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There are hundreds of QTs dragging Elon for his mask-off moment where he called Americans retarded. With more being posted by the hour.

@Hoss That pretty much sums it up.
This was eye-opening.

@Hoss Based @caekislove cameo

@Hoss The man has a supernatural ability to keep stepping in it

@Hoss Fuck that nigger faggot

Is anyone actually surprised that a political figure lied to them when they have next to 0 accountability for anything?

>Mfw I'm on the same side as Laura Loomer against Niglon.
Strange times.

@Hoss i would laugh so hard if musk could get himself unappointed

Laura be looming mang

@Hoss what actually hapened¿ @caekislove u made it to the gallery¡

I shared the post he replied to. He's basically agreeing with the OP that American tech workers are more retarded and less trainable than jeet H1-Bs.

Luv to see it. Simple as.

Perhaps because westerners are (generally) less willing to be trained circus/labor-market monkeys than easily swayed immigrants?

"Power-Distance" is the polite term. Nobody sucks up, panders or kisses ass better than representatives of any of the world's most ancient civilisations.

They do so for a reason because, as you correctly imply, in societies with high power-distance, sucking up keeps you alive.

@Hoss @mitchconner >with the commies against insurance CEOs
>with the kikes against african americans
we're entering a bipartisan age



@80caa3337d33760ee355697260af0a038ae6a82e6d0b195c7db3c7d02eb394ee @caekislove @Hoss no itsbecause u dont poop in the streetstupid white monkey

Hello Detroit 🤣

Melon Suk!

Yup. And the consequences of resultant poor outcomes are diffused.

Normally you do the heel turn AFTER you formally get power. Musk done goofed, since this gives Trump the perfect opportunity to purge him now that he's outlived his usefulness.

Why would he do this? Was he on drugs when he did this!?

@caekislove @Hoss Be not surprised if this is somehow blamed on Ozempic -> Fox News told me that Elon is taking that stuff.

He literally agreed that additional education couldn't make Americans as "good" as the Indians because they are "retarded" and you can't fix retarded. Jesus Christ. Mask off moment.

Sadly, I'm not convinced Trump will purge them.

Mask-off or mask-on doesn't really matter much at this point. The tech-bro checks have already cleared the bank. It's probably going to be a rough ride.

You forgot the asterisk symbol near Americans....

Wait a minute that's not an asterisk it's a ✡️

@Hoss I almost replied back to @caekislove on x on my corporate x account. That would have been bad 😅

LOL that would have been so bad! 😂

@caekislove @Hoss full on dox and I prob would have said some advanced racism.

We painfully learned from airplane disasters that large power-distances in the cockpits result in fatal accidents. This is why crew resource management - a concept originating from white nations - became an established requirement.

Re-establishing large power-distances in general in technological societies will fly them into the metaphorical hillside. But jews and their genius CEOs are too fucking dumb to realize this.


When isn't he?

How much cocaine do you think he needs to be on to be so tetminally online?

He needs to get on X immediately and say he was high on drugs and endorsed that post by accident or else he will be an indian without a tribe.

No, he should do more drugs. Rightoid civil war sparking off before the inauguration has even happened is a really entertaining development.

@Hoss @caekislove elon musk doing ayahuasca is dead fucking center on my 2025 bingo card

@pwm @caekislove @Hoss hope that mfer abuses sacred medicine and then deletes himself off the face of the universe 🙏🏽


@teratology @caekislove @Hoss I'm in it for the potential for future nonsense.

I wonder how cooked Elon would have to get before the Tesla board even dares start thinking about removing him.

@Hoss tbf he's not wrong.

People are supposed to act surprised that some technocrat with daddy issues doesn't give a fuck about the middle class? Woahh, shiver me timbers!

I reject the assertion that burgermutts out-retard jeets, which is the context in which Niglon was agreeing with the claim that Americans are "retarded".

What if its the same picture?

@bot @caekislove @pwm @Hoss ayahuasca is used in sacred ceremonies by Indigenous people and white hippies like abusing that shit to get high, and then go psychotic or have mental issues after lol


Why would you want someone to kill themselves after using a sacred medicine tho? That seems totally deranged

MDMA, every day.

>That seems totally deranged

@caekislove @Hoss hes right though the average american cant be trained up a standard deviation and hes importing 115s
also education is fake "improving" education would if anything make potential hires insane

@Hoss Absolutely retarded shit. This is the kind problem that is enshittifying everything: Investors and CEOs are unable to play the long game anymore, because of globalism and shitty loose regulations they can now shortcut everything because they need the money, NOW

Close the H1Bs and see how quick they try to solve the schooling problem and start giving higher wages, instead, the problem stays unsolved, forever, because they have 0 incentives to invest in the country's growth

What? (no response)

@Hoss Expecting billionaires to care about people is retarded

Well yeah, but you have to realize these are Twittards. It takes them years to reach conclusions that have long been obvious to us, if ever.

