Ireland's 'hate speech' bill has passed, with amendments. Misgendering, for example, will become a crime.
@HebrideanHecate Those were the amendments, yes. However, there are still aspects on 'protected characteristics' that were present in the bill as passed.
@thatbrickster You bet, meet the new priest caste.
@HebrideanHecate Who gets to decide what a 'hate crime' is? It's been codified in Irish law ready to be reinterpreted in different ways by the Garda and other state authorities. Sinn Fein proving they don't have the Irish at the heart of their actions.
@HebrideanHecate @thatbrickster We've already seen in Britain that a rash bit of hate speech can give you a thirty month prison sentence. Let's see what Ireland does!
@BILLSan345 I would hope they don't take this lying down. They have more fight but less representation than we do, like in the media. They led the recent Constitution referendums to their third-most and all-time 'No' results in their history. I just hope nobody loses their livelihoods, or lives, fighting against state tyranny.