FBXL Social


"oh gawud there's a negro goyim at my temple, shut it down"

“I’m telling you, Levi - the schvartzes are out front”

@lovelymiss they are demons, gods chosen my dick, most ungodlike pieces of shit I've ever seen

(They are not demons)

yes they are

Are you schizophrenic?

are you a nigger?

Talk about a non sequitur

anyways - enjoy swallowing jew dick with your orange leader.

Enjoy trading increased immigration and anti-white discrimination for...nothing

nigger you’re getting that with Trump too - just legally. Hate to break it to you, but giving a bunch of nogs citizenship through your orange Jesus is the exact same thing as nogs getting citizenship just for dragging their nigger ass across the border.

Actually we would get less of it. Less of a bad thing is good

The mucha people like to get people banned here.

I don’t even know what a mucha people is but they can ban me- idgaf.

They are in league with demons but they are not literally demons themselves. Thank you friend

"Every sinner is a demon"
"Every non-Christian is a demon"
Actually no I think you're just an insane person

Trump is Israel first durrr

He's very pro-Israel but not really. Now, if you'd said this about a Lindsey Graham maybe I'd agree

Where did Mr. Konata say he was vooting for Blumpf? Kind of an odd thing to jump to immediately. He is not the normie boomers you're used to talking with. You're making up niggas in your head to argue with and it makes this conversation look really weird.

I am voting for him actually, gladly

Takes 5 minutes to do and the country will decline slower if he wins

It's likely all he'd really be able to do is take us back to a pre-Biden status quo. But that would still be better!

@lovelymiss @cosmonautkatyusha been awhile since i heard that word lol i forgot about it

imagine believing this.
Ope, nigger. You’re doin an antisemitism

Orange Jesus is gonna camp you.

I am a citizen. This is clearly targeted at brown non-citizen campus protestors, most of whom also hate you just as much btw.

I'm on the Trump campaign and we're putting jew haters like you in camps.

you can fuckin try

You're already in the database. You have just over 3 months left.

uh-oh. Guess that backfired on ya.

Expect us

you can tell by how he’s all about those platinum plans

This was bad but only a proposal. Meanwhile in blue states similar things are literally done as we speak. Welfare programs that whites are exlcluded from. Have fun with that I guess

It would be cooler to have a lower grocery bill and cheaper gas for the next couple years I guess. Thank you friend 🙏🏻

I think both trump and biden are to blame for inflation tbh. They both did covid stimulus

So what I’m hearing you say is that they’re the same picture

No that is not what I'm saying

I love saying ope

Is that faggot for real, or is this just some innerwebs dick-touching nonsense?

idk. i think he’s just being edgy.

"Disagreeing with me is being le edgy heckin contrarian"
Shut up bitch

@lovelymiss @KonataWagner @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @teamwhiteenthusiast He'll exile them, not jail. What did you think all the republican hullabaloo about "deporting bad people" actually meant? Mexicans? 😂

If they're illegals and he can actually manage to pull it off, yes?

Yes I asked a question and he responded, that's how normal conversations go. I'm such an owned and destroyed and Ben Shapiro'd libtard.

@KonataWagner @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast My culture isn't a costume, stop appropriating it

Bro- in what universe is one group better/worse than the other when both serve the same anti-White genocidal monsters? How do you square that circle?


You're hysterical

"people who I don't like are literal demons and anyone who questions this is a nigger" what

I say it naturally, Mr. Deer

@LostShakerOfSalt @lovelymiss @KonataWagner @teamwhiteenthusiast We're already in a camp. It's called America.

Kamala IS a nigger/pajeet combo though!

but we know she is.
My biggest issue with Trump is that he’s, in a lot of ways as bad as she is; but he pretends to not be.

@KonataWagner @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast He won't. Deportation is only for bad goys.

I love camping.

with all that extra money from cheap hot dogs this fourth of July it's more like glamping.

I'd like to go to Big Bend some time.

Big Bend is great bc you can look at mexico without having to go near mexico or see any mexicans

Have you ever tried going outside and thinking about something besides politics for 5 minutes lmfao

I’m outside all the time. More so than probably a lot of you tbh.
And it’s when I’m outside I like to think about how the western world is getting swamped with niggers “legally” & how eventually the outside won’t be as cozy anymore.

So no. You stopped reading my post after the word "and" lmao.

You're not wrong about the state of the world but there's not much you or I can personally do about it, so if you think about it constantly on purpose it will make you go insane like libtards frothing at the mouth about climate change or racism or whatever other made up bullshit. It would be good for your mental health to find something else to think about sometimes. And you don't have to tell me about it, I get that this place is good for venting. But please don't let it rot your soul. Thank you friend.

I am 100% sure that neo-nazis with citizenship will not be deported.

They will just be sent to prison.

That's something that actually happens, yes, but that's also more likely under democrats

Well, maybe it won't stay more likely if the Republicans get even more zionist-minded.

They won't. Younger Republicans care less about Israel

Younger Republicans are far from the levers of power.

But if you wanna see where the party is going, aren't they pretty relevant?

Sadly, I’m not getting less retards today.

@KonataWagner @Jens_Rasmussen @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @Forgetful_Gynn Why would it be less likely under a Republican regime? Charlottesville and Jan 6 happened under a Republican regime. Patriot Front got doxxed in Idaho. They did a march in Philly, and the cops there had more respect for them than ruby red Idaho.

Republicans already hate the fbi now. They could appoint a better director

You have too much faith in established parties, not to mention Trump after his first term.

If Vance vs Pence is any indication the people around him could be better this time

Vance is demonstrably worse than pence lol


This is going nowhere fast. Certainly not a good place for anyone.

Elon mostly good

I hope they send us to the same camp.

Ooh I'mma dm you the most disgustingiest pic ever!!!! Also: CHIRP!

But I’m not always thinking politically- I think racially for sure, but I know that politics are fake & gay - which is what started this argument tbh.
I don’t believe in the politics & as a White person who is not only never considered in the politics, but actively being killed by it, I can’t fathom how Whites continue to be political.

You should know by now my super power is not being able to be shocked by anything.

Also: I removed all my smoke detectors. Fire department ain't spying on me no more.

Rape list: you ✅

@KonataWagner @lovelymiss @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @teamwhiteenthusiast He was also comparing pointing out the trolling on Himmler's Bday last year wasn't as bad as people say to muh holohoax denial, He conflates us with them somewhat were I to wager and clearly doesn't like us either.