@bot @caekislove @pwm @Hoss anyone who knows anything knows that it's disrespectful to abuse and participate in sacred practices that belong to Indigenous groups. Why would anyone shed tears if Melon Husk, out of all people, abuses it and then deletes himself? It would be a net positive for the avg American, objectively speaking.

Government subsidized loans fund his pet projects afterall.

This but not because I care about respecting the sacred practices of smoking that dank injun 9-dimensional demon summoning chronic before charging conquistadors. Just because it'd be funny.

I feel like we agree on a lot of things but you haven't really understood it yet

@Hoss @caekislove @bot @teratology everyone would laugh if the world's richest man got torn several new psychic assholes by some extra dimensional corn demon

If Elon buys out Monsanto, I'll take that as confirmation.

@pwm @caekislove @bot @Hoss demonío de maíz

Very espooky 👻

Also why do people act like Elon doesn't have a ketamine addiction?

It makes you wonder if it's possible for somebody to be so rich that if they mentally self-destructed it could actually cause a recession.

I mean it's been pretty well-known for a while now that he's done practically all the drugs.

@teratology @caekislove @bot @Hoss I just assume that everyone who isn't struggling to get by has several expensive drugs habits.

Rich people get bored and chase highs same as everyone else.

I'm not kidding about the demons though. They're real and own a controlling share in Monsanto.

That's not correct, do you have a drug habit tho?

@Hoss The missing piece here is that White Americans who are willing to work for the bare minimum are untrainable retards because White people expect to be provided a basic standard of living.

If you want decent White people to work, you actually have to pay them.

If Elon wants India maybe he should move his entire operation over there and see how it works out.

What were you convicted of?

@coolboymew @Hoss Take the thames cleaning/sewer incident as an example. English parliament only decided to fix it when the king forbid them from moving to a less shit-smelling location.

>Mutual benefits to the company and state instead of the company just taking everything like the country is an economic zone? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THAT'S LE BAD!

@k @Hoss Beyond that, it‘s typically illegal for a White man to accept less than minimum wage; to “subcontract” his family to help him work for less than minimum wage - those sorts of things that I constantly see these Mexican laborers getting away with. I couldn’t get those jobs if I tried.

@bot @Hoss To date I have never been charged with a crime.

@KingOfWhiteAmerica @Hoss Today's topic is pajeets not Mexicans but same difference probably

Yeah, those laws making it illegal were written for the olden times when they still actually arrested illegal aliens.

@k @KingOfWhiteAmerica @Hoss Mexicans and latinos are the future "Americans" 😂 if nobody does anything to prevent it


@Hoss @caekislove at least the interesting times are interesting

@gav @caekislove @Hoss India is stamping Ph.D on people who can’t even drive a taxi with the aid of GPS.

It is grading on such a curve that an India 115 is the same as an Africa 85.

Thinking you are going to get competent workers from India is just typical tech bro wishcasting.

@gav @caekislove @Hoss I would assume this is why Trump only wants to give green cards to Indians who graduate from US schools, because they mistakenly believe foreign students are held to the same standards as locals.

Which would mean they know absolutely nothing about US education.

There is a lot of room to forgive things and fudge numbers because “they aren’t from here” “it’s not their native language” “they have a different culture about cheating” and they pay double tuition + dorm fees.

@coolboymew @Hoss It's a really good read. You can find it if you search for london sewer history.

lol yeah right

If they removed all the caps for foreign student visas, not a single White male would be able to get a college degree in the USA from that minute on. Probably no White females either. They would literally reserve the entire student body for Pajeets and commie chinks.

it's honestly shocking SCOTUS isn't full up on White discrimination cases.

>me reading caek's screenshot

@Xenophon @caekislove @gav @istvan @Hoss Gonna have to sue the entire economy to fix the problem

Nobody in India has an IQ of 115.

I'm going to ignore just this once the source (a jewess) because I believe this is probably pretty close to what is actually happening.


That any cook qualifies for an H1B tells me it’s a bullshit programme

@gav @Hoss

Because the only black discrimination cases that succeed do so because of the "disparate impact" doctrine, which the Supreme Court has specifically said could never be used to determine that Whites are being discriminated against.

