Josh claims to not have purchased a standing desk to lose weight, but the lie detector test shows that was a lie. Josh clearly implies that the "STANDIN' DEST" (lisp?) was for the purposes of losing weight. There is no mention of posture or "bloodflow" whatsoever.
This nigga has been trying to lose weight for years when all he needs to do is put down the fork. If he committed to weigh-ins every stream I think MATI viewers could bully him into a healthy weight.
At the very least Jersh could start fucking lifting. If he's not gonna stop shoving pizza down his blowhole he can start building mass that's not lard. That's the one arena where fat fucks have the advantage, putting on muscle has always been a pain in the ass for me since I don't eat enough.
Quite possibly as monumental of an effort as it would be for Brickface to stop being a creepy control freak, yeah. It'd be easier for Jersh to speak from the high ground to niggas like incels if he was actually bettering himself. When I first started listening to him I thought he had shit figured out, but over the years I've come to realize he's just as if not even more fallible than the lolcows he covers. I still hold out hope that one day he'll actually put in the work to be the man he tries to present himself as with the public facade.
@Nudhul@Hoss josh can count calories just fine which is why they didn't count calories and would drink cofee with full cups of milk several times a day
Again, if he just started lifting he wouldn't have to fret about bullshit like drinking coffee with milk all day. In fact, he could eat even more cheese, all the cheese he wants.
If Jersh just fed the raw text of top KF threads into that AI tool he found which turns text into podcast-formatted content and used it for listening material while lifting, he'd be both be jacked and have less laughably inexplicable holes in his knowledge of terminally online happenings every stream.
@Hoss@NonPlayableClown@colonelj yeah one of my mom's friends recently had a really bad case of kidney stones and every account ive heard from women say its way, way worse than childbirth
@Nudhul@colonelj@Hoss context: vox day was in an electronic group in the 90s (which also had the guy who made the theme song for the classic game Marathon 2) before he became a online grifter and they made some not-that-bad music.
PurpCat gets one insightful reply every thread before descending into babbling about base model Nissans, retro computing hardware and/or miscellaneous autism.
@lina@RustyCrab@colonelj@Hoss no you dont retard you're gonne be 52 and get a lung cancer diagnoses and wish you werent such a gay retard huffing toxic smoke
@lina@colonelj@Hoss@Nudhul A 3.5 with a manual transmission or auto (not CVT) would be a great sleeper car because everyone will think you're a broke baby mama
Cigars are also based. It's all about the place you're in. Cigs are for dreary cold weather settings, cigars are for based Castro LARPing in tropical environments.
@Nudhul@RustyCrab@colonelj@Hoss you won't be able to see through the tears as you recall the giant living cigarette rearranging your colon, you'll end up swinging and hitting yourself in the balls cuz you weren't strong enough to stop the rock's inertia in your hand
Ruskies like their cigs as much as their booze. Chinks usually get eaten by escalators or lathes long before they suffer the long-term deleterious health effects of chronic smoking.
Japs are the most smoking-resistant East Asians. Longest lived people in the world without ever giving up the cigs, a constant thorn in the side of the globalist health jannies.
@lina@RustyCrab@colonelj@Hoss you at age 52 lying in bed in a hospital: "wow he was right all along. i wish i wasnt a huge fucking queer and listened to my betters about how cigs would turn my lungs into black sludge. the tumors are inoperable and ill be dead in a week. if only i did literally anything else."
The WHO doesn't want to admit some people just have gigachad genes and can ignore all the nagging, that's why they make governments try to bankrupt the Nicotinic Ubermensch through burdensome taxation.
@Nudhul@RustyCrab@colonelj@Hoss well i can't explain otherwise why you're acting like a giant baby over someone smoking, it must've been something that emasculated you forever like a giant living cigarette raping you to near death for you to cry like a little bitch
@waff@PurpCat@Hoss@Nudhul@RustyCrab@colonelj in a way yes because we end up making friends with each other cuz the rest are spergs who can't really even speak coherently, its a communication thing, people who can speak coherently will talk to people who speak coherently
All he needs to do is lift weights and he can eat whatever, just get an electric impedance whatever thing that measures body fat percentage and just use that.
On another note how does he live in some shithole in Europe and is still fat? Europoors are always smug about American food being dogshit (it is) and people being obese (meaningless BMI term), yet here a burger is fat in Yurup? How? Does he not walk or something?
I have a deskjob, sleep all day when I'm at work, and drive a car, and still lose fat. He has no excuse.
The FDA doesnt want to admit pure blooded Americans are immune to roundup, cornsyrup, and microplastics. Thats why we eat it to kill off all the non Americans in our borders.
All this fat wigger has to do is commit to intermittent fasting; Jewsh doesn't even have to change his diet if he doesn't want to, just don't eat as much junk and time when you eat, if you're not doing a meal a day.
@colonelj@Hoss@Nudhul maybe he cant count, has he ever shown any ability to count? I mean webdev is just like if, else, maybe a for loop, you hardly need to be able to count.