I am not a neo-nazi btw. I just want a whiter america

How about we start with not raping people, hm? That's a nigger hobby.

Statements such as these will be deemed treasonous in the Stancilreich

I agree. We should start with not raping people, and then rape them. 😏

The first step is always the hardest

Guys Orange Man step on my balls slightly less Orange Man better than Demonrats Praise Israel

People on fedi will really be like

@KonataWagner @Silverwolf @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast voting for your local guy, yeah, but you’re falling for a psyop if you get invested in the two big national parties.

Voting is hardly an investment, it's ticking a box

It is accepting something that is unacceptable if your criteria is 'lesser of two evils'

Go firebomb a walmart then! Or whatever the equivalent is in this scenario

Bro what are you doing, Woodshop is gonna kill you if you don't get back to Hilldawg shilling​

@KonataWagner @Silverwolf @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast it’s still an investment. Why do you think billions are spent on getting people to voooooote?

You already agreed that it's a good idea to vote locally. Are you really saying ticking one extra box is such a huge burden?

People on mugicha will be like “I just want a whiter America“ & then vote for the guy giving out nigger platinum plans

@KonataWagner @Silverwolf @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast I’m asking why you literally want to at all.

I've answered this already

>only vote local
>your super based county sherrif is completely hamstrung because everyone with authority over him is a massive faggot
We did it reddit

Dude, shut the hell up. I've already said that we will get reduced immigration and less anti-whiteness. You can disagree that this will happen I suppose, but just demanding that I keep repeating myself is annoying. Fuck off

@KonataWagner @Silverwolf @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast Old risk vs reward problem, violence acts is personally crossing the Rubicon, there's more then likely no way back, so once it's done you want a chance of total victory rather then just hitting some easily replaceable cog if that makes sense.

Or at least pick your targets more carefully

I wouldn't go after a Walmart where a bunch of white people work and shop at the very lease but I am gonna stop there before going into fedpost territory

@Silverwolf @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @KonataWagner @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast lol like the feds actually care what you say online anymore, if you're white you're already in their crosshairs

No they absolutely care. Don't make explicit violent threats. And in this context "firebomb a walmart" really just means doing something these people think is efficacious since they think voting is not

@KonataWagner @Silverwolf @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast See you on the other side of whitopia.

Go be homeless

Good neonazis are mostly undermensch meth heads, drop the neo or just be a non-descript white nationalist

Yeah, meth heads are a no no. They'll steal your friggin microwave.

@brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Silverwolf @KonataWagner @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired They will also die their car in the parking lot and make you deal with police which sucks just saying

Not cool

Neither is this.

@cowanon @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @Turkleton $10 says it was some jewish ritual shit, would explain the media cover up.

And nobody has explained the mattresses.


@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @cowanon @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast So much creepy shit covered up. Every rich person is a pedophile Satanist I swear.

All blackmailed by this guy, no doubt.

"Vote the way I want to or lose your home sooner"

This was in reference to an earlier conversation

@cowanon @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @Turkleton I'm talking about the Satanic Panic, which is what that one there's about, but yes same goes for Chabad.

>Satanic Panic
There needs to be less of what we got and more of the below:

@KonataWagner @teamwhiteenthusiast @lovelymiss Literally the children of the devil, Satan's chosen..

Take your meds

Were you not bunny@poa.st?

I am missing context on it? Fair enough.


Hmm he sure did post a lot like you. Well, nvm then if that's the case

@Turkleton @cowanon @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast Take Trump, he's close with Chabad, and was friends with both Diddy and Epstein.

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @cowanon @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast Yeah. I know. It's like the maga people conveniently look past that part of his life

@Turkleton @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @cowanon @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast they definitely look past the Diddy/Epstein connection, but with the jew thing a lot of the magatards are just clueless ziocucks themselves

My dad's a ziocuck himself.

"Voting isn't all that hard, just vote all republican!"

My whole family is and only my cousins and I really broke free of it

@KonataWagner @Silverwolf @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast you’d bring up personal details like that in a conversation about voting? That’s disgusting dude.

Person in question advocated voluntarily becoming homeless and said living a normal life with a family was somehow "cucking" or "giving in" because your kids would be doomed or something, which was really retarded and weird

Whole Maternal Side... Likely most of the Paternal Side... I'm the White Sheep... 😏

@monsterislandcolonizer may remember this conversation

@KonataWagner @Silverwolf @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast I don’t see what this has to do with voooooting

I was telling you (presumably this user) to fuck off and be a weirdo since that is what you (assuming you are him) wanted to do in the past

They need to be retrained.

The "Nice!" right next to the reaction I gave this post really sells how I felt about this comment


There was and is a lot of retards like that on poa.st sadly

Well at least you don't go that far in your blackpilling

I can see my boy doing this. He's getting really into not being a fat ass like all the other kids.

@KonataWagner @Griffith @Silverwolf @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast I would like to remind everyone that reasoned argument is impossible because you can rationalize literally anything.
>Voting doesn't matter
Except to the orgs spending billions of dollars getting people to vote, and the e-people who really really don't want you to vote for The Donald

@KonataWagner @Griffith @Silverwolf @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast Also reasoned argument is impossible when at least one party is rationalizing a conclusion rather than reasoning into one from some principle or other.

@Griffith @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast Someone gets paid to put up billboards, create ads, buy air-time on TV and YT, etc.

@cowanon @SaltWraith @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @Turkleton I’d only vote for a pro-White that isn’t Philosemitic, odds be damned

There will never be such a thing as long as our current power structure from top to bottom remains intact.

@KonataWagner @Griffith @Silverwolf @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast That could be any number of people on here so many of them are retarded like this

@monsterislandcolonizer @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast and when they get in, are they going to work for you?

@Griffith @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast "it doesn't matter" and "will the party you vote for work for you" are different conversations.

@feralphilosophernc @cowanon @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @SaltWraith @Turkleton @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired My son rides his bike to work every day, because you can do that in the desert. My daughter is pacing me for 25 miles of my ultra this weekend. What they learn when they're young carries them in adulthood. They're a bit retarded like me.

GM neighbor! Nice morning too. It's a shame that it's going to be over 100 again.

That's almost as hot as...

Is this better?

