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If the greenies ever got to see exactly what sort of resources it takes to create a ton of steel, they'd realize you can't consume your way out of our civilization's consumption problem.

@sj_zero If they saw how much fossil fuel it takes to build wind turbines and solar farms and grid batteries, they would realize you can't replace concentrated energy sources with diffuse ones.

@sj_zero They love to use aluminum for things now which has metal fatigue and will not have a near infinite lifespan like steel. Even more energy savings! 😉

A lot of Percussion equipment is made with aluminum. DW makes their pedals out of it. They're light and fast, but break, especially along the base plate in the center where the energy from the heel and from the toes (going in both directions) has the highest amplitude. And you can't tension the screws without stripping the hole. The parts are like butter.

Sonor giant step uses a steel base plate, and I've never stripped a screw hole. So no such issues.

@Humpleupagus @sj_zero Now imagine a car engine block or frame. Yeah rust sucks and saving weight helps for emissions targets and better mpg, but, knowing how much energy it takes to process and fab metal, it's orders of magnitude more efficient to have something that lasts for potentially 50+ years vs 20. Only iron and titanium have a fatigue curve which is like flat armor in a videogame— functionally zero endurance damage if at or below the fatigue limit.

Til. I never knew about this!

@sj_zero @Humpleupagus Yeah I was kind of blown away. Some nuclear computer scientist was telling me why the switch to aluminum is indicative of lower lifecycle and more planned obsolescence in goods and how steel would be the real net waste reduction. From a systemic POV, it makes a lot of sense. It reminds me of the post you made about cash for clunkers damaging [the starter economy] and "The Wealth of Nations". I don't even know if it's some nefarious agenda or just a desire for profit and greed and some misguided/perverse incentives.