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Hear me out.

Make companies pay 4x the rate they would typically pay into ss to hire h1b visa employees

This is a winner idea.

It would also expose the fact that there isn't a lack of American talenrt, just a lack of talent at low wages.

@threalist @Sirpantangelini

Yeah, make the companies pay for the privilege of using foreign labor.

@Sirpantangelini they already pay extra for H-1B holders. To get H1B you need to have prearranged contract and doing that remotely it's cheap to begin with.
But hey, how about having American youth to kinda comprehend that working for living is the way to go and living off your momma is fuckin' gay, you know, like it was just some 20 years ago? That should do the trick, no? πŸ€”

@threalist@social.fbxl.net @Sirpantangelini@noauthority.social lol. β€œGive the government more money to hold onto for us”

Sorry. No. This is not a good idea. The government can’t be trusted with money.

Kick out the immigrants that are already here and stop bringing them in for ANY reason.

Hire Americans to do American jobs for American companies.

@makeheroism @threalist

I did say, I don't like ss.

The point being the same as why we would put tariffs on Chinese or Mexican products.

Tax that specific labor till it costs more. So you will ONLY do it when it's actually worth the talent.

I'm not sure I understand your premise.

Are you suggesting that HB1 visa salaries are higher than regular salaries?

Or just that "kids these days aren't what they were when I was a kid?"

@threalist @ThatCrazyDude

Based on this chart I'm saying a 33% tax on h1b visas

@threalist @Sirpantangelini I'm saying that if you want a foreign worker, it is you who's arranging for his H-1B. That means you'll most likely need to pay an immigration lawyer and you'll probably need to have an interviewer wherever you're hiring. That's just for starters, and that alone makes employing a foreigner more expensive than employing a local at a minimum wage. Prolly, like, twice as expensive if it's just for a season.
You see, it only make sense if local kids don't want to work


Scrap the SS part. If they are that good that they can command 4x the normal rate they deserve it.

It still fixes the broken process and hB1 visas would all but disappear and expose the lie.

@threalist@social.fbxl.net @Sirpantangelini@noauthority.social no. We don’t need them. We shouldn’t want them under any circumstance. You give the people bringing them here an inch they will take ten miles. This has happened time and time again throughout the history of this country alone.

You want the end of the white race?

This is how you get it.

Ah, the "Americans don't want to work" argument..

Is it possible that corporations are simply leveraging legal paths (Amazon isnt struggling to pay a few immigration lawyers) to put downward pressure on wages?

> 33% tax on h1b visas

@makeheroism @threalist @Sirpantangelini

The "Christian libertarians" (Christberts?) like Musk want to frame this as an economic issue, and Vivek wants to frame it as a religion issue.

It's a biological/genetic issue.

Polyethnic societies become Brazil.

We need societies for ethnic Western Europeans, the people who created the America we all enjoy.

Anyone else needs remigration.

@threalist @makeheroism @Sirpantangelini

Diversity is toxic; why screw around with any of it?

This topic is like "What degree of mandatory free fentanyl dispensers in bathrooms is appropriate for our economy?"

@threalist @Sirpantangelini man, let's be honest here. Will you go picking strawberries for 2k a month?
Presumably you won't and nor will your kids even though they have no living expenses whatsoever. Am I wrong?
And assuming I'm not wrong, how much will be too much for strawberries for you? πŸ€”

@amerika@annihilation.social @threalist@social.fbxl.net @Sirpantangelini@noauthority.social

Elon Musk is devoted to the Talmud.

Whether he is Jewish by blood is irrelevant.

man, let's be honest here.

Do we want Americans to go picking strawberries for 2k a month?

@threalist @Sirpantangelini the US can probably so that. But then, it is not the immigrant that will pay but you whenever you go to a store and buy the stuff he's making. If you're cool paying even more for already overpriced goods, go for it. I don't live in the US so what do I care lol

@threalist @Sirpantangelini that would suck. But somebody has to do the job for less than you're willing to pay for the produce

> it is not the immigrant that will pay but you whenever you go to a store and buy the stuff he's making

Yes, that is how it works in countries with a high standard of living.

@threalist @ThatCrazyDude @Sirpantangelini No we should mechanize that shit like proper Americans

You know what would really increase profits and lower produce prices?

Actual slavery.

