FBXL Social

laughingman | @laughingman@social.fbxl.net

Mugi really leaning hard on their diversity hires lol. Can't you come up with a more competent argument than this?

I will fucking murder trump's employees if he tries another coronahoax unironically.

I don't really care what you are jew. You're anti-white and that's all I need to know.

as if leftists have a good reputation rn? lmao

hello brown guy trying to larp as the expert on white nationalism

Hey @sun how bout you hook me up with a spw account so I can get defedded from poast and nice crew again immediately for not buying their jew grift?

yeah we do, unless your mods are gay

well you've got plenty of company around here so don't worry

if you take more than like half an hour to wack off you're a weirdo tbh

zoomers will never get this

Matty, I have a dream.

I wouldn't call 3 divorces "attraction."

did your wives leave you because you were more interested in males?

it says "3 times divorced" on his profile. clearly he's the expert on marriage lmao

he wishes he was the real guy. if he was he wouldn't have to ride my coattails to get anyone to listen to him. you flatter me that I'm trolling your grift hard enough you have to go after me personally

he hates nazis because they won't let him touch little boys

Your own instance made a copycat of me. What happened to that?

israel dindu nuffin, jews was gud bois. dem nazis iz raycist

You just hate white people because you're a jew. It's not complicated to see through, you're all the same. If you've beaten this act with one of them you've beaten it with all of them. Dindu nuffins with a little more wit and nothing more.

Kill communists and increase the white birth rate. I am proud of both those takes. You're high if you think I'd ever walk either one back.