I don't care if they succeed. Clog the court. Make them pay attention to it.

Sounds about right. Jews have been doing this for a LONG time.

@caekislove @Hoss More like an Indian without a caste; a dalit.

@BroDrillard @caekislove @Hoss He likes ass kissers so they're quite safe from being purged.

@caekislove @Xenophon @gav @istvan @LordOfTheKangs @Hoss My electrical company is always hiring, please attach your certification license.

@Hoss I love this video for moments like this.

@caekislove @gav @istvan @Hoss

That is the whole point - they want slave workers. That concept has never died after the civil war or from the Industrial Age. How can I make $ and screw my workers (legally)

Get H1B workers in. This is a bad trend and states Americans are dumb and cannot do these jobs, as you have to Prove no American can do the job, but that is how you pay your senator to slim the rules..

@Xenophon @caekislove @Hoss yes there are, frequently, they have a large population, they usually try to leave

If large population always equals larger numbers of high IQ people then where are all the genius Africans?

@caekislove @Hoss hes not talking about cooks

That's who the H1B program is bringing to America. That's the program he is defending by saying that Americans are too "retarded" to do that work.

@Xenophon @caekislove @gav @Hoss Court will throw it out, bill you for the opposing lawyer's time, and threaten to disbar your lawyer for bringing frivolous lawsuits.

Just don't play.

Stop looking to the corporations for jobs and just find a way to provide a service and work for yourself.

If they want to hire an army of unqualified human interfaces to ChatGPT and build airplanes that fall out of the sky, let them.

Take your skills and go do something that benefits you.

>find a way to provide a service and work for yourself

Oops, you've just been debanked.

@caekislove @Hoss
oh gollly im shocked a compamy, hushed tones "an american company", hired literally any foreigners

why would you be shocked, he never had a policy about never hiring foreigners

@caekislove @Xenophon @Hoss here, there arent many, usually midwits usually very white

>Very white midwits

lmfao. You're a clown.

@caekislove @Hoss hes talking about a narrow of field of upper employment, and responding to the retarded idea that education makes stupid people not stupid, hed never comment at all on utilizing h1b generically

@Xenophon @caekislove @Hoss blacks who are more intelligent have more white admixture

pretending that india doesnt produced any midwits at all is extremely clownish

@caekislove @gav @Xenophon @Hoss It's fairly unlikely in most lines of work. But there's usually ways you can find around that.

Either you get someone else to be the middle man for payment processors and let them skim a percentage or do cash or checks.

There's lots of check cashing places that don't ask questions. Roll the overhead into your pricing.

This is true. For now.

This database they are assembling will make it trivial to completely economically isolate anyone they feel like.


Also what you described in your second paragraph is a federal felony.

@istvan @Xenophon @caekislove @gav @Hoss

The best wise words! The issue is people do not know what that is and how

@Wtdrisco @Xenophon @caekislove @gav @Hoss It’s pretty fucking hard to figure out. You are going to spend a lot of time not making money and failing before you do.

It’s probably a hell of a lot easier to spend that time failing in your 20s than in your 40s when you have been replaced.

Live with your parents if possible and work a shit job until you can buy the tools you need to be productive. Don’t take out debt. Debt is death – especially if you haven’t figure out how to make money yet.

@caekislove @gav @Xenophon @istvan @Hoss as opposed to a state felony?

Bank Secrecy Act* is a federal law so yeah I was being specific.

*and friends

I think im going to get a large cabin, some funs, and a group of people who like the government and several rice cookers

@caekislove @istvan @gav @Xenophon @Hoss Yep... this is a big deal. My business partner and I were hoping the court block on this would remain in place, now it's looking like we'll have to comply unless DOGE shuts this down later. But once the database is filled, it's never going away.

Combine this with the IRS wanting to ultimately require reporting of any personal transaction greater than $600 and they're looking to cement total control. This is probably the last chance we'll have to try to unwind some of it.

Deadline to comply is before the inauguration. The database will be compiled and you don't build something like this to not use it.

@caekislove @istvan @gav @Xenophon @Hoss The eu is exactly like that for almost a decade now.

Which is part of the reason why the EU is an economic basketcase and nobody in their right mind would ever invest there.

@caekislove @Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta @gav @Xenophon @istvan @Hoss an economic zone that has no incentives for private industries to develop there
comedy gold

@caekislove @gav @Xenophon @istvan @Hoss Yup. The worst part is that this system is completely unnecessary; all this information is available via the SoS of your state of incorporation. It's a blatant attempt for fedgov to track legitimate business owners for later shakedowns and persecution; the "criminals" they're looking to catch with this don't file the proper paperwork in the first place.

