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"You will live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension." -- #nikolatesla

As someone that used to give my tech students failing grades for not using #ISO8601 #dates, this #smbc comic feels like I've just been exposed to an STD.

ddMMMyyyy is the same number of characters and removes all ambiguity. 01JAN2025

>failed students for not having iso-8601 date
wow that somehow is 100x worse than all of my shitty professors combined

@shawnkhall You probably deserve an STD if you're failing students for that reason.

if you can't read whats written on the whiteboard in front of you during an exam then you can't be trusted to manage networks

ISO8601 is consistent and logically sound - but also sortable without any ambiguity or disorganizational issues: yyyymmddThhnnss

No, computer and copier repair


lol.. I'm religious about using iso dates in filenames and anything sortable/searchable, but in notes I just write m/dd or occasionally m/dd/yyyy.

i always use iso8601. i use 24h clocks, too. my wife absolutely hated it and it was the source of many of our arguments. she was actually one of the students at the tech school and got really pissed off when i forced even her to use iso8601 format.