I'm not the one telling white people to forgo making families because we're doomed

They're a very good kind of retarded then

Eating ass is bed. How many times do I have to tell you guys this!

Sadly. It's a nice morning, though!

Yes. We got to 110 on Saturday

Too nippy for your ball sunning?

Not yet.

It was a while ago, I'd just remembered you chiming in

I got in sun time for that sweet vitamin D

“Own the jewish landlords by going homeless” is probably the most fedi thing I have heard so I believe this story immediately

Yes. It was 105 yesterday. We are finally cooling down.

All the easier to pick up!

@cowanon @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @SaltWraith @Turkleton Exactly, If it does happen it’d be a minor party I’d be tossing a protest vote too, IE the American Freedom Party.

Sadly, drink water is advice you still have to give some motherfuckers who've been living here for several years... 🙄

Owning landlords or jews wasnt part of his reasoning/motivation from what I can remember. It was really just an extension of blackpilling and trying to tell other people they should do the same thing

But someone else did and he thinks it is you and is to narcissistic to admit he was wrong.

Nah I just still have strong suspicion that it is him

Long ago before I decided to be proud of being a White man I saved memes like this. How shitty of me!

I wish I still didn't have yellow fever, though.

Oh, thats just sad then

He had also just called me dumb for criticizing NYC for being dirty and crowded, so I wasn't all that torn up about it

It's not even second breakfast yet and Brit is on this thing talking about eating ass. 😒

I did not start it, Frank. I'm just concerned for these poor degenerates and feeling obligated to provide PSAs.

I wish I could believe you but I live life by a simple set of Tyler rules

Tyler is awesome

I'm enjoying a nice cuppa outside before it gets hot.

Few of us are as devout as Tyler.

@KonataWagner @LovecraftEnthusiast @Silverwolf @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @monsterislandcolonizer >he’s still going on about a man who isn’t here
Hell hath no fury like a Republican vooooter scorned.
Enjoy your principled conservatism.

Is it not true that the Republican party's very pro-immigration stance started with Reagan? Who ended that decades-long paradigm? Oh yeah, Trump.

I already watched the sunrise and had a ciggie... I'm now manning my work computer and sipping my coffee.

I think they have a cloaca dont quote me on that

You shouldn't be into women who post suggestive photos of themselves online.

We call these exhibitionist whores.

True, but I'm a slave to my horndoggery.

Neocons were also the bulk of the anti-Trump Republicans. This comparison makes no fucking sense

I've been getting up and out of bed and back again the past several hours. Also I sprained my ankle yesterday so it aches to stand up and sit down. Pic unrelated.

Vote for me. My policies are straightforward and very secretive.

Vote Frank for a president who is always straightforward in his secretiveness!

And he tirelessly provides us with unsolicited gore.


@KonataWagner @Silverwolf @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast Nah, I'm built different. I actually destroy property.

X to doubt but if you actually do then that's respectable

Yes, but Reagan would also stand up to Israel and not always do everything they wanted. For all his Hawkish rhetoric he actually mostly avoided getting us into any dumb wars. I thought Trump would be similar at first but now I know that's just not true.

That is something Trump has continued, and added to it other things like going off about executing Snowden and refusing to take a stance on that deep state shit until he was the one being spied on. Maybe he's serious about disbanding the FBI but he's slimey and I don't trust him.

That said one thing I liked about magapedes back in 2016 is when I listed my gripes about Trump they'd say "that is legitimate" and that they understood. Shame you queers have had to go and fag that up with "anyone that doesn't vote for my guy is a black piller"

Anyway, muting and going to bed. Y'alls gay. 🏳️‍🌈 🇮🇱

Criticizing him for his Israel stance is totally legitimate, actually

Look at us, in the same state drinking coffee at the same time. That's the most BFFiest thing ever!

>ywn same-time-zone BFF with a fellow fedizen

Thank you Space bae and GM

Hi there you rad Rad!

Not really; in a lot of pain thanks to my sprained ankle and chronically sore knees. But I'm going through my old memes folders from like 10 years ago so it's kind of a fun time.

Aw stabby hearts!!

@brittbratt_fingerpuppet @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @cowanon @feralphilosophernc @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @SaltWraith @Turkleton @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired Is that the scientific name? I loved these guys when I was checking out the saguaro forest.

Prickly pear cacti if I'm not mistaken. Do not fall on them.

I could never live in the badlands no matter how cool it looks.

The rest of his crew waiting for the all clear signal.

A delicious treat just for you.

Even when people are joking about that stuff, the angry dwarf in the back of my head smashes all the things and yells "JUST KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF AND GAS THEM ALREADY!!!"

Weird way to spell "delicious"

Hopefully Sui comes back soon so I can slack some.

Can't wait to find out how many people he lead into the mountains and ate alive

Ooooo @pixie should stream Ravenous. That is one of the best films in modern history.

while were on the subject, im happy to stream spooky movies with you guys. that would make me happy. ive been streaming again lately. but i dont know what dates and times would work for everyone.

Yay, 2sp00ky!

Eating ass is bed? I thought you were trying to say “eating ass in bed” and I’m like, duh where else would someone get their salad tossed?

Oops, I'm the effing typo queen 👑

The sunrise was lovely

I take it in every morning...

Hope it heals well.

"nooo that doughnut is rich in protein and lower carbs than traditional doughnuts, don't eat it!"

I've eaten boiled eggs and breakfast sausage with Nutella. This shit ain't nothin to me, man

Please no

I used to regularly melt peanut butter into canned tuna, and mix curry and chili powder into it. An old friend called it Afterbirth Quiche.

W00T! Fremen stick together.

This nigga eatin cloaca lmfo

Prickly Pear

Can confirm... Source: Just fucken trust me




I love Halloween month. And spiders.

All girls love spiders!

I am a victim of a vile cacti mugging!

GM Kek 🦎

mornin, pups. How's it hangin?

I enjoyed the sunrise without it being after I clocked out. How are you and the lovely Saltie this morning?

Sounds nice. We're doing alright for a hump day. Salty made me coffee and bacon for breakfast. I'm a happy man.

I like sweet and salty combos

And shiddin


thats some awfully tender lovin to be going on in prison. but I guess it’s possible.

Prison, right.

Just watched that movie two weeks ago... Life's a garden. Dig it.

I have something in common with the dog and he and I should now be buddies.


They look delicious.