@caekislove @Hoss musk is promoting non-White immigration - why would trump fire him?

Because if he can't keep the support of his base, the shitlibs are literally going to put him in prison in 2028.

@Hoss It is not just Americans he is called retarded, Elon like the rest of the elites do not consider the rest of us mortal worth of sharing the realm with them. The elites really consider themselves to be a class apart, they are the enlighten ones, they know how things work and you're a lowly peasant, your interests, feelings, and life expectations are getting in the way of their grandiose plans. They are the aristocracy of the 21st century. You want to live your life in peace with your job your house, your dog and your children in peace and they're thinking on getting to mars, eliminating their competitors while poaching their talent, and making billions in the process for god knows what transcendental purpose, and you're thinking about banging some chick on the new year and making meets end.

Are you retarded Americans bad enough dudes to pee in a bottle and not stop working?

enjoy the spiral

>You are lying, stalker child. Enjoy prison.



his jeet intern must be running his account

He couldn't find anybody qualified enough in America to dictate his tweets for $38,000/yr

Holy hell, Elon is paranoia spiraling and it. Is. Beautiful. Where's that Elon-worshiping prick StarProphet, on Minds now? On some obscure part of TWKN that people never see because he's been relegated to irrelevance? Wonder how he's holding up with his beloved being wound up like this.

@Hoss @DrBtc I always knew having him run Twitter while being permanently online would doom him eventually

@Owl @DrBtc @Hoss He's too busy getting his war brides I'm sure
Or coping and seething

@Owl @DrBtc @Hoss what, did elongated muskrat say something bad about child brides too?

Someone should screen-shot some recent star-fag posts on this topic so everyone can laugh.

Oh yeah it's copium hours

Here's a nice bonus one I found too


@abner @DrBtc @Owl @Quentel @Hoss if they're not albanian where are all the organs going?

@Hoss @abner @skylar @nozaki @DrBtc @Owl @Quentel OKAY GUYS THIS IS EPIC

It's so weird he pays for someone to actually go run positive PR down here on dark fedi.

It's the only way this account has to operate.

I love how Elon is turning into Graf.
One of the few times I wished twitter would have a bridge onto fedi so I can mess with that jewish ass kisser.

​>Where's that Elon-worshiping prick StarProphet...

Your wish us my command. 😉
@StarProphet @Starprophet

I reported him today for breaking tos

Fuck it, I'm in.


What was the image?

Lol - mask slipped off revealing the jew within.

its suppose to be a fake reddit thing but I wouldn't be surprised either for Jewlon to have a few glasses of wine and let his loathing of workers slip.

It's funny how that account is such a failure. Everyone dunks on it when things become boring.

@caekislove @Hoss also for some reason your note say this. No idea why 😅

Hell no, otherwise 3/4 of the Gab Exodus would have flocked to Twitter.

Isn't that like reporting Hump to the admin at Zoo?

Lemon Skum

Oh yeah thanks for reminding me.


He STILL seethes about me. Damn.

He doesn't need to pay space nerds

@Hoss @DrBtc Elon Tomlinson

@confederatehobo @abner @skylar @DrBtc @Owl @Quentel @Hoss I hear you are neither a hobo nor a Dúnedain.

Anyone with sense would.

@abner @skylar @DrBtc @Owl @Quentel @Hoss wtf is that true???

And now we wait

You forgot to report him for being a fart-huffing faggot, just fyi

Darth Elon has executed Order 66, purging the Maga Order from his ranks and stripping them of bluechecks and monetization.

@k @KingOfWhiteAmerica @Hoss save tactics different industry

Hump is VERY disrespectful

And Donnie hasn't even sat on the throne yet.

There's gonna be a lot of drama the next four years, won't there?

I love how he says it with such conviction, like he's standing in a courtroom and screaming "MUGICHA COULD NOT POSSIBLY BE CONFEDERATES AND ALBANIANS AT THE SAME TIME!"

DARK MAGA? More like DARK DISASTER, folks! Elon—what happened to you? Darth Elon executing Order 66? Purging the MAGA Order? Stripping bluechecks and monetization? SAD! People are saying, "Mr. President, Elon’s turned into a total traitor, like Shifty Schiff with a lightsaber." And they’re RIGHT! He had the chance to be one of the GREATEST, but instead, he’s gone full Emperor Palpatine on the MAGA movement. Not a good look, Elon. NOT WINNING!

