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Latest talking point just dropped.

'Trump will only win because Kamala is such a weak candidate, so it doesn't mean anything.'

@judgedread What is the meaning we would have otherwise extracted from such an outcome, if they hadn't headed us off so skillfully?

@judgedread Internal polls must be catastrophic

I mean, they aren't entirely wrong. Kamala was never a good candidate. She couldn't beat a wet paper bag (which I should remind you would still be of color and lack a penis)

@TrevorGoodchild This was a column in The Hill, the Mouth of Sauron.

Exceeding operational parameters indeed.

@judgedread Vulnerable downballot shitlibs in swing states are running ads emphasizing that they will 'work across the aisle' and trying to associate themselves with fat orange man rather than the stupid streetshitter whore. The stench of fear is strong.

@TrevorGoodchild I was noting some houses that had Trump signs in 2020 but not now.

Trump enthusiasm is down a bit from 2020, but Kamala is dead in the water. Biden's zombie covid campaign had more energy.

Turnout is very important for Democrats. Republicans, being 90% White, show up as a civic duty no matter what. Democrats either need to be dragged to the polls, get spun up by some nigger messiah or have faked ballots submitted for them while they sleep in.

@judgedread What a pity Dark Brandon was couped. I honestly think they might have just been able to push his corpse over the finish line.

Oh well. Good salt to be mined regardless.


@TrevorGoodchild The Biden crime family no doubt contributed materially to the 2020 steal. Without their expertise and the vestigal White support from foot in the grave New Deal appreciators the headwind hits Cat 5.

@judgedread @TrevorGoodchild My local area has significantly more Trump signs up this year compared to 2020, which is surprising to me. I'm not going to dox where I live (it's very liberal, unfortunately), but I can definitely see and sense a change even though my area will almost certainly majority vote Harris along with other down-ballot Democrats.

@BeachGrassMedia I think the attrition hereabouts is due to how right wing the electorate is. People are disappoint that Trump was so... moderate.

@judgedread @BeachGrassMedia Seeing more and more Harris ads being run in my Blue state. The general message being the classic message of Trump is for billionaires and Kamala is for the little guy. Seems polling indicates they've lost the middle.

@judgedread @BeachGrassMedia Saw a bunch on stream services as well which tends to skew to a younger demo.

I don't put out yard signs because I don't want my tires slashed.

@BeachGrassMedia @judgedread @TrevorGoodchild The province of British Columbia in Canada just had a provincial election. It came down to the NDP Party (= Democrats, approximately) and the Conservative Party (= Republican). There's Green Party hanging around the edges that gets a seat or two each election.

BC is *very* liberal and progressive leaning, but almost entirely in the cities. In the rural and hinterland areas it swings very traditional and conservative.

The last election the liberal NDP party won with the Conservatives getting 0 seats.

This year it's neck and neck between the NDP and the Conservatives. They haven't been able to make a decision yet. It'll take a few days for recounts (yeah).

What's hilarious is how freaked out the lib/progs are. The Conservatives are considered racist, misogynist, conspiracy theory and Trump loving rednecks. And they're going to either win or be a spoiling opposition party now.

People are pissed here. And although the provincial election has nothing to do with the federal one, the stench of Trudeau and his Liberal party versus the federal Conservative party has swung everything heavily conservative here.

I can't wait for the American election. It's going to be interesting.

@petra @BeachGrassMedia @TrevorGoodchild @judgedread Nail in the coffin for the left this cycle is they got everything they wanted the last 4 years and still resulted in crap economy with no opportunity. There's no reason to keep them around regardless if it was trump going against them or anyone else.