@brittbratt_fingerpuppet @adequate @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @cowanon @feralphilosophernc @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @SaltWraith @Turkleton @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired The thorns hurt like a mofo but also they have little almost invisible stabby things called glochids that can actually leap out into your skin if you're close enough. Once they've embedded in your skin they're very difficult to remove because they're flexible and hard to see.

Opuntia is a cool cactus though, and many species are beautiful carefree landscape plants.

Alas, I work weekends. I mean, if that's when you're going to stream.

if i stream a few movies on different times and days maybe youll be able to catch one of them at least 🫂

Britts too busy doin butt stuff for streams.

good morning swatty. im certain she is.

I know she is. You ever see the passion with which she writes about giving people suppositories?

* doesn't like butt stuff
* Brags about butt stuff

Nigga wah 🙄

we can call her ButtFingerBrat

Butterfinger Brat?

It's not bragging. Did you ever consider I have work related butt PTSD and this is how I express it? Huh? Huh?

Britt gets Vietnam flashbacks whenever she sees a chocolate starfish


I also get Vietnam flashbacks when I hear limp bizkit

Everyone does.

Why does Fred Durst resemble Mick Fleetwood now???

Mick at least dressed better. A jersey, shorts with a backwards baseball hat and a fuggin grey beard just looks like someone's insane grandpa raided their closet.

Second-hand embarrassment.

the color of the icing determines the doneness of the meat.

death by chocolate is not a good flavor; tastes like charcoal.

Perfect. If i was still a mod id put a badge one. Please hold. Oh @Doll we need a badge on isle britt

I can't do badges on mobile, it won't give me the save button.

Please don't 🙏🏻

im sorry britt, lore is lore love

Butt, butt we're homie gees Pixie!

of course, having fucked up decayable badges is a symbol of family.

Eh thats about right

I felt obligated to go along with whatever my rideshare was down with 😵


I think at this point Trucks and I are the only ones that can give badges. So not butt badges for now

[Sui reaches for his phone.]


Buttbratt fingerpuppet badge for our puppet please

Swatty on a butt mission

We've meet no?

I know all your missions are butt mission, yes. 😘

Sui i need that as a badge as well

GM, Doll. How are you and Sui?

Our sanity is fraying a bit at the edges, but it was questionable to start with.

That is not a butt missions badge 😤

Man booty.

Is this an offer cow?


@cowanon @RadixVerum @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @feralphilosophernc @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @RR @SaltWraith @Turkleton @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired > A delicious treat just for you.

This is marketing genius at work. How are you not a multi-billionaire?

@RadixVerum @The_Almighty_Kek @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @cowanon @feralphilosophernc @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @RR @SaltWraith @Turkleton @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired > But it's a frosted steak!!!

Think of it as a steak sauce.

Something like Applebee's Shrimp 'n Parmesan Sirlion, but better quality steak.

Sui made it, I just took the screenshot for him. You'll have to direct your complaints to his department. 💅🏻

Oh i thought sui died in the storm 🤷🏻‍♂️

His complaints department is closed due to flooding. That happened before the storm though. 😉

I think the overcast may give us a temperature break today!

Oh from your fat pussy. Got it.

Not me, I've got no complaints.

whatever you've got going on

Such a sweet talker.

Its a big juicy fat pussy. She has to buy panties 3x bigger to cover it.

It is nice.

Absolutely... Maybe we may get a little rain. I'll take the clouds though.



Shut up Frank

Fr fr me thinks doth lady protest too much

I'm actually trying to forget.

I'm lactose intolerant. Its why i hate you so much. Cheesy ass nigga

just sO you know, you guys are terrifying LMA

I dindu nuffin.

Who we finger trapping? Dan?

I think she's been deacayable proofed by now.

In fact yes, my ankle right now is sprained and hurting purdy bad right now. Pain like a bitch every time I stand or sit down.

@cowanon @Frank @Decayable @Doll @Sui @justsomeasshole @pixie @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @ForbiddenDreamer @SaltWraith @Turkleton @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired I too suffer from ankles. I did the senior citizen thing a few years ago and turned mine while walking in the yard, my own HOA boring grass lawn. I fell and literally couldn't get back up. destroyed the outside ligament. It was almost a year before I could run again. One of many sprains. My ankles are not my friends.

All I did yesterday was step on my right ankle a little wrong in my garage and twisted it, and I fell right into my pantry and nearly toppled it. Thankfully I didn't faceplant the cement floor!

It's okay. I still love you. I have a sock under my bed I named Swatty.

I hope so too, thank you! Pic unrelated.

Sir do you think my name is Turk Turkleton?

No but you will look at this and be disturbed.

You're incorrect. You don't have what it takes to disturb me.

Not even...

@brittbratt_fingerpuppet how could you 😭

Eyebrow that shit all you want nigga.

Why would that bother me?

Some people hate pickles?

Man y'all niggas soft as baby shit

Someone get @Sui to post something 1000x grosser.

Crazy sheeit.
You should check out the 0m39a-3 tumblr it's full of crazy sheeeit.

It's easy to find scat porn or guro but that'd go against most TOS's.

hehehhebehhe :3

Welcome, pixiebee.

I tried it. Thought it was okay, but too expensive.

mfw wite wiminz

No but you will look at this and be disturbed turned on.

No. I've had vegannaise a few times. Tasted the same but was twice as expensive. Yes, there was a time I was trying to be MOSTLY vegetarian because of, well, irrational faggotry about inflammation from saturated fats and so on. Glad I'm over that.

What's a TOS?

Terms Of Service. Could also be The Original Series in certain contexts.

Get her nig bot

You really just answered that? Huh


I can't answer that rn. To many day walkers about and our mods are already busy.

The only weird shit like that I've ever had was probably almond milk and it was just kind of whatever. It wasn't terrible but it wasn't great either, it's basically just this weird version of milk that lasts a really long time in your fridge.

@grizzlywhisker @cowanon @Decayable @Doll @Frank @Sui @justsomeasshole @pixie @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @ForbiddenDreamer @SaltWraith @Turkleton @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired Real almond nutjuice last the same or maybe less time than real milk, that crap from the stores is a chemical concoction, pasteurized and chemicalized, and bears little resemblance to actual almond nutjuice .. Also, Almond nutjuice is full of oxalates, if your body makes kidney stones, that fuels them.