Saar I delete you now



@nozaki @Hoss @skylar @DrBtc @Owl @Quentel @abner He and all giggers know the admin of mugicha is a Black Canadian.

You can't let him expose you like this. It's time to put out a contract on the hitman section of Gëzimslist.

1,5 billion people. You do the math.

Indians that are used to relieving themselves everywhere will be a perfect fit at the Amazon sweat houses.

I will sue him for libel, I have multiple lawyers on retainer

@Humpleupagus should head up Mugicorp's legal dream team.

@yockeypuck @nozaki @Hoss @skylar @DrBtc @Owl @Quentel @abner Wait woodshop owns Albania??

I tried to federate this over to us to dunk on him but it didn't work 😔

Keep tryin

I'd ping him but he blocked me because he fears my replies like werewolves fear my silver bullets.

@sj_zero @caekislove @gav @Hoss That’s just called being a hacker, a gamer, or an alcoholic.

Eve online players: "I've trained my whole life for this!"

Imagine how financially devastating it would be for CCP Games if their playerbase ever finds out you can actually get paid to do spreadsheets 40 hours a week.

@thatguyoverthere @k @Hoss Right; all occurring within the same broader context of anti-White economic manipulation; the purpose of which is to reduce birthrates and disincentivize the building of strong families amongst Whites.

@mitchconner @Hoss I was going to make the obvious joke about her still wanting to have "Aryan Jew babies" but I genuinely don't wish that evil on the world, even in jest.

Indians are even worse. I get along with far more beaners than I do jeets.

@Hoss @mitchconner Something about broken clocks and blind squirrels

@Hoss Absolutely based. Hope <fedpost redacted>.

@Hoss @KingOfWhiteAmerica No I promise you Indians aren't as bad as Hispanics. I deal with both for work, I've never had Mexicans stay at our resort without damaging something. 😭

Both are bad tho

Maybe Nick will take her back, he's getting older and his need to find a beard to keep up appearances is only becoming more pressing.

@Hoss @mitchconner I don't know. I think his eggs have already dried up and withered away.

What an unholy test tube baby that would be.

Hispanics are mindlessly inconsiderate at best, intentionally irritating at worst 😏

@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @Hoss @KingOfWhiteAmerica No, they are filthy. It takes HOURS to clean up after them when they stay. For Whites, blacks, and Indians, it's an hour and a half at most. Usually closer to an hour.

I don't know what compelled Loomer to get bogification surgery. She didn't used to look like an infernal nightmare, I bet she went in to get work done on the shekel-sniffer only to fall for the upsell from Dr. Goldberg.

@Hoss @mitchconner She should sue. You'd think she would know some good lawyers.

Well, it's pretty damn hard to throw stones when everyone knows you're a militant pedophile lmao

I think it was this alt he's on now where I quoasted him with "He's baaaaaack!" and he blocked me lmao. Dude is petrified of the shitpost chuds

For what it's worth, at least PDP takes his dogpiling like a man whenever his latest alt gets outed.

@Hoss @LivingSpaceStudios @mitchconner dude its not even straight, its crooked

@Hoss @LivingSpaceStudios @mitchconner Going for the Bogdanoff look.

The jew instinct to bargain shop can backfire horribly when it comes to certain purchases like plastic surgery.

Because the spics always have 5 or 6 kids in tow that they don't pay attention to 😏 like at the grocery store how they let them run around getting under every lines feet and squealing and tearing up the merchandise like it's a playground. I've seen them, particularly the central American types l, who will be in the sports section of Walmart set up and start playing with all the merch

@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @Hoss @KingOfWhiteAmerica Ours are usually just groups of guys who stay there after work and it's still bad. They'll stay for a week and there will be rotting food everywhere, random shit all over the walls, trash all under and around furniture, etc

@Hoss @mitchconner @Turdicus Jews seem to fall for Jewish scams at a vastly disproportionate rate compared to other races. Some other notable examples include BBC posting and fag acceptance.

They are, simultaneously, an entire race of mentally unstable, weak-willed suckers and domineering, manipulative con artists. It's not a good mixture of dispositions at all.

and bacon...lol

Her new nose allowed her to loom more menacingly

@mitchconner @Hoss Her name is certainly a lot more literal now, that's for sure.

@k @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @Hoss The differences within the observational data likely have something to do with cross-section - with some sectors pulling in the very best pajeets concurrently with the very worst beans (and/or vice versa) — none of these observations are false, but represent specific definite subsets within a broader, somewhat complex reality.

The Talmud talks about jews scamming each other almost as much as it talks about scamming the goyim.

@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @k @KingOfWhiteAmerica @Hoss When I give them a dirty look they generally move out of the way.



