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ITT solutions to population collapse problem.

1. $50,000 child tax credit so if you have 4 kids you can make 200k and pay no taxes. No limit on # of kids.

@cjd Increase diary production and encourage milk consumption. (Women who consume more dairy products are more likely to have twins)


In America?

You'd have to abolish social security to make it work (based).

@xianc78 @cjd FDR and the "Agricultural Adjustment Act" essentially prolonged the Great Depression by incentivizing farmers to destroy produce. The same happens in Canada with milk quotas and in Minnesota gallon were dumped due to a lack of processing plants and bans to most states regarding the sale of raw or unpasteurized milk. There's definitely a deliberate effort by the FDA to remove milk from our diets. (https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/dairy-farmers-resort-to-dumping-thousands-of-gallons-of-milk-with-processing-plants-unable-to-keep-up/)

@cjd i think the main problem isn't money.

the main problem is decades of brainwashing that kids are too annoying. that one has to settle first. that one has to "live life" first, glorifying bullshit consumption, booze, weed and being depressed. the messaging that big, multigenerational familiy households are annoying.

it's pretty easy to not think about kids when you take enough s(sri)oma.

@cjd i think there is no quick fix solution. germany is pretty liberal in distributing money to parents, still there aren't enough children.

@cjd Good idea, but unfortunately in AmeriKaland, you need additional qualifications to legally discourage niggers from breeding solely to take advantage of getting [additional] resources when they're already a net-negative.

In this case, the father/mother should be lawfully married, both names on the birth certificate.
> white trash single mothers who breed with Nigga Tyrone and LaJazzeekwa and her baseball team of bastards (from different sires) cannot be rewarded.

Tax credit, not gibs. Way ahead of you.

We're living in the behavioral sink:


Everything is downstream from culture, and culture is rotting.

So the solution has to include addressing culture.

Start with school choice, and make the tax credit truly only available to those who earn income rather than a handout

Here's my thinking:

If it confers an advantage, rich people will have a lot of kids. If this works, middle class idiots don't have to.

Vance's idea of one vote per child is really interesting, and if gibs are tied to being a "registered non-voter", then these per-child votes are actually pretty meaningful.

I think if you change the culture to where the # of kids = your social status, the problem will sold itself (and in a damned hurry).

Maybe I was not clear when I said tax credit, but I meant it's only an exoneration of income, definitely NOT gibs.

@cjd @threalist If taxes aren't theft, how do you make sure your share goes to important stuff, not war, local corruption, international scams and money laundering schemes?

I'm beyond that question at this point.

They money gets wasted anyway, so I want to see it go to better stuff until the house of cards collapses.

@cjd @bonifartius

Still encourages the wrong people to breed. Just cut the taxes. It's that simple. Women are working because dual incomes are necessary for the good life. Cut taxes, money goes farther, and fewer working women.

@threalist @cjd >, and culture is rotting.
P much

@SockPuppet @cjd It wouldn't surprise me if the legalization of raw milk in some states was made in response to issues with processing plants.

@threalist @cjd I've been saying something similar. Crashing birth rates are a side effect of a behavioral sink. So is mothers not caring for their children, and we're seeing a LOT of that.

> collapse in behavior that can result from overpopulation

Wikipedia is so disgusting.

@cjd start a federal department of cloning and have children raised by robots

Lets start a federal department of not starting any more fucking federal departments.

@cjd @Merc The dissolve the Government party.

@cjd I think it's a terrible idea but an easy option governments would choose