Yeah I don't drink that shit. My sister is a retard who thinks she needs to eat all this gay gluten free vegan horseshit, so my mom occasionally buys dumb shit like almond milk for when she comes over... Then it ends up sitting in her fridge and she'll just give it to me because nobody wants it, so I've had it a few times but yeah it's not something I'd ever buy.

@grizzlywhisker @Decayable @Doll @Frank @Sui @justsomeasshole @pixie @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @cowanon @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @ForbiddenDreamer @SaltWraith @Turkleton @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired I made my own for years because cowmilk tasted nasty in green smoothies and almond was just perfect and creamy, never used it for much else, cept muesli and some nutty cereals its real tasty on.. but, then i got a kidney stone and have cut out most of the heavy oxalate sources, which included almonds, spinach, chard, cashews, just a ton of stuff i made smoothies from... i stiull do a kale one from time to time, but not daily

I used to eat pounds of kale daily until I saw how much vitamin K it gave and I got worried about overdosing.

I’m poor, I mainly just eat basic omelettes with bacon/eggs and random vegetables I have in the fridge. Then for dinner I eat these super cheap fettuccine noodles with broccoli. I eat the same thing almost every day because it’s so cheap lol.

Wish I had the control over my cravings to eat cheap and good on the daily.

yall seen my nipples

They look like this I'm betting @nice-nigger

@grizzlywhisker @Turkleton @Decayable @Doll @Frank @Sui @justsomeasshole @pixie @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @cowanon @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @ForbiddenDreamer @SaltWraith @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired Pork shoulder has been a huge salvation for me in the poor times, goes down to $1/lb even these days if ya keep your eyes open, and ya can do so much with it, roast, country ribs, pulled pork, mcrib style patties, soup, stew.... Instapot or sousvide turns it into a low effort affair if you're handy enough with a knife to break it down.. Thought i had months worth of pork soup last time, but, it was too good, ended up thawing the stored portion the same week i made it.

I wish beef around here wasn't on average $8/lb vs $2/lb for pork. I can't continue to eat that expensive.

@cowanon @Decayable @Doll @Frank @Sui @justsomeasshole @pixie @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @grizzlywhisker @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @ForbiddenDreamer @SaltWraith @Turkleton @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired Yeah,the beef issue has been bad... Hate that i jump at the chance for chuck roast for $5/lb now, but damn that last potroast was heaven

Wtf is a horse pussy? And why do you guys always fuck with me when I'm doing wholesome mommy stuff??

Because you're cute. *pinches mommy cheeks*

Took the kiddo out for brunch. We had fun.

@brittbratt_fingerpuppet @feralphilosophernc @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @cowanon @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @SaltWraith @Turkleton @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired >literally nobody in this thread was talking about horse pussy
Seems like you took that term a bit personally...

I still think Chris Rock invented that disgusting maneuver.

Hmm. If he was tonguing a woman, i dont see the problem.

I'll be stealing the fuck out of those, cheers.

Oopsie wrong thread. You know which thread I meant though!


@brittbratt_fingerpuppet @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @cowanon @feralphilosophernc @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @SaltWraith @Turkleton @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired Nobody was even talking about it anymore. You literally just got out of bed and started shouting DO I REALLY HAVE A HORSE PUSSY??? ​​​

He's just going to fill them full of fuck again

I got 'em from here many years ago:


You got those from Tumblr? That was probably many, MANY years ago.

And the cycle continues.

Like that snake that perpetually vomits up it's own body.

I... I literally have no idea. I wasn't, ma'am. 🤨

I wish ☔

Imma take that too.

It used to be cool. Then it turned gay. Now it is off the charts gay and lame.

I used to like following artists. Then the cancellations came. Haven't touched that shit in a long while

Sharing is caring! (part 1/2)

(part 2/2)

Sorry, fren. I took a wrong turn lol.

Oooh ominous looking zip files, I love me some of that shit.

Huh, weird.

Definitely not horse pussy

@brittbratt_fingerpuppet @KonataWagner @Silverwolf @cowanon @feralphilosophernc @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @SaltWraith @Turkleton @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired Gotta hate when you take the left turn at Albuquerque and end up balls deep in horse pussy. 😔​​

This is the best business advice anyone had ever given me

He meant porch.

Draw lesbian art and you too can have a really nice porch

Then you're doing nothing probably

Even though that's exactly what he's doing

Even better. You see the cost of lumber

Sacrificing personal taste for profit for a new porch!


Put a filter on that shit, damn.

fucking now i want tacos 🙄

Burritos are better; they're bigger.

Made a crunch wrap a couple days ago so my mexican food desire is placated for a bit

Women and driving🙄

Hieronymus Lex

I think so. I hate not knowing for sure!

Like I mentioned I ventured to Taco Bell for lunch because I was tired of middle eastern food every Wednesday for lunch the past year .. what was I thinking? It's not food!

How many red cars do you see right now?

I haven't eaten taco bell in forever. There's a Chipotle near my place and if there wasn't I'd hit Taco Time over Taco Bell

I have like 5 nearby "real" mexican restaurants near me so when I'm craving I'll just DoorDash one.

I have a red car 👀

Where's the one with the big ass black winged skeleton?

i frickin love taco bell, not gonna lie, youre missing out.

Taco time has tater tot poutine though 😩

Its an artfag competition now that Sui and I are back online.

Sure. Get me a gang of women.

Someone say art?

Nice to have you both back

man, what the fuck.


Remember how everyone missed Sui?

It meeeeee.

@Humpleupagus @KonataWagner @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired

cant hold yourself to a higher moral standard and then be groping bitches left and right

i dont hate the female there is just a shizm
between me and them at points

i can talk to woman all day long

as long as they have no interest in me

ive never had poutine, seems like a canada thing, im down here by mexico so we dont know what that even is. it seems like gravy on french fries

I live in Michigan near the border to Canada and I've never had poutine nor do I know anything about it.

Seasoned curly fries, you mean.

say no

Groping women left and right is the highest moral standard as long as it's for altruistic purposes.

Uh, I mean 'no.'

With me, yes. He's beside me on the sofa.

The Brookyn Street Detroit, Mercury Bar and Grill or Firebird Tavern should have some.

So widdle!

Why didn't you share the one you drew?

Lmao I forgot about that one

@Humpleupagus @KonataWagner @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired

Breast cancer awarness day

come here you bitches

its for your own good

I knew a girl who taught herself to cut eggs with her vag.

