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I wonder when will people wake up to the fact that iodizing salt is about as brilliant as fluorinating drinking water. 🤔

But muh thyroid!

@sj_zero well, yeah. You need iodine in your diet, but too much iodine can be as bad as no iodine at all, so forcing the entire population to ingest unregulated amounts.... Ya know.

@sj_zero @ThatCrazyDude

Government needs reasons to be important so that it can take your money

@ThatCrazyDude sources tell me that DEEP EARTH CRYSTAL IODINE is what you want!

This stuff evaporates on the tongue.

As I understand it the real reason that they iodized salt is nuclear weapons. By overloading a person's body with safe iodine, it prevents the body from picking up radioactive iodine in the event of a nuclear war.

It's actually interesting, a lot of our food has been corrupted by Total War. It isn't just about salt and sugar and fat, there are military technologies designed to help produce shelf-stable rations that food company is routinely use in their standard foodstuffs because it ensures that that food is shelf stable a lot longer. You can really see the difference between industrially produced bread or the bread made at the local bakery (or in your own oven). The industrially produced bread lasts forever, but the local bread or the bread that you make in your own house has a very short shelf life before the fact that it is food means that stuff like mold starts to grow.

@sj_zero @ThatCrazyDude The amount of iodine you can consume through diet, even with iodized salt, isn't enough to give nuclear protection, you have to take milligrams rather than micrograms for the protection and that amount would kill you long term. The modernization of food production led to a lack of iodine in the diet which created obvious health problems so it got added for everyone. It's not a good solution if you already had a decent diet but on a countrywide level it wiped out goiters without requiring the unteachable be taught.

@TimboSlice you know, I have a bottle of Lugol's iodine just in case real glowy shit hits the fan, but when it comes to everyday life, I'm thinking that having some real seafood every now and then is enough ;)

@Zettour @sj_zero I was just about to say myself that the dose you need to fully and quickly saturate your thyroid is likely to give you bad nausea in the best of circumstances. We're talking amounts that normally would be considered overdose ;)