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Has anyone actually ever heard of a Beatles song? For being such a supposedly popular band I have never heard a single song of theirs in my life

iirc beatles licensing costs a fortune so if you're outside of the us/uk you probably never grew up hearing it on the radio or whatever. But yeah I think their popularity is a bit overstated. Not sure about influence, though

@burner @dilf the Beatles have no hits

@dilf it’s incredibly mid. Hey Jude is my favorite and it’s okay but not great.

@Griffith @dilf Hey Chode

yellow submarine

yellow submarine and hey jude are the only ones I can think of to be honest

I'm going through their youtube channel, they do approximately smash mouth numbers

@burner @dilf When you said yellow submarine I thought it was some joke or meme that I was out of the loop on.

I always hear people say their hit song is "Hey Jude" but I've never heard it even once. I refuse to look it up either since if it's actually popular I would hear it somewhere. The Beatles actually have no hits it's crazy.

@burner @dilf They were only popular because whore teenage girls all wanted to suck John Lennon's cock or whatever

I mean, they are a band from the 60s. I think most stuff we (zoomers) get through osmosis is xer shit. A lot of shit from that era is only really remembered in name.

@burner @dilf I don't agree. When the other guy mentioned Elvis multiple hit songs of his came to mind. The Doors, Rolling Stones, The Monkees, The Beach Boys...all these bands I can hear their hit songs in my head. Hell I just searched 60s bands online and yeah I can think of a song for basically all of them EXCEPT the Beatles.

It's a mid band that horny girls gooned to for a while and then were promptly forgotten except in name only

@burner @dilf I thought to myself "Oh wait, imagine is their song!" then remembered it's a solo song from John Lennon. πŸ’€ THESE NIGGAS HAVE NO HITS ON GOD

skill issue

@burner @dilf Yeah I'm not skilled with keeping up with all these bands for gooner women. I can't think of any One Direction songs either. It's over.

@get @dilf @burner the beatles are a type of bug

I like some Beatles songs.

While My Guitar Gently Weeps

Hey Jude

Let it Be

and of course what self-respecting anti-establishmentarian can forget Helter Skelter?


Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

But for the most part, it was just pop music of the time, and one of the important parts of pop music is that it has an expiry date so the next manufactured band on the conveyor can come out and sell more albums at relatively low cost before they become too expensive.

The younger boomers in my life LOVE them. The older ones prefer Elvis

i vastly prefer elvis

@boyperpia @get @burner @dilf imagine if instead of the beatles they were called the chiggers

@nimt @burner @dilf @get would have listened

@dilf@armpit.space I heard them a couple times, always with extremely old ppl. imo they sound like shit