Losing their liberty would be more appropriate. We used to hang traitors, not hand them gold-plated retirement packages.
People need to stop misusing the words Treason or Traitor. Seriously dudes words have meaning, and we don't hit up Websters every time a word is inconvenient. Please look up Treason in the dictionary. Explain to me how they are traitors? This is simply sedition. Sedition should be the charge for them, and it should be the word on our lips.
I am a contractor for a company that leases to the government. Think BLM.NPS. FWL. NWS. Buildings with 100's of government employees. They all literally could be run out of a double wide by 6 or 8 people. Some of the absolute most stupid, lazy, entitled humas I've ever met. However, I do make a shit ton of money making then look good.