@waff@PurpCat@lina@colonelj@Hoss@Nudhul I honestly cannot think of an apt comparison for this place to anything. It's just a big mix of societal misfits but not aligned to one axis like everywhere else.
@Nudhul@RustyCrab@colonelj@Hoss moshi moshi, you're not gonna share your traumatic close encounter with the cigarettes? where'd all that tough guy act go? you're afraid i'm gonna laugh at it?
Tobacco is taxed heavily for the same reason that alcohol is: addicts will pay whatever price is put on it. They could do the same with soda, and will probably try soon.
@lina@Hoss@Nudhul@PurpCat@RustyCrab@colonelj its still so interesting cause the other instance im on was like on the fringe of the net in some rando japanese dudes basement and somehow when I followed people like dcc he just so happens to also know you, which is on this odd instance I only found out through moriya shrine. Idk its just so rando
@waff@RustyCrab@lina@colonelj@Hoss@Nudhul I'm literally a loser furfag who also happened to be a shitposter and even posting links to the chinkshit randomizer gets you banned from furry groups.
@RustyCrab@PurpCat@lina@waff@colonelj@Hoss its a gathering place for people who fell thru the cracks of society and hate the weak people who allowed those cracks to exist
@Nudhul@RustyCrab@lina@colonelj@Hoss lung cancer is a jewish lie, cigarettes actually just make mens voices more sexy, increases their testosterone and make them look more masculine. Thats why the jews tax it so high, they dont want you to smoke the chad sticks.
The state knows it isn't a deterrent, they just want their cut. Any time a state legalizes a new vice, it's only because the bean counters calculated that it could extract more value from condoning it than the societal corruption would cost.
@eemmaa@RustyCrab@colonelj@Hoss@Nudhul that is already being done for me in this thread and i'm a big fan of not doing things that are guaranteed to be done for me
@lina@Hoss@Nudhul@PurpCat@RustyCrab@colonelj yea lmao I had to scroll thru a lotta ur messages to see lands older message on our instance. Its nice when people talk every day on here cuz it keeps things lively.
@splitshockvirus@Hoss@bronze@colonelj There's plenty of Americanized food now, they just haven't had time to bulk up yet. Once you get the first generation of fatties you give their children a head start at birth and it snowballs.
@lina@RustyCrab@colonelj@Hoss@Nudhul I am a mutual follow with some one in thread, so I saw it, this is a public conversation platform you pathetic loser.
Gambling as well. Weed legalization was slow compared to the liquefying g-force of the 0-60 at which sportsbook betting went from the realm of seedy dive bar bookies to Wall Street-funded enterprise.
If I ever start tinkering with my instance software I'm gonna implement a dramacoin-style system where you earn coin to buy awards for fucking with other instance-mates' posts based on how many replies your threads get. Gamifying hellthreading sounds fun.
Mod power abuse isn't funny, but award-based user squabbling is extremely entertaining. rDrama started to fall off when "ironic" mod abuse began to overshadow the influence of intra-user award-warring.
@waff@Nudhul@Hoss@PurpCat@RustyCrab@azure@colonelj@dcc its not even mod abuse when its fedi gold privileges the jannies arent even involved cuz the archons at fediverse give out the fedi gold and fedi platinum privileges after you pay $26.95 or $53.90
It can be funny when it happens once a year in a moment where the stars align and an opportunity for mod-facilitated lulz presents itself. It's gay when it happens multiple times a month.
@Hoss@dcc@PurpCat@RustyCrab@azure@lina@colonelj@Nudhul when your actions are comperable to a reddit/'cord janny I think thats where you should be put down as a janitor. I think an interesting experiment id like to see one day is an instance that disables all links and images and has no moderation whatsoever. I wanna see if that somehow does well...
@waff@Hoss@Nudhul@PurpCat@RustyCrab@azure@colonelj@dcc im pretty sure whoever the domain would be registered to would be under investigation for child porn being publicized cuz as far as i know thats what happens to small boards when moderation is insufficient
@lina@Hoss@Nudhul@PurpCat@RustyCrab@azure@colonelj@dcc I guess you could also limit messages to 150 words or something like that. They could probably divide up the ascii art but at that point that just sounds straight up retarded and they'd probably have an easier time sending the images via radiowaves.
I wish we could just Death Note-style heart attack every pedo faggot in the world all at once. Imagine how much fun the Internet could be if only that was possible.
Really just goes to show that advertisers are completely full of shit with their cartel-facilitated efforts to censor the Internet. They don't actually give a fuck about harmful content, their demands to have more control should be ignored. They should have far less.
Rumble's ads are a fucking trip. Every single one is distilled schizophrenia. I mean, good for them if that's what it takes to fund an alternative platform, but man I did not expect advertising to lunatics to be so profitable. It's arguably more exploitative than just funding your platform through gambling addiction like Kick does.
It was 100% the same shit. Normie advertisers will never touch them, but you'll see gold buying ads and ads for the most FUDD guns on earth (Henry Rifles? They smelled FUDD from the ads) in between their programs.