What. Theeeeeee. FUCK AND WHY?

Time to post something wholesome to cleanse the timeline.

Mira was incredibly strange.

I'm speechless.

I told you I knew really weird people!

> Time to cleanse the holes

Man. Women will put anything up there except for me.

Well yeah, you know us, but that's a whole other level!

I used to think I was weird and strange. Then I got on the internet.

Some of us do not stick weird things there. Trust me.

... You sound surprised?

I have a lot of gifs stating otherwise.

That's work related


Egg cutting twats, 👍
Cleaning a twat, 👎

I didn't say I agreed with her!

It was heavily implied that you joined in on the egg cutting.

HELL NO!!!!!

Now let's see her get some dental cleaning.

That would be ray hape.

I used to be an EVS supervisor at a hospital once upon a time.

Speaking of talented, if this is a photoshop it's a good one!

Gotta keep those bowls clean 🫧


We just use oil or tallow in a pot or pan.

I need to clean mine, I am a dirty, dirty bitch

there’s no way an egg fits

You'd be surprised what fits in nature's pocket.

I don't need to click this to know it's unnatural.

whew boy, us ladies are capable of some amazing shit.

Nothing unnatural about it 😤

I’m sorry, having the beer on the felt is cheating.

And yet somehow, men still don't respect us. Go figure.

why are you sending gifs of other womens vaginas to your wife

Not even gonna click on this shit!


rather kms tbqh

You'll understand after you get married.

I'm not sure that's accurate

You wouldn't get it.

that's exactly what it looks like when I get a boaner

Probably not, but it gets me off the hook for an explanation right now and that's what matters.

How about now?

Boy would I!

Sui needs to catch up on the NSFW posting since he's behind quota

Yeah our admins are really riding his ass about all of the missed work. We're only allowed so many healthy days.



That reminds me......This month's Tolerable Crew book club selection:

@Angel1313 I tried responding to you. What happened?

She deleted it lol, I was replying too

I didn't want to lie! That was the last one I clicked on.

she totally clicked it. shes just wishing she had not. denial, one of the first stages of grief.

OHHHH. Well I think I summed it up rather nicely.

That's, that's so not cool. She needs a better hobby! Or Holy water.

Definitely. That was my last click. I don't need to see things flying out of a vag.


It was off putting. The 🏈.

I can do worse, we both know you're gonna click it.

She called me once because she moved to Jamaica to cut down bananas. She was a mess. Her grandmother owned fields that supplied wonder bread, her mom was fucking weird and put there, and then there was Mira. She did too many fuggin drugs.

i call bullshit on this one

Nah her names gerty 😎

Yeah this one's fake IIRC, still works for shock value though innit

I'm still not sure this is real?? Is it?

it cant be. remember britt, youre the doctor here. bones are involved with something like this. its just not possible. think about childbirth, hip bones have to completely rotate almost to make room for a baby 1/2 this fatheads size

Nah this one's fake, think I remember there being a real version somewhere but I can't find it.

Have you seen the one with the fat chick in the sex swing?

you cant just rotate them on a whim dreamer smh not like that


aw cmon, dont you want the experience?

That's what I'm saying! The only way I can see is if her body was producing Relaxin.

Depends on who's asking.

And those lips are just too extra. 🤢
Although I've seen some ghastly lady flaps on bariatrics.

The fuck Britt? You gonna give us the goods or what?

This is Brits favorite thing

I'm gone for an hour and come back to.a 150 notifs. Not scrolling down.

I don't have the vid anymore. It was daunting to say the least. I will say that I did see it way before I decided to get into nursing and I can truly see the pros of having sex swings for bariatrics. There would be a lot more access than a bariatric sling provides.

So you're both a scat fetishist and can't follow through.


I'm waiting for my food at food place

That makes no sense. At all. My feelings with "scat" including of my own bodily functions and scooping the cat boxes is purely clinical. There is no arousal or desire to handle, be around or smell shit. Ever. Mine, a pets, a child's or a patients shit is enjoyable.

She's a scat fetishist in denial.

Ya, i lie about socially awkward and unacceptable things too. 😉

On that note, you all enjoy the rest of your day.

She's "busy"

She touches it

Now that resides in my brain forever, and there's nothing I can do about it.


I honestly think those fetishists are seriously mental. I understand the theories of pain and bdsm, and it used to have great fashion, but in reality it must get boring.

That level of fixation is not natural.

Britt really throwing out the lay ups today


You guys posting gross pics is just gross. An old friend modeled for Eric Kroll's Fetish Girls. I have never looked at it.


An actual book.

No idea. I just saw a picture of her online with heels on her hands, no big deal. Another was gross, she has a naked fat dude on his knees and she is pinching his nipple. Those were taken in New York, the summer of 1993. I stopped speaking to her for other reasons when she got back. So, I never looked at the book. ​

Ah for the love of the game

My bad. Think I'll pull a Swatty and delete my account. Goofing off is great and I don't mind be joshed a bit but getting dog piled on shit that isn't who I am, yeah. Don't let ppl know what bugs you, they aren't really your friends yadda yadda got it. Maybe it's the period blues idk. But I literally have a headache now. I was learned. On a high note, it's only 103° now.

Alright. Well sorry i guess. Idk what happened but uh okay.


im sowwy i was only playin &ill stop <3

> Sui comes back
> Britt immediately threatens to leave

Everyone in this thread is a nigger


Don't forget its apparently my fault...

Collection is complete now that you're here.

Don't aggravate her. She may honestly be pissed!

I'll get blamed for it eventually, it always dribbles down to me when you bully people 😤

That is traditionally how it goes yes.

Yeah. That does sound like me

So apologize! Damn! Takes your head and hits it on a desk!

Not like I have never done that IRL!

Hey, i apologize. If this is about the poo stuff. If it's seriously something that bothers you.

Counter offer:

No. Asks @Doll to twonk your nuts for that one.

Someone mouthed off. Boom.

Massah made me head nigger

Idk what's even going on. I said like 2 things 6hrs ago.

He's really tall though, and I'm just a doll. I'd need a stepladder.

No. I slammed their head against a damn table.

this is how i became the true retard i am today

And everyone is scared of clown and sui 😤

Why? I'm not.

Not scared huh?

Good luck


Not afraid, however not stupid enough to click on possibly disgusting pictures. Vast difference.

