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@eemmaa this is my kind of AI slop

@georgia think its ai? could be, not sure tbh

It is both cute and noble ... and ... unnerving

Is it a Catowl or an Owlat?

new cryptid just dropped?

@djsumdog @georgia na i just mean, people used to make gifs like this with practical editing, It could be ai generated, or just some bored person.

@eemmaa this seems like your true form

@arcana on my kitty griffin arch

@eemmaa i believe!!!!

That's one of the things I find most annoying about the whole "deepfake AI" thing. You could doctor photos and videos long before AI automated the process. People did it all the time. In fact, I remember when I was a kid in the 90s, there was a whole commercial about a house hippo whose whole point is that even back then you could do a really good job making footage that was totally fake so people should think for themselves.