As somebody who stacks PMs, it's surprising how successful those gold sellers are at shilling to boomers. None of them offer a better deal than what you can get off online merchants like APMEX.
Kick literally funds the gambling addictions of washed up streamers to try to coax more people to gamble with fake money. Shitlibs talking about how giving people guns is grooming are awfully silent at the fact an entire streaming site that jannies you anyhow exists for the sole purpose of getting people hooked on gamba.
@PurpCat@Hoss@Nudhul@azure@colonelj@dcc@lina@waff it was such a strange choice embedding black people into the LGBT symbolism. Every time I see this now it sounds like trump is gonna send trannies back to Africa
I love this clip, that dealer is a total king. The thought of this guy roasting my crappy hands almost makes me want to throw a few bucks at online blackjack.
@waff@dcc@PurpCat@azure@lina@colonelj@Hoss@Nudhul actually they probably both work because both of them are buying from the same manufacturer, downloading some custom AOSP ROM and changing the background.
Hell both phones are probably being sold by the same guy
It all came together once I fully embraced the chud side of the force and retvrned to loathing fags in general without any of the copes lolbertardians have for them.
@rosey@Hoss half the businesses in my town have them in their front windows now year round. Foot traffic into local businesses has suffered greatly probably just due to economic downturn but it probably doesn't help to put a forcefield up to repel half your potential customers
If you don't care about faggots I'll probably patronize your business, if you feel the need to advertise how much you love fags for no particular reason I'll steer clear. Same deal with the businesses who feel the need to advertise that they're heckin' gun-free zones even if I'm not carrying at the time.
@Hoss@rosey@RustyCrab i've boycotted a business since they NPC came up to me to sperg about not wearing a mask as the mandate went off for literally everyone else in town
@Hoss@RustyCrab@rosey also they're far out in town and offer nothing that you can't get from Hobby Lobby or Michael's other than the MUH SMALL BUSINESS cred
@Hoss@rosey as referenced earlier in this thread I get a similar eye roll when I see rumble style stuff like STOP DRINKING WOKE COFFEE. As we've seen with companies like Black Rifle it's just obnoxious and means nothing. Please for god fucking sake tell me about your product.
I'll never forget spending my vacation in Florida during the memedemic and feeling so free because things were actually normal down there. I had a wholesome moment of millennial-boomer solidarity when I went into some local bar full of retirees and ended up not having to pay for a single drink the entire night because I was the based millennial shit talking pandemic bullshit with all of them.
Nothing would change. You would accuse eachother of being pedos constantly. What you guys hate most isn't pedophiles or child abuse, it's the IDEA of pedophilia and child abuse. Y'all only lash out because you wish it could be scrubbed out of your mind, and you are unwilling to accept responsibility for your own imagination.
Yes. It always irritates me when people give all their attention to cowardly or imaginary pedophiles when I'm right here. Why is there so much effort put into "uncovering" pedophiles, like some kind of internet detective? The internet is anonymous anyway. If it wasn't for moderators creating a safe space then y'all wouldn't have to read into things.
Bro scroll through Bugcatcher Tyler's posts. He banned me from Nicecrew Digital because he thought I might "rape the server" or something. If I wanted to post child porn I wouldn't go to a fediverse instance to do it. Especially not a server where half of their rules forbid it lol
Why do y'all focus on all the internet people who are afraid to even talk about pedophilia? Don't you have faith in your ability to present your own position in a conversation with someone who actually wants to talk?
You're still here. Whatever you say about our conversation I still appreciate that much.
You keep on virtue signalling about killing me. I'm curious, how important do you think it is that I die? What would you be willing to sacrifice if you knew it would mean my death?
I don't really have the best user interface, and I'm already talking with half the people here. All of you are being so nice as to type up all your responses to me, I just wanted to type up more personal responses back.
Statistically, it does seem more likely than the average person, doesn't it? I think the data also shows that I'm more likely to be a gay man, and that I was more likely molested as a kid.
Ad an unrelated tangent, I've always found stereotypes to be funny. If you don't fit the stereotype, then it's funny to think that you are "supposed" to be a certain way just because of the stereotype. And if you do fit the stereotype, the it's funny to think it has to be because of the group you are in, ranther than any actual reasoning you may have.
Do you want to tell me more about myself? Right now I think we have that I'm Jewish, and that the only real way to prove my beliefs is in meatspace. I think there were other things you said, but again, my interface is crap so I could use a refresher.
I listened to those streams a couple months back. Appreciated that bit of public service from Claw, he dug up a few instances that weren't on my defed.
Yep, now we just have to find the drug user and ask him to inject a marijuana in front of a police officer. Tell him he's not a real drug user unless he's willing to do the thing that could get him in trouble for it.
We could really use @bot here right now. She always disappears when she's needed most, and when she's around she's always showing up to irritate me over nothing.
I don't know why you autists always question the femininity of Fedi foids once they annoy you, that's evidence in support of their foidery, not against.