The mole to the side of her nose is the only physical similarity between the two.

@Hoss @mitchconner @LivingSpaceStudios I did not notice that, I was distracted by the

Everything else

@Hoss @mitchconner @Turdicus It's been thousands of years and they still refuse to take a hint about their bizarre behaviour. Their refusal to take the L and move on with their lives has cost them so dearly.

Their entire race is a visceral display of the sunk cost fallacy and it's terrifying and hilarious consequences.

Their own mythology talks about how God made them wander around in the desert for 40 years because Moses had a moment of doubt, yet they still rules-lawyer their own deity a thousand different ways. A god who punishes his own prophet for a brief moment of human infallibility is definitely going to think highly of this codified system of games you play with him though, surely.


Hey MAGA chuds hows it going?

@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @k @KingOfWhiteAmerica @Hoss I don't see that as much in Phoenix, except for niggers.
But lot of Mexicans here have been here since it was Mexico and hate
wetbacks more than Whites.

Yeah 😏 the chicanos I can tolerate. The ones in Mexico don't even consider them their racial kin.

A lot of people don't have the mental real estate to truly understand the batshit hubris it takes to think you can catch God on a technicality. It makes plebbit cornsyrup atheism look positively sensible by comparison.

Many (many) years ago: I had just got off work, still in uniform, and I was standing in line behind this family of dwarf Guats at the Walmart checkout. Both of the parents were in front of the shopping cart (closer to the cashier) and they had left their little (way too young to be unattended) infant in a car-seat precariously balanced on the child seat of the shopping cart. The baby was barely old enough to support the weight of his own head and the asshole parents didn’t even have him strapped in. So the baby starts doing what babies do and squirms backwards. I yelled out to the parents in Spanish to watch out for their baby, so they shot me back this primitive lizard-brain looking evil eye and said nothing. Talk about “if looks could kill.” It was very obvious that they had zero respect for the uniform I was wearing or concern for their kid. They legit looked like cartel mules, something dead in their eyes. No sooner had I finished pointing at the baby and repeating myself, the baby completely pushes itself backwards to fall head-first into the hard tile floor. I had gone in front of my own cart and caught him just as he fell backwards. I positioned him back in his cart, strapped him in and drilled the parents asking them what was wrong with them, what their problem was. I explained the purpose of the car-seat straps and told them how dangerous it is to put an unsecured car-seat up so high on the cart. They said absolutely nothing, swiped an EBT card for their groceries and left.

This was a long time before I became racially aware (like I am now.) I would go on to witness a lot worse while I was working that job, but that one incident had a major impact on me…just to see how little third-worlders care about the safety and well-being of their kids. It’s like an attitude of “oh well, I can always ma another baby.”

@_Seraphim_ @Hoss @KingOfWhiteAmerica @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare It's important to hate White people more than you love your children. That's the nindo

You seem pretty traumatized dude

@_Seraphim_ @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @KingOfWhiteAmerica @Hoss @k You might think me mad but I believe jewish wizards literally conjure up evil spirits to take possession of these creatures. They would be as innocuous to us as spider monkeys in their native habitat, but here among us, they become different. Evil. The golem in the story of the rabbi of Prague. The deadpan look on their faces and the soul-less emptiness in their eyes gives it away.
They're possessed. You can sense it from a mile away.

Traumatized by that incident? No. If I was going to be traumatized by anything, it would be from picking up the bloody chunks of pedestrians that were hit by cars, trying to help accident victims while they held their own entrails or using hydraulic tools to cut dying children out of destroyed cars.

Completely floored that anyone could care less about their kid? Yes. At that time.

Not by that incident

I sent him a merry xmas from behind the block.

What’s your angle here?

Oh I just meant that I recognized that you were traumatized by something

A buddy of mine quit that job after being forced to listen to a kid that they couldn't get to burn to death at a traffic accident scene.

Jeez! 😬 That's gotta put some tarnish on the old soul

Yeah, he was pretty fucked up over it.

I was pretty fucked up after my mom made me dig up her dead dog that had been in the ground for nearly a month just so she could go have it cremated and save it's ashes 😏 they do that with all their pets now. Save their ashes. Except for the cats for some reason. Their cats were their most tolerable pets, yet their annoying ass dogs get their own hand made wooden ern. I should ask her about that and why that is. Why not all of the pets

@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @zeke @_Seraphim_ @tyler @KingOfWhiteAmerica @Hoss @k I had to dig up a dead squirrel once. It died in the middle of summer and I didn't want to dump it in the trash to get all maggot-y.

