuilt upon manufacturing.

So Japan has to import a lot of food. A very modern country in that way.

@Kirk @sensei @EvolLove @sj_zero


Do you watch CNN?

CNN is no longer practicing “deceit”, some pro-Trump voices on the network these days💥

@Twig @sensei @EvolLove @sj_zero

I don't watch much tv anymore. And no news programming.

@EvolLove @sj_zero

The problem is $ 9.2 trillion Japan national debt, 43.3% of this debt is held by the Bank of Japan 🧐

@Kirk @sensei @EvolLove @sj_zero

Likewise but I might start watching CNN….

@Twig @sensei @EvolLove @sj_zero

Do you think they're going to offer you something you aren't getting anywhere else?

she want on the "call her daddy" podcast

@Tony @EvolLove @sensei @Twig @sj_zero

not to be trite, but so?

@sj_zero @Twig @asa

I thought they had been doing that for over a decade.

This also lead to some inflation of property in UK, Since Chinese speculators payed overprice for apartments and buildings just to spend US dollars on anything that isn't US dollars.

And that has been the trend. Dumping US dollar assets. Buying other currency, gold, properties. Just anything but US dollar. I think I read about this when BRICS was still new.

its not presidential...

But tbf trump was on logan paul, so idk, i guess that's a double standard.

I just think it's an interesting development but too little too late, but it also means the federal gov is now aware of podcasting so that'll probably get pretty gay after this election as they will start watching it more.

@Tony @EvolLove @sensei @Twig @sj_zero

They're walking dead. If you are able to use the idea of news and government in the same train of thought , you're stuck in the old paradism.

The only problem is: the more the American people hear from her, the less they like her.

@asa @Twig @sj_zero

U think the "farming fields" in Ukraine used to belong to the public?

First of all. Belong to the public, indicates a communist contradiction. Public means that it belongs to the state, the government and the plebs are allowed to use it.

And Ukraine's arable land ("farmland") are not public. It is owned by land owners and farmers. Some of them very rich.

@asa @Twig @sj_zero

I think that it used to belong to local private owners, not the public. But just like U say, it is moving into the hands of multinational owners. Oligarchs. Some of them famous. Most of them probably keeps a lower profile.

War is a racket. Some are probably buying Ukraine arable land for a nickel on a dollar.

@nicholas @Tony @Kirk @Twig @sensei @sj_zero

The problem seem to be that swapping the face of the communist party was enough to make them popular again.

Which, if there are any truth to the polls are yet again a terrible score for the public mind.

@EvolLove @nicholas @Tony @Kirk @sensei @sj_zero

And the media, after Donald Trump embarrassed the corporate media in 2016 and won the presidency.

Now it’s like if you don't hate the T-man, the media designates you "persona non grata".

@Twig @EvolLove @nicholas @Tony @sensei @sj_zero

That's ok.
I feel the same way about them.

@Kirk @Tony @sensei @Twig @sj_zero

lkjn jhk rth ölkm cvmko?

I don't get why people are unable to use actual words.

From making up abbreviations for every word to inventing stupid nick names for people born between 1966 and 1982 or whatever random shit instead of just saying people born in the 60s.

The only approved abbreviations are GM ITM and GE

"You need me much more than I need you."

@sj_zero @nicholas @Tony @Kirk @EvolLove @sensei

@Kirk was right, I think that's Latin for "get lost"😁

@EvolLove @Twig @sj_zero

as written, that is irrelevant.

Look up who holds the Japanese bag. Hint: It is not the Chinese, Americans, Europeans, Asians Africans or Oceanians.

@Twig Nope. Guess again XD

@CapitalB @EvolLove @sj_zero

Japanese, the bank of Japan, about 43% I think



@Twig @EvolLove @sj_zero

Correct. So debt held by its own nation is only relevant for them.

That is important to remember.

@CapitalB @EvolLove @sj_zero

Do you know how much is it now?


Idc anymore, since we have the exact same problem...