artificial scarcity still creates scarcity. it only bears the vague hope that it could be turned off like a vacuum cleaner.
@serapath you mean recommend a person, like a good beer?
@lritter 😍 thank you so much. Nobody ever said that about me.
Now i feel special, but there are still so many billions out there...
...on the other hand, if you recommend everyone like that, would make me feel less special.
I wonder why though? 🤔
@serapath well i would not want to be recommended. i don't want to disappoint.
@lritter HA! So your keeping it artificially scarce. I'm not so sure if that is really a world we want. Dont we want a world of abundance?
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Maybe, but it matters when it comes to philosophy. "NFT and money and other such things" is quite a blurry concept 🙂
Some might argue, money is nothing more than an opinionated recommendation or endorsement system. ...maybe thats false, but i enojy poking around and see where do stances differ and why.
Maybe it is possible to get new insights and learn in that process
@serapath it depends on what we want an abundance of. a bigger ego?
@lritter is it bigger ego?
what if you recommend me or i recommend you and you dont even know about it?
Maybe somebody can now follow your rambling and get inspired - did that make anyones ego bigger though?
@serapath if get wind of it, i will have felt like i accomplished something and rest on my laurels. then i might stop doing what keeps me going.
@lritter interesting.
so we have to make it so that you cant know i recommended you - maybe.
But then again, does this apply to everyone?
Sounds like a difficult problem.
But without recommendations, how can i know every cool thing that happens in this world?
Like - what if nobody would have ever introduced or recommended me to look into datalog or more directly into the work the people behind datalog where doing?
A recommendation system seems useful 🙂
@serapath i'm all for recommending things. just not people.
if ppl recommended scopes or maybe datalog or scheme or other things, isnt that indirectly an endorsement for the people who worked hard to make it happen?
so is an indirect recommendation a good thing then? ...i recommend scopes, which... if scopes gets more and more popular, its probably inevitable ppl will start following you to listen to all the wise things you have to say 😁
@serapath i don't take that personally. then i don't have to when they don't. this is no way to reach me.
so maybe implicit recommendations through... eh... "things" a good thing.
It recommends the thing.
Which is the thought and work output of the people behind it. So it is recommending the peoples output.
Also, not every output, just the particular "thing output" ...and probably ppl wanna follow to see and get more of this lovely output 🙂
@serapath i can see that it matters to you. and if it does, why not. it's a kind of style.
@lritter does it?
my observation is that that is common practice. People using and involved with a specific "thing" or project often know a bit about that things or projects background.
I think, if you want to trust into something not changing directions once you are a bit invested in it, you do care about what and who is behind it.
@serapath well i try not to be a bad example because my work matters more than me. but that must suffice.
@lritter and what about rent and groceries? 🙂
@serapath yes these are things.
@lritter hope one day we'll have free groceries and rent, healthcare and pensions for everyone ...actually fuck pensions, just free care for the elderly.
But what does that mean, where does that stop and also ....
Some "things" already work well, i can follow and use scopes.
But i dont really see how to deal with groceries and rent any time soon.
How do you do it?