@threalist @Sirpantangelini @ThatCrazyDude lets make the ceo caste slaves and see how it goes

@threalist @Sirpantangelini in those countries who's governments can't add, sure.
I mean, think about it. To expand on the strawberries example: you won't do that, your kids won't even do that for pocket money, you say that economy sucks because the foreigners take all jobs, you'll tax the employer of foreigners extra and how does that help? Tye way I see it, all you get for your effort is more expensive strawberries

@icedquinn @Sirpantangelini @ThatCrazyDude @threalist slavery is always a bad idea, it results in you using great mental and physical resources to ensure the survival of an enemy bloodline. It makes less than no sense in a post-industrial age where we have more efficient fuel than food

@istvan @threalist @Sirpantangelini dunno, man. I'm kinda thinking that if I was living in some third world shithole, I'd opt to work for US company remotely which is how it's done in tech, and spend the money I make off the US employer in my shithole country because this way I'd be getting way more bang for the buck. And you don't need any kind of visa for that

You make a good point. Over seas work from home jobs should also face this labor tariff.

@ThatCrazyDude @threalist

@ILoveAmericaNews can you toot, tweet, boof this idea at trump or vivek, or Elon.

Ill rewrite it so you can do the image border thing you do.


No, for every 3 H1Bs you hire because there are "no Americans with that skill", you have to hire an American apprentice to train for that skill.

If you only need one or two people, that could be a unique skill. But if you need fifty, you are lying to everyone. So you need to hire 16 apprentices. Full time, with pay and benefits.

And they should be able to reduce the company's reliance on H1Bs after the first year or two as they transition into those jobs.

@Sirpantangelini yeah I heard someone else propose that yesterday it’s solid. It doesn’t need to be four times just needs to be a premium.

@makeheroism @threalist @Sirpantangelini

Once I saw that what people talk about as "Jewish" is actually just the narcissism-individualism-egalitarianism control cycle, I understood what they were on about.

Yes, he's an individualist who naturally believes in equality.

How in the fuck did you get to "jewish means egalitarian"? They absolutely do not believe everyone is equal. Look at israel, that's jewish, a far right religious ethnostate. No egalitarianism in sight.

@Sui @makeheroism @Sirpantangelini @threalist

Someone should insert the phrase "Tikkun Olam" in here; it's a form of self-pity elevated to altruism.

IMHO Judaism is no different than any other third-world or mixed-race philosophy in this regard.

Jews are not special. Or at least, their ideas are not. Their love of the Greeks and Western classical culture? Very special.


"far right religious ethnostate"


but for me it would be a different ethne and religion.

@Sui @makeheroism @Sirpantangelini @threalist

People focus on Jews just because Jews are the most successful mixed-race group.

Compare them to gypsies. Jews have gone somewhere; gypsies are still living in chaos scamming the dole.

> "Tikkun Olam"

I prefer to judge based on actions, not asserted intent. "Social justice" has not "repaired the world" it has divided it even further, so that's either the real intent or they're all fucking retarded. Either way they shouldn't be taken at their word imo.

> but for me it would be a different ethne and religion.

A different shade of white and a different shade of jewish mythology, yep. I'm sure that'd work out so much differently lol lmoa.

@Sui @makeheroism @Sirpantangelini @threalist

Most of humanity is fucking retarded.

I'd like a WASP pagan society. Pagans tend to view Christianity as just another source of potential wisdom.

Tbf I haven't met anyone that's interacted with gypsies that doesn't hate them more than jews. Even my normie mum will go off on a rant about gypos if they're brought up lmao, "as soon as they open their mouths you know they're just going to try and get something for free, it's like a compulsion" etc.

I think a lot of jew hatred comes from their positions (and nepotism) in various fields that negatively impact our lives. They're pretty interchangeable with lizard people/elites/patriarchy/illuminati/globohomo or any of the other many names for our shared enemy.

@Sui @makeheroism @Sirpantangelini @threalist

Second paragraph is very interesting. Seems to me that this fits with how all diversity behave, just higher IQ. This is a consequence of diversity itself: to be a minority is to oppose the majority, or at least its culture.

As far as gypsies, yes, my experience is that even devout anti-racists in Europe think the gypsies are horrible and should be gassed and burned.

I actually knew a Hindu with a really sinister personality, during the late 1990s, running a small but very famous and reputable business in Chicago.

His son turned gay, her darling daughter got caught up in drugs and went to spend some years in prison. He hated the US for "ruining" his kids and turning them away from his religion.

Love it or leave it, this is the USA.

@ned @threalist @Sirpantangelini they are meant to allow US employers to source work force they can't source in the US, so I'm kinda thinking that if you're a strawberry farmer or whatever, you can't get locals to pick your strawberries for the money you can afford to pay while still selling your product at a profit, you do have a valid reason to arrange for H1Bs for foreigners and bringing them over.