O.k. Nicholas Cage is frightening!​

You mean dreamy

Nope. I don't have to lie.

No. He's part of the Copola film dynasty, gross. He looks like he is dirty.

I admitted it immediately after, ergo, no lie.

@Decayable ~ is there an Omegashroom yet?

I don't know what's going on here because I'm not scrolling back. Just saw Brits post about leaving.

I was only gone for an hour

Tldr i fucked up somehow

Oh well isn't that our clubs schtick?


This going to take a lot of flextape?

There isn't enough

I think she just really wants you guys to stop talking about actual shit and go back to regular shitposting. She has to deal with feces all day, no need to sling more at her.

This was about the turds then. Well that makes me have an emotion. I sorta started that 😔

Idk i figured one of the gay ones was him. No?

Are you implying shrooms mother makes gay stuff?


It's the truth. I wasn't going to look, but then I did.

@Angel1313 @kf01 @Decayable @Doll @Frank @Sui @justsomeasshole @pixie @KonataWagner @Daisy @Silverwolf @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @cowanon @grizzlywhisker @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @SaltWraith @Turkleton @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired I can't even wrap my head around how saying you'll never look, and then immediately doing the thing you wouldn't do isn't a lie. Would you please walk me through that one?

Yeah, let's just be mature.

Again 2 things 6hrs ago

You were busy causing that hurricane in Florida and trying to make sure my internet stayed disconnected. HA. 😤

Just remember she has a vagina

Save it for court 😤

Sheeeeiiiiiittttt you're the bri'ish here nigga

Says slowly. I had a feeling this one wasn't gross, so I looked. And it wasn't.

What is this "feeling" you speak of?


It was just one and only for a second

@Frank @lord_nougat @kf01 @Decayable @Doll @Sui @justsomeasshole @pixie @KonataWagner @Angel1313 @Daisy @Silverwolf @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @cowanon @grizzlywhisker @lovelymiss @teamwhiteenthusiast @SaltWraith @Turkleton @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired I had half an emotion for a second too for my involvement in the dookiefest before remembering that it was all your fault and we're just blaming swatty anyways ​​​

That makes one of us 😑

You love me

🤷🏻‍♂️ fuck can a nigga do

You spelled gay wrong

I sent her a pm and told her I take full responsibility.

I ran britt off. You want some of the same?

Please die. Please? 🥺

For you, okay

I hope you did because that would be funny

I sent her what I always send her.


Stupid sign, now i have to fuck there

I can't promise anything 😎



No luck I'll have to hire some geolocating autist to find it

Oh, that line's somewhere over there.

Let the intrusive thoughts win, join us enlightened

Sold, brb.

Thanks geolocating austist

@justsomeasshole wanna fuck under the sign?

I mean i guess since you asked. Kinda got me in a corner here.

You're hobos wrap it up?

Ncd only has a hot tub. Deacayable has an entire hobo encampment

Dreamer like that a lot

Ah, the easy path.

He's already over there ready to record.

I love Scroobly Dood

Sui's new tactic since he knows nothing bothers me is apparently confusion. I applaud the attempt but you forget I'm retarded and hence always confused. Checkmate


I've heard this many times but you always have to click a Sui link

Unless you know it will be gross. Then NO!

ALWAYS click the link.

Most actual retards get rather upset and throw tantrums since they are in fact special needs.

Have you seen swatty in a social interaction?

No, but he keeps trying.

Don't turn this friendship into a rape.

Decayable.ink come threaten you bro's wife with rape

Sui was included in that statement. You should see our group chat

This seems oddly specific.

That's my particular idiom.

Don't be so hard on yourself

Be hard in myself

Yeah. That did happen 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'm not ashamed

No, you just don't want me doing it first. 😤

Oh okay alfa. What's next gonna show when i offer you genuine support and kindness. Man I'll look like a real asshole.

Oh you meant rape. 🙄 Cant rape the willing


You don't know until you click.

put the bunny back in the box


omw, you'll hear the plane coming from the northeast.

Hey man whatever gets him hard. This is the no judgement zone.

Is it time, the daywalkers are still up bro, i fell judged

You'll find out soon enough if it isn't nightwalker hours 🤷‍♂️

The private gay cybersex chat?

Its most just me sobbing and begging for love and doll and sui pelting me with rocks and laughing while they smoke by the wendys dumpster like cool kids as i shidd my pant 🤷🏻‍♂️

That sounds sad and fun.

I'm not showing those texts to fedi. They might think you're a homosexual.

Damn nigga hit me with an inside joke on the timeline 👀


No. Bad feeling.

Sharper the better 👍🏻

Crawlllllliiiiiinnnnggggg in my skiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnn

What's your po box?

Care of frank in Wisconsin

935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001

Someones putting out bear bait

I'm going to camp at the no fucking sign for a while

Hey if she's Downs, he's down.


I'll be the shorter fat guy taking it in the ass

Glad you're a catcher because getting fucked in the ass by someone shorter is always awkward

I'll be the taller muscular guy pitching 😘


Yeah get your own bussy it took years to get this one to open up

Stfu 🤬


True love takes time

is swatty a swami?

Look man. Everyone here likes joshing around. But there is such a thing as too far.

Calm down saar

We don't pick our lores.


Maybe I'll pull a brittbratt and dfe 😤

He is now 😃

You too.

Hey Folk how do you say ménage à trois in French?

I got your memorial ready bro

Frank loves cock

I've no broom. I'm no longer loved 🤷🏻‍♂️

If you asked they'd give it back, it's your destiny

By my uncle in my asshole a buncha times


Cum jar v Sentient tampon, place your bets folks.

T t t thaths right. You justh fthucking go withthttt whatttts gifen you.

Uh oh franks got an erection

Just ask the shroomy admins, as long as you ain't gonna remove the gay badge insurance policy I'm cool with it 🤷‍♂️

It just glitched my feed and showed me the top of this thread. Excellent schizophrenia, everyone.

I choked asshole

On cock?

Well, not exactly but @lovelymiss posted something video a day ago and I imagine she might be regretting that decision now.

Ah thats why it takes 20 seconds for what i type to load

You have to learn to chew first.

Just let the silicone based french Canadian deep throat his poutin

You don't ask to be knighted 🙄 you're chosen

Or you get groomed into being a broom, then get involved in federal tier gayops because of fucking minecraft modpacks.

