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NYC is just a sad and pathetic shithole

Beyond silly.


It’s sad AF.

They don’t care about illegals, burglars, murderers, rapists, pdf’s…..
…but they care about innocent little squirrels?


The entire thing is silly. This government only legitimacy lies in its cruelty and willingness to use violence for political means.

@Wyliesau That's too sad

@Wyliesau Fuck NY.

I've said for maybe 2
Decades now, NY is like Canada lite...

Pretty much all the states near the Communist Canadian border have been subject to over the Air communist broadcasting from Canada.

And it clearly shows in the laws, policing, and politics in the states that neighbor Kandavanvia

@radraccoon — where are the memes for poor Fred the Raccoon? 😢


hopefully next year we defund the CCPBC and remove all the government subsidies from the other news companies. If they had to survive on their own, I'm pretty sure only Rebel News and True North would remain.

@sj_zero @Wyliesau I can only hope, but alas I think Pierre will do no such thing and he is just going to be a blue tie Trudeau

It's possible, but it's the only hope the country has left. If he's a blue tied Trudeau, then it'll probably be time to bail for a lot of people.

Canada used to be great. Within living memory.

@sj_zero @Wyliesau yeah we just don't know where to go that ita going to be any better

@Zahadoom @Wyliesau

> Kandavanvia

It's Soviet Canuckistan. Get it right!