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The shitlibs have assured us that Russia is only using vague nuclear threats, and more shitlibbing is still the right answer.

Moscow cannot offer anything of value to the Russian population and, therefore, will always need constant fear and war to distract from this fact. The moment we deny Russia this "business model", imperial Russia will collapse.


I'm getting the feeling you love saying "shitlibs"

@jazzilla I never get to say it out loud.

@jazzilla Also, one of my more delicate spinster friends asked I stop using shit-gurgling morons to describe them, as she was getting the visual to often.


Maybe write a song with a soaring note at the climax like, "upon the highest bow" in the Christmas classic, where you get to really extend yourself into your favorite expression...?

Just a thought...


If Russia were a major military power, it would have conquered Ukraine in weeks not years.

Why is it important that Russia collapses?

Why is it important to you they don't?

Sometimes I argue for the sake of the third party readers in a thread, but I'm not sure anyone is going to gain anything from me explaining why it is not good to wish for the collapse of a country of 150m humans.

@threalist @william @polarisera

I think Russia needs to be negotiated with.

We might hate their government, but every population gets the government it deserves... what follows may be worse.

In the long run, like the third world, they will be wards of the West in the long term.

Whew lad, what an optimistic hot take on the future of "The West".

SGM is an acronym I could get accustomed to...

It's funny your mind went right to "Russia" and not "Russian Empire", which is what I clearly qualified.

Nobody is wishing for the collapse of Russia. The Russian Empire, that needs to go.

We should have done a Marshall Plan-style rebuild after the Soviet Union collapsed.

@freemayonnaise @william @threalist @polarisera

I say the West should fix itself and rise again.

No point doing anything else.

@william @threalist @polarisera

Heartily agreed. Clinton spent the money on diversity instead.

They were waiting for us to do that.