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what if i was the owl god all along

@Tony I am pretty sure with the right cocktail of meds, anyone can be the owl god.

btw wheres our wobbegong shark friend? haven't seen him around lately

@Tony He's moving and has a bit of the winter blues. He is talking about deleting everything again.

booooo, well next time you see him around tell him Tony doesn't like winter either

@Tony I'm on it, boss.

@TimeSpent This is highly insensitive to owls..

@RJ805 Don't you rat me out. ๐Ÿ˜‘

@TimeSpent I would never!

but I would @Owl

@zucchini @RJ805 @Owl Owl hates being tagged. You're in so much trouble right now.

What does he even want? This is why I hate being tagged.

It was some story about a spic dressing up like a owl and getting high and getting killed by almost white guys.

What does this have to do with me?

I think someone was threatening to tag you and someone said don't you dare so i dared. Have a good night owl hope things are good. ๐Ÿ‘

I mean they're not now that you're being annoying but ok

This is @TimeSpent 's fault. I am going to file a complaint with poast management about it.

@zucchini @Owl @RJ805 Consider this a threat.

HA you've fallen for my ruse. I am not even really a Zucchini!

your instance, my choice! ๐Ÿ˜†

@zucchini @TimeSpent @Owl @RJ805 You lied to us ? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Well... I really am a Christmas tree.

@zucchini @Owl @RJ805 Nigger I've seen your posts. You're definitely a vegetable.