That's very magnanimous of you, considering.

I don't think he meant it, he just gets overly emotional when he's losing. Scrambles for anything resembling an argument, because he hasn't got one but still can't stfu, and then fucks it up because he's a fucking retarded faggot.

That's much less magnanimous, and much more Sui.

He's a lawyer, they literally can't accept being wrong. Their entire careers hinge on them refusing to lose an argument even when they've been wholly BTFO.

@DC5FAN @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @zeke @_Seraphim_ @tyler @KingOfWhiteAmerica @Hoss @k we had a possum hit ont eh road last night or this morning i dunno
but it was sitting there ont he road dead with it's guts squashed out, literally in front of the house, i said ot mom "you want me to scoopt hat up with a shovel and bury it so it don't stink up the area?"
she says "nature will take care of it, i said "alright well don't complain to me when you can smell it"

@givenup @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @zeke @_Seraphim_ @tyler @KingOfWhiteAmerica @Hoss @k Well I kind of forgot about the shallow grave and didn't dig it up until spring. It just looked all black like it was moldy.

@DC5FAN @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @zeke @_Seraphim_ @tyler @KingOfWhiteAmerica @Hoss @k i buried a chicken here that died of heatstroke last year, and coyotoes or coons or possums dug it up and dragge dit off into the woods

@givenup @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @zeke @_Seraphim_ @tyler @KingOfWhiteAmerica @Hoss @k I was kind of hoping that would happen but I must have buried it too deep.

@DC5FAN @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @zeke @_Seraphim_ @tyler @KingOfWhiteAmerica @Hoss @k never told my mom cuz she'd just bitch that i didn't bury it deeper

@DC5FAN @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @zeke @_Seraphim_ @tyler @KingOfWhiteAmerica @Hoss @k then my truck motor blew up when i was half way to the next town over to buy cheaper rabbit and chicken feed, as i was going up a hill and i coasted over and down the hill with no power steering, this hell has a gnarly curve on it too, SO i had fun, then we redneck towed the truck allt he way back to the house, but the most fun experience i ever had .

Coyotes are especially bold out West where it’s drier and food is more scarce. They’ll scavenge anything they can get a whiff of. They will also grab a small dog in a heartbeat…and I definitely wouldn’t trust them with a little kid in the yard.

beaners can actually cook .. theres that

@DC5FAN @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @zeke @_Seraphim_ @tyler @KingOfWhiteAmerica @Hoss @k only reason i didn't eat the chicken myself was i found it dead, and that's just a no no.

Yeah, dont chickens start to go bad almost immediately like shellfish 😏

Especially if they’re in the heat

A large considerable amount of our body weight is bacteria that not only helps us digest the food we eat, but is itching to consume our bodies as well the moment our blood stops receiving oxygen and the blood cells die and stop keeping them at bay from eating us 😏 it's wild how life works. Everything is forced to consume something to give to the bacteria that's trying to kill us in order to stay alive.

@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @_Seraphim_ @tyler @zeke @DC5FAN @KingOfWhiteAmerica @givenup @Hoss @k Murder as Religion.
Animal, vegetable or mineral-you gotta kill something to live.

Mineral huh 😏 aren't the minerals just there regardless and wind up as a functional element in our bodies by osmosis?

That guys account is gone now too

Played Dnd with a lawyer once and I can confirm it this is true and also recommend you never game with them

You just need a DM that behaves like one of those judges who does whatever the fuck they want instead of the ones that cite legislation, precedent and case law.

Isn't there a video of someone displaying every mineral in our bodies, like the usual amount of each individual substance ?

@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @_Seraphim_ @tyler @zeke @AsukaNeko @DC5FAN @givenup @Hoss @k Oh no doubt; I got a bunch of hits for
“human body mineral composition by mass”
Some look superior to others.

At this point my body probably consists primarily of the worms at the bottom of a tequila bottle.

Mines at least a quarter of cigarette butts rerolled into a bus transfer 😏


Brett is like a guy at the Soviet leadership meeting who just told Stalin to chill out a little.

We will never understand this

lo fuckin el 'becoming'

@Tadg_macNuadat @DrBtc @UniPoster @Hoss what an absolute shit show. This african nigger couldn’t even let Christmas be sacred.

What are you talking about? This is exactly what I put on my Christmas list. Thanks Santa!

