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@Titanbreakerkun Today my mom told us about my late father's first job site encounter with a Pakistani back in the 70s. An Indian on the team said something that the Pakistani found insulting. The Pakistani immediately lept across the room and ​bit the Indian on the face.

These were electrical engineers.

@badneighbor >The Pakistani immediately lept across the room and ​bit the Indian on the face.

Holy shit, lol

@Titanbreakerkun It was so hard to keep a straight face.

@badneighbor @Titanbreakerkun That's ballsy on the Paki's part, he probably imagined his face was encrusted with shit but still went ahead just to have at him for wronging him.

@chainsaw_appreciator @Titanbreakerkun

It is about white extinction. Our nations can not take more immigration from non white nations. We are already past point of no return. That is why. Not anything wrong with other colors or nations but do we want whites to go extinct?

What brown country is so overrun by whites that the brown natives are at risk of going extinct?

No such country.

Sounds like quite the shocking experience

I'll see myself out...