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BLM claimed that Sydney Wilson was unjustly killed by racist cops.

Here’s the body cam footage—judge for yourself.

@PNS it's ma'am!

Jesus is the cop okay? Bitch cut up pretty bad.


The blood drops are coming down like rain, but from where?

Cop's hand? Head?


Aaaah, look at that big, sweet smile! 🙄

@PNS 'Shots fired, monkey down'.

@DNutzinski @PNS you can’t respond to violence with love and respect.

"let's list her resume to try to humanize the nutbar with a knife who ran at a cop down an entire hallway and sliced him open like a ripe fruit!"

@sj_zero @PNS @Zonz meth, not even once. :P

I love happy endings!

@PNS Sydney attacked the cop. The cop retreated. Clearly, he said "I don't want to do this" meaning having to shoot the attacker who refused to stop attacking.

Was that a woman or a tranny?

@PNS @DNutzinski actually she successfully completed her mandatory 8 hours of training

How could this happen?
She was trained to recognize and deal with "Aggressive behavior" and "Severe psychotic episodes".
She had Mental Health First Aid certification, developed "using consensus of mental health consumers and professionals" and "there is strong evidence of outcomes. MHFA USA is listed in the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices."

The line about "mental health consumers" cracks me up.
The inmates are running the asylum…

@SirLuke clinically retarded sub humans with fake certifications and degrees from gate kept industries means fuck all

but it was hilarious when this same crowd said that social workers would talk these insane niggers down, lol ok, nice disarming technique

Fake certifications? But, but, federal bureaucrats say it's "evidence-based" with "strong evidence of outcomes".
Wait a minute… what sort of outcomes? Is this incident more strong evidence?