@caekislove @Hoss >Thinking Trump doesn't want the exact same thing


@Polfusilier @caekislove @Hoss The deal was already made once he won but Musk spilling his spaghetti like the autistic sperg he is before Trump's ass even touched the seat is hilarious

Gonna take a LOT of spin and key jingling to clean this up assuming the "Tech Bro Right" isn't dead for good now

This is a huge mess. Yeah, nuclear sperg

@caekislove @Polfusilier @Hoss Watching your political capital evaporate in real time before you're even inaugurated must be a helluva drug

They'll rally their talking-heads and have this cleaned up in a few days. The next news-cycle will wash away anything that remains.

@caekislove @Quentel @Homosoypiens @Polfusilier @Hoss Yeah the meth wore off an he realized he fucked up

<But isn't it your website?

@Hoss @caekislove @Quentel @Polfusilier @egirlyuumimain The world's richest man who owns the biggest Western social media forum cries out as he calls you an unemployable retard

@caekislove @Polfusilier @Hoss GOP always wanted stability and funding for the American Empire, not clowns and "deep spending cuts"

A lot of Washington insiders cracking open champagne right now at the idea of Musk and his DOGE getting swept under the rug

Imagine being on the Teslabot team right now. Your entire department just got screamed at by your boss over conference call about how you're all gonna work triple overtime to get the wagiebots operational before he's forced to hire American citizens.

Guess it's time to coin the phrase: 'corporate cuckoldry'.

@Hoss @Homosoypiens @caekislove @Quentel @Polfusilier I just hope he hires a bunch of Indians to own the american people and winds up having his rockets and cars blow up more often than they do now

@Quentel @Hoss @caekislove @Homosoypiens @Polfusilier @egirlyuumimain is that where we all have sex with grimes???

That's what Bezos was doing when he went around banging his top executives' wives and destroying their marriages just because he could.


Pass, I'm good on the free herpes giveaway.

Yeah they don't need a visa to be wage slaves, we call them "contractors" and they need to be wrangled just as much as the H-1B jeets

@caekislove @Homosoypiens @Polfusilier @Hoss Let a million lawsuits bloom.

Why not South Africa since that's where super-geniuses seem to magically be grown? It must be tiring to somehow manage multiple global companies... while still having plenty of free time to melt-down on a social-media site.

I wonder if it's cutting into his Diablo 4 time.

Elon cant even handle one hell thread. What a pussy bro.

All the money in the world and he still can't say nigger. We're more free than he'll ever be.

Niglon is a slave to his masters.

Imagine the countless billions of dollars worth of devastation that would be inflicted upon both himself and his businesses if he tweeted one little word.

@Hoss @Quentel @caekislove @tinosoft @transgrammaractivist @Homosoypiens @Polfusilier I wanna see the patick doyle video about that. You know he "loves" elon

@Hoss @Quentel @caekislove @tinosoft @transgrammaractivist @Homosoypiens @Polfusilier I can hear him now
"In just one word, Elon has destroyed the stock of all his businesses."

@Hoss @caekislove @Quentel @Frondeur @Homosoypiens @Polfusilier @egirlyuumimain what if she tosses in HIV for free as well

I get that Elon's into BPD art hoes, but he could've had one that was less busted.

The look of a psycho

He told us what side hes on and whose his master.

@homesteader_surfer @Hoss @caekislove @Quentel @Frondeur @Homosoypiens @Polfusilier @egirlyuumimain I didn't think Elon's taste in women would make Vance's look understandable, but here we are

@transgrammaractivist @caekislove @tinosoft @Quentel @Homosoypiens @Polfusilier @egirlyuumimain @Hoss I'm just gonna say it - they artificially made him top Diablo 4 player as a wink and a nod to how hard he sold his and/or other people's soul and the price he got for it.

He has an H-1B grinding D4 24/7 at Tesla HQ.

I mean....

Maybe this will somehow end up developing into an 'emperor has no clothes' moment for the annoyingly over-hyped niglon persona. It isn't even realistic and people still buy it.

@Quentel @Hoss @caekislove @tinosoft @transgrammaractivist @Homosoypiens @Polfusilier And his Master is LIbtardation
(or the jews I guess)

>not playing POE2

This is why Chudlon is NGMI

Gotta wade thought the shit before you pretend to code...
Shiva sacrifices kids for your area codes...

@Hoss @caekislove @tinosoft @transgrammaractivist @Quentel @Homosoypiens @Polfusilier @egirlyuumimain

It's almost like you fucktards are about to realize he isn't a real person but just a PR figurehead for the unlimited budget derp cabal dysgenic fucktard shit show, almost.

Today's heroes. They report people.


It what he thinks of himself.

Think you're taking this a little too seriously, because it's clearly meant as a humorous gesture.​