No fault divorce wasn't a mistake.
It was Treason.
This is the reason no young people will marry or have kids... And everyone was complicit.
Churches most of all.
Preachers and elders could have done what their forefathers did when men and women abandoned their families: Excommunicate, exile, shame, and austricize the responsible parties the way they would with prostitutes or divorcees in the past.
Instead they derelicted the one thing that was clearly their responsibility: The social enforcement of the Marriages THEY PERFORMED.
Rome analogies are overdone, but this is the one thing where America does resemble the late republic, you read accounts of Rome in the first century BC and Julius Caesar, Pompey, Antony... Everyone had multiple divorces.
Then poor Augustus had to move heaven and earth and institute really draconian punishments to try and FORCE people to marry and have kids, Roman birth rates, and specifically aristocratic birth rates, were collapsing so dramatically.
And "Christian Conservatives" were the one who did it. Ronald Reagan passed no-fault Divorce and the Churches didn't hold the line and brutally enforce the old standard in the face of the legal change.
No one the various "Defense of Marriage" Acts didn't work to stop gay marriage. The Boomercons wouldn't defend their own marriages and children from the most minor romantic spats at the apex of American financial stability and living standards.
sauce on divorce in the late Roman Republic? 🤔
@cjd It was conservative courts that put women on such a high pedestal, it ruined men. Women got enjoyment from it.'s a hard thing, but often, it makes sense to find another partner even if they are not going to be what your original first love or adoring husband was.
I knew a lady like that once. She gave up the drama of marriage in order to be able to study ancient religious texts.
Your Mom sounds like an interesting person.
@Diceyocean @amerika @Jonny @cjd
The olden days also have lots of stories of polygamy, infidelity, cuckoldry and people murdering their spouse so death would part them. Monarchs, even. Those who are supposed to be at the pinnacle of nobility.
It is a tragic reality that human children require extensive parental investment, and do not allow people, especially women, to renegotiate bad decisions. Who tf knows who she is and what she needs in a partner when she's in her teens/early 20s?
@Jonny @amerika @Diceyocean @cjd
Did I offend the grammatical dignity of the fedi-netz? Oopsie.
I'm generally regarded as the grammarian in some circles, and as a heterosexual in all circles, so none of that reply makes sense.
If a person stays in a marriage that failed in every way until the product of that marriage was established in its own marriage, is it permissible in your eyes to THEN be free of a bad mistake, made in youthful haste?
1. The person who files walks away with whatever property is under THEIR name, that's it. Any "joint property" goes to the partner that didn't file.
2. No child support may be claimed unless custody is VOLUNTARILY forfeited. Custody goes to the partner with the ability to provide for the kids.
3. No alimony can be claimed by the filer. You will not be paid to file for divorce.
4. Visitation Rights -> No. In a contested divorce, there is no escaping the fact that each of the parents will each tell the kids horror stories about the other. There is no winning here, just cut the link.
There are certainly cases which are SO BAD that walking away with nothing is superior to staying in the situation. In a perfect world, those people would be taken care of. BUT that is not the majority of divorces, and whatever "programs" you develop to take care of these people WILL be hacked.
> But if he beat her, surely she should have a stronger claim.
Whatever you reward you get more of. If you reward women who get beaten by their husbands, women will contrive ways to get beaten by their husbands. This is not a "woman" thing, it's a human nature thing.
The deterrence factor from making the rules so harsh will do more good for more people than the sum of all harm done for people in the extreme cases.
In case of doubt:
If both partners want to split up on agreed upon terms, I have no opinion on this. My parents negotiated a divorce in my teenage years and it did not negatively affect me. As best I can tell, they both ended up better off because their desired life paths were so different.
Women can reproduce starting at thirteen and often continuing into their sixties.
The problem is raising the kid when you're older.
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Compilation of fiction about this,83.0.html
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Depends on the race of the parents and their genetic health. The outbreak of tards seems to be a modern thing.