Your turn. Hey swatty want a broom? You should have a broom.

Like for the last 3 hours


You a mod yet or what?

We're working on it

This asshole wont be allowed to simply enjoy his time on the fediverse casually, NOT ON MY WATCH

Your account still active?

I remember a horrible video she made of cutting pizza years ago. I hope she reads every line of this thread

Fuck bro, just send her a medallion and get some closure

I'm going to be the lint between your toes brother

Your gonna be gone if i get a broom. You're getting the full bloomfer experience

I'm cursed with a good memory for very unimportant things

Ergo autism

Franks the guy that figures out who you are then shoots you at an Applebee's 12 yrs after you spoke to him last

Just let me know first. I got a box of shit I want to take with me

you make me so sad sometimes sui.

Onto the quote wall it goes

I miss bloomfer

That makes one of us

You miss him too, he was an entertaining fellow

I musta missed that 5 seconds.

Have you heard his voice? He squeaks

I'm angry reading this.

You're always angry

Whats your fuckin point?

You miss bloomfer?


Did you know i was a broom at coolsite, we're equals bro

Would you shut the fuck up about your boat sex forum

But you had cute little pet names for each other, simpysquad.

No he had pet names for me. I had defeds that fucked his instance so bad he never refederated properly

That was the one where ariel lied and said she was being doxed, because he posted her public twatter thottery, right?

Apparently i was supposed to do research or something idk. I did defed him like 3 other times just for fun though. Then he'd tell me to read our tos... Oh thats gonna be a defed

Between that and the gay badges, you were a fucking menace.

Nope. All sui. Ask anyone. I never did shit. Sweet boy.

It was always because of fucking badges. We both got swapped in because a couple of brooms started spiralling over badges.

Never bro, i never shut up

I was born crying, I'll dye crying

Explain the dildo in your mouth though

you misspelled licc

Probably was, Idgaf

I have a cat on my lap rn, so typing is a bitch. I'll be responding with random images. Like was intended.


Shhhh don't give out our chudbud secrets. We take them to the grave.

We were pretty open about most of it, even the TBs of dolphin porn..


He's here lurk reacting 🙄

Oh and emojis, niggers really couldn't handle the chudberries.

Beans. He's big retarded.

We have a retard cat too, we usually call her flooftard.

Yeah. Thats the same. Sure.

Elitism much?

No way man. Coolsite. Def bigtime. Maybe you can get mack to put in a good word for you with rand or who ever

Maybe I'll do just that

Good. Go. Shoo

He sent me a picture of his penis, that was a terrible idea

If frank were a cat

He's trying so hard tho

Oh yeah, I forgot I was gonna sneak 🍓's dick pic to Swatty. Cheers for the reminder brb.

🙄 just post his dumb dick in the thread. You know my fuckin filter is off. Just get it over with.

Suck it... Oh you were asking wetwipe...


"when" 🙄

Has Dan abandoned you and your radiator?


@Dan_Hulson Wrangle your bitch

God. There's a jonny for all occasions

Got one for lesbian conversations with bakers, incase that ever comes up.

It seems like only a matter of time honestly

That's what I'm banking on

Just lick a pussy and calm down

The butthurt was nuclear

What do you mean? You act like book posted claires house on google maps or something

Along with a clearly detailed threat of arson. NBD.

You were ocean the whole time? This makes everything so much clearer

Ever done it?

Then how do you know? Checkmate 😎

The frank from Wisconsin story

You're such an amusing cunt.

Oh hush you 🥺

You think I'm a try hard?

Hey frank. Check my profile


Everyone lies

Oh lol, you're that Chinese girl, yeah yeah sorry we don't make our lore bro, you're a muff diver now


This just looks pathetic.

Passed a mirror did ya?

Fuck of wheelchair bound drooling retard.

You keep stabbing me in the tail bone and its so small and sharp. Like a thumb tac but finer

If you're ever in a fight with fever, go find the nearest fridge. He consistently loses his balance near them for some reason (probably the raging alcoholism).

No. I came up with it, I call Dibs.

It's kind of our shtick, that and it comes so naturally.

I am probably even more mean, so it's okay.

Lol. Lmao

I know. You're a dude cosplaying as a gook. I get it.

Its lgt guts all over again bro

I wonder what happened to that guy, I liked him and it didn't seem like the kiwis had a legit reason to go after him. 🤷🏻‍♂️

He's got deep gay ops lore. I've only caught snippets

I saw some thread tangent onto him, didn't see anything that bad though. Some accusations that he wanted a azn bitch so hard he fabricated one or some shit, I got bored fast.

He's involved with all the jesse shit and other dumb stuff. Idk. Id have to dig to find any of it.

Fuck that don't bother, it's already radiating the gay.

You my friend are myopic

*dreamers pep talk in the mirror every morning

If you have insight on that please feel free to drop it cuz we're all boggled

Idk bro guts was a casual in the op group but i never really interacted with him much, he got kicked out when the leaks happened and people who fucked with him before the leak were pretty sure it was real, so experts opinion is that guts larped multiple characters for multiple years for what reason we don't know

Yeah thats about where we're at too 🤷🏻‍♂️ too bad. He seemed like a sweet kid.

Yeah, in a way i don't care about the larp, what I'm angry is that in a collaborative creative space he never once dropped the mask and collaborated truthfully that's dirty imo.

Yeah. He was gay oping the gay ops. Thats kinda gay.

Nah not gay, because the second gay bums the gay out of the first gay... Right?.... Right?

you callin him jonny, xuya?
dems fightin werdz, ya know!

escape the radiator?
is this a chinese ref to radiator lookin like prison bars?

No. He's actually chained to a radiator

🤔 hmmm... captive xuya will be forced to eat the mint ice cream, now!

Idk. We're too many layers deep now

Sheit. We've gone too deep, only one way to go now.


You know, show some respect bro

No i agree 💯 actually. Like if you're gonna group up and gay op then its kinda an honor among thieves situation.

Bullshit to that, expect them to gay ops you at any fucking chance. Always keep your guard up around gay oppers.

🤷🏻‍♂️ i feel like you all should give enough to hang eachother or you can't gay op together. Gay op together die together

Then the one guy who didn't is gonna rape you all if shit gets too hot and he wants to dip without consequences.

Well doesn't seem like it worked out that way. Who knows. Fuckin WetWipe is probably pliskin.

Hi, sui!

Y'all OK?

