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@Twig I expect you to out do this



@koropokkur @RexRedbone @Jonny

Jewnny👇 Owl made it

see what youve started twig?

@koropokkur @RexRedbone

You shall see…..

@Soy_Magnus @koropokkur @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Twig @Jonny That was very thoughtful of Santa now all the good little girls have a great gift.

@realman543 @koropokkur @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Twig @Jonny they were so excited they jumped in a joyous way like kamala harris or something

@realman543 @koropokkur @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Twig @Jonny @jeffcliff you could say it was, the ghost of christmas GAS. JAJAJA im pretty good ill be here all week posting NIGGER (multiple choice!¡!)

@realman543 @koropokkur @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Twig @Jonny @jeffcliff oh no somebody drizzled ebugs on your google. Sounds like u need the paid edition of mcafee

@Soy_Magnus @koropokkur @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Twig @Jonny @jeffcliff I was hacked by the ghost of diversity past now I must take my DIE plane to the bug festival. Good thing I got the extra large pod and some crab people to keep my company!

@realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Twig @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff i was telling him the other day about math and other types of stuff and he had no idea what i was saying. I bet hes probably a mcdonalds worker

@Twig @realman543 @koropokkur @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Jonny could u generate a fire breathing skeleton demon made out of googly eyes¿ @lonelyowl

@Twig @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff no sadly i cant that was a salacious lie i made up merc can tho hes really smart

@lonelyowl13 @Economic_Hitman @Jonny @RexRedbone @Twig @koropokkur @lonelyowl @realman543 damn those are really good¡ the clean definition u get always astounds me

@Twig @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff these are really good youve gotten measurable better at this since ive first seen ur work. Probably helps that u run so many versions thats good experience

@Twig @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff hes tagged here merc@lab.nyanide hes actually a college math teacher if im correct if your actually fluent in math hed be a great person to have conversations with. Im a booger and i have a remedial 101 level math comprehession. I also have a remedial 101 reading and writing level i know i know thats probably a HUGE surprise knowing my supreme writings of grandeur

@ins0mniak @realman543 @pernia @admin @Soy_Magnus @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff

First, you need the grandmaster Lyx the Soy!

The grandmaster will tell you what to make😁

@Twig @realman543 @pernia @admin @Soy_Magnus @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff
This images are doing more damage to my brain than all the lead exposure in my life.

@ins0mniak @realman543 @pernia @Soy_Magnus @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Twig @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff
Probably had his shit stolen by a black crackhead and is now stuck in a loony bin, I want him back 😭

@Twig @realman543 @pernia @admin @Soy_Magnus @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff ha no Peter wayand.

He showed up on fse a long time ago and it was quite the show.

He was homeless and on the run from the police. He was sleeping in the park somewhere in San Francisco.



firebreathing tortoise will rape & burn

rape & destroy

@koropokkur @realman543 @pernia @Soy_Magnus @admin @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff

