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Several people have told me this year that I should not DJ or produce Drum and Bass music because it's not as popular in the US as it is in the UK and Europe. That I should instead focus on Dubstep, House or Riddim.

The problem is I don't have a passion or desire for those genres, they do nothing for me, they are often boring and unexciting. It's like telling a painter that is passionate about painting the ocean that nobody likes paintings of the ocean, everyone wants trains. Trains are in and if you want to be successful paint trains.

He's gonna not give a fuck and paint the ocean because the ocean inspires him. And if he's good enough and his soul comes through the painting, maybe just maybe the viewers will say, "wow, I never knew until now that I really liked the ocean!"

@charlie_root I love Drum and bass man. It gives me solid 90's feels.

I was so happy when British music came to America back then, I despised grunge.


> I love Drum and Bass

Me too bro, it's such a dynamic sound. There is nothing like it!

@charlie_root 100. Nothing better on a nice summer day or when you're working out.

It's what to electronic music what punk is to rock in terms of energy and excitement.

Thanks for the mp3 man, that's going on my playlist.


Here's more! New mix and tracks coming from me soon!
Neekeetone - License to Kill.mp3

@charlie_root Badass man, thanks.

Yeah, ill look forward to that. All the best music comes from people doing it in their rooms these days.

What software do you use?


> What software do you use

For producing I'm a huge Jeskola Buzz nerd. I also have Reaper and Renoise but man am I addicted to Buzz's interface and workflow. I have a wide array of software synths plugins like Vital, Serum, Current, and a bunch of analog, FM synth plugins as well. I also am a big fan of the Amigo Sampler.

For mixing I use the GOATED free software Mixxx.

@charlie_root Oh I love MIXX. I'm not super good at making music but it's pretty fun to get an icecast stream going and do a little DJing.

I have reason rack but its like 5-6 years old. Its pretty slick software tho I just wish I was more knowledgeable about using it.


The only thing I kind of struggle with is mixing and mastering, but I'm working on getting better at that. It's kind of hard though because I can't afford the professional headphones right now for mastering (the Sennheiser HD600's) but it's okay, hopefully I can sell some music on bandcamp next year and start to invest more in hardware.

@charlie_root Yeah that would be cool as hell.

Do you use any of the open source DAWs?

@ins0mniak @charlie_root Dude I HATED Nirvana and that whiny faggot Cobain. Back in ‘92 when grunge was being forced down our throats by all those record labels, I was still rocking to Def Leppard whose 1992 album ‘Adrenalize’ is still one of my favorites to this day.

@admin @charlie_root Thank you bro! I cannot stand they way people worship that junkie like he's the second coming. I also cannot stand all the shitty clone bands that came out.

I like 80's rock a lot. It's just fun and over the top man.

Shit like Nirvana makes me feel weird and angry when I hear it. Like dude sucks at singing and sucks at guitar.

Imagine tho having millions of dollars but your so sad and miserable at being famous.

Just take your cash, get some counselling and live in the woods if its so awful

Work camps for fediverse users

Separate work camp for Alex Gleason


> Do you use any of the open source DAWs?

Not at the moment. Even though I have plans to make some Jungle tracks either using OpenMPT, Fasttracker II clone, or the Koala sampler to get more of an authentic Jungle sound. Koala has god-tier time stretching and comb filters.

@charlie_root Cool. I'm not a big Ubuntu fan but Ubuntu studio looks pretty fun. I can't say if its any good really, but some of those programs look pretty slick and professional.

I love the idea of anyone just getting a cheap laptop and making studio quality music.

@mitchconner @charlie_root Oh damn man, that looks pretty fun.

This looks fun too, MX Linux is a more stable base than Ubuntu these days I think

@mitchconner @charlie_root Oh yeah MX is a neat distro.

Debian without the systemd. It's also got a lot of solid out of the box stuff. Some people don't like bload but I'm kind of old school. It reminds me of knoppix or or something where there are a grip of of stuff all ready to go.


I actually do most of my work on Windows 11, even though I do have a Linux install for an upcoming project using Renoise on Linux.

Also correction, Koala sampler is freeware for Windows, not open source, my bad.

Ubuntu Studio is nice, but I can't seem to find a wine version to work properly on it without giving me headaches and wasting my time. Audio and performance wise it's great, also you can use any Ubuntu flavor and just install the ubuntu studio package (mine is running Lubuntu with the LXQT desktop).

@charlie_root I feel the sound on Windows is superior.

Wine used to be pretty useful back in the day but it seems like a nightmare to use now. Steam has a pretty good emulator for making games work but I don't know if its got a standalone version.

Yeah I do that on my thinkpad. I use their photography stuff and it's been a godsend. Works great for my needs and it doesn't cost me.

Real niggas run this on Pentium II https://archive.org/details/Beos5.0screen

@mitchconner @charlie_root Ha!

Yeah man. Get yo self a BeBox.

Ever use Haiku? Kinda fun

@mitchconner @charlie_root So much fun man.

Kind of amazing how consumer tech could have gone if these other systems took off.

I'm still mad they killed Solaris


Wine does good with games, but you have to be sadist to use it on audio plugins. Some people make it work though using bottles and separate wine prefixes and shit but that simply just does not appeal to me.

Also if you are wanting to do audio on Linux I highly recommend downloading Vital. Get the beta version, it's actually super stable and has more features.

You generally do not want to use proton for non-steam things, because proton is meant to containerize individual programs with a distributable platform agnostic configuration so they run the same on all systems that support it.

Normal wine works fine for me, but you need to have a different wine prefix for modern 64 bit applications. I just set up an alias for it.

Yeah haiku is a treat especially after checking the openbeos website every day for all those years. I wanna find a copy of Phos and see if it boots on my netbook

@charlie_root At that point it just makes sense to use windows or a mac. I prefer linux but what works works you know?

@tyler @charlie_root Oh cool man, I'll try that. It's one of those things that kind of got away from me in terms of knowing how to used it.

@mitchconner @charlie_root Hells yeah.

I love that it keeps that old 90s vibe too. Solid member berries.


And also make an account on this site, they have free Vital presets for pretty much any kind of genre from hip-hop, trap, dubstep, techno, synthwave etc. They also have some impressive Odin 2 presets.


@charlie_root Oh badass man.

Yeah im looking at vital right now. looks pretty slick


Agreed, but some people hate Windows so much, that's why I like to share Linux alternatives that could yield some good results.

@charlie_root I don't really hate it so much as I just get a little frustrated with some things. I can usually get it to do what I want.

I def like it more now that they have the linux subsystem. That is great.

I still have a legit copy of BeOS 5.0 in a cd sleeve somewhere.

Which makes me strange in at least 3 ways...

Of course that doesn't mean I have a CD drive ready to go anywhere...

@sj_zero @charlie_root @mitchconner iirc you could dual boot it with windows



It's amazing, I can't recommend it enough, you can forge basically any sound with it, even realistic sound instruments like drums and guitars. The only thing slightly better is Serum, but you have to either rent to own using Splice, or buy it outright for $180, and its Window/wine only.

That ui is perfect for my netbook screen

@charlie_root Yeah dude, thanks for turning me on to it.

I would be willing to throw some scratch at something I knew about and was going to use but on my skill level it doesnt make sense.


Yeah I don't understand what the fuss is about. My Windows 11 install feels like I'm driving a Ferrari, it's a huge upgrade over Ubuntu and I can still use the same software that I did in Linux like kdenlive and mixxx and gimp/krita etc. Also there is chocolately if you need terminal programs like yt-dlp and ffmpeg.

@charlie_root I just got a Lenovo Yoga with the snapdragon elite chip and its amazing. So slick.

Windows was in a weird place for a while tho, last one I used up till now was xp which I actually kind of liked. I thought Vista was dumb and 8 had a horrendous ux. I like how they adopted good ideas from the linux world, there was a period where microsoft was at war with with open source.


Yup, Vital is free and amazing. Anyone producing EDM or hip-hop in 2025 would be silly not to use it.

@charlie_root The interface is so satisfying lol


Win 11 gang gang


> cyberpunk wallpaper, winamp, deus ex

This guy fucks!

@charlie_root Hell yeah lol

I got gforce now so I stream cyberpunk too.

Its got a crispy screen and by streaming I can crank the resolution on games that way.

Looks so damn good.

Hey cool, I didn't know about Ubuntu Studio. I was trained on an Avid Film Composer and ProTools, and I've never found really suitable replacements for them. But I got a new SSD from Santy Claus and I'm about to set up a dual boot system on my laptop with Ubuntu and Windows 11.

@tiddlywinkler @ins0mniak

Just a heads up, you can use any Ubuntu flavor and install the ubuntu studio package. You don't have to use their plasma edition if you don't want to. I use Lubuntu with it.

@charlie_root @tiddlywinkler Oh yeah I did know that.

I'm an XFCE4 man myself.