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This is why the church used to execute heretics.
Caedite eos.


@CoQ_10 they literally never provide examples to back up the headline lmao

@CoQ_10 >54% of Catholics believe
Is this going to be like the really sketchy survey where it's people who were baptized Catholic and never attend mass lumped in with those who attend weekly and daily services? Those same metrics will sy that 70% of Catholics don't believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, while properly asked version of the question drops it to around 30% (still far too high) and if filtering for those who attend weekly it goes to like 16%? This is one of the times where it doesn't matter if 98% of the church body wants something, because The Church can, and rightfully should, ignore it. Christianity isn't a democracy. Cope and seethe, libtards.

I just skimmed that article. it offered no historical examples of trannies in the church.

@CoQ_10 >Emma Cieslik (she/her) is a queer Catholic scholar focused on material culture and LGBTQ+ identity within the church. She founded and directs Queer and Catholic, A CLGS Oral History Project based out of the Pacific School of Religion.
Into the trash goes this "opinion piece". The author is fetish-posting.

@CoQ_10 >But if the church pushes for modernization, a progressive view of gender must be part of it.
t. unrepentant lesbian masquerading as a deebly goncerned Catholic

@BowsacNoodle @CoQ_10 Make Burned at the Stake Great Again

@sapphire @CoQ_10 I actually saw some suggest by the RCC recently. Including David and Jonathan, and the Centurion and his servant. They called it "Challenging conventional interpretations of the Bible."

@hazlin @CoQ_10 @sapphire Don't we have info on the original language used for the relationship between David and Jonathan, and, for The Centurion, would it even matter? The example of it showed that Christ acknowledged the centurion's faith AND that Christ was there for jews and gentiles alike. Modernists forget that Christ's healing and miracles weren't His purpose, but were a sign of who He is to those at the time.

@BowsacNoodle @hazlin @CoQ_10 @sapphire "challenging conventional interpretations of the bible" is code for "i'm in your church subverting your shit"

I mean they are right but in the wrong way. Demons are in fact sex fluid.

@Dudebro @CoQ_10 I think that's called cum

@BowsacNoodle @CoQ_10 this is merely our adversaries - devils - employing the lost for their ends.

@BowsacNoodle @CoQ_10 Every single liberal church crashes and burns. Every single one. They betray all the core beliefs of their faith, and don't even obtain earthly success in return.

@ChristiJunior @BowsacNoodle @CoQ_10 It's almost like their belief is hollow or something

@mrsaturday @leyonhjelm @ChristiJunior @BowsacNoodle @CoQ_10

"the current Manual of the Church of the Nazarene, which dictates policy from 2017 to 2021, also states, "the practice of same-sex sexual intimacy is contrary to God’s will for human sexuality.""

"The Church of the Nazarene is the largest denomination in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition, which emerged from the teachings of John Wesley, founder of the Methodist Church"


@mrsaturday @leyonhjelm @ChristiJunior @CoQ_10 Methodists are weird because some of them are extremely trad and others are rainbow flag waving goobers. Same with Presbyterians. I've met some churches from both groups which I'd endorse and others which are very gay and I'd avoid.

@BowsacNoodle @CoQ_10 Reminder that survey’s aren’t really useful as they can ask any group of people they want.


> queer
> Catholic

You can only represent one of these at a time


same with


> The rupture of the United Methodist Church (UMC) is nearly complete. As the window closes on a temporary plan allowing disaffiliations, nearly 1 out of 4 of the denomination’s 30,000 congregations decided to split over issues of sexuality and authority.

@Leyonhjelm @CoQ_10 I struggle to understand how people keep failing this incredibly simple shit test. If a person is honest about their past struggles with homosexual desires and their goal or success in avoiding them, I would care insomuch as they could be a resource to possibly share with others afflicted with that desire. An unrepentant homosexual used to be removed from the church.

@d0c40r0 @CoQ_10 @Leyonhjelm There are some actual female scholars who are true to the faith and don't try to overstep their boundaries or push feminism. Rare but real.


I wouldn’t go that far, plenty of Catholic scholars exist. Tolkien was one less than a hundred years ago.

@BowsacNoodle @CoQ_10

yeah but woman ones don't

@BowsacNoodle @Leyonhjelm @CoQ_10 Used to know a repentant homosexual, Sadly lost contact when I was banned off Discord, cool dude, he was a Cosmotheist.


As I said. You can only represent one of these at a time


@Leyonhjelm @CoQ_10 agreeing and amplifying friend


I know and I know you do too. Just clarifying for any laymen who might walk in


@d0c40r0 @CoQ_10 @Leyonhjelm In case you care, Sister Nuria is a Dominican nun and OT scholar big on Job. I've not read her stuff but she's done scholarly work for Rome since 1993, so I assume she isn't a modernist or otherwise subversive. there's a few in the USA as well, but I can't recall their names.

@CoQ_10 and now that supposedly unprevailable "church" is the heretical faggots. Man... if only you could receive proper exegesis.

@BowsacNoodle @CoQ_10 if you're rcc, you're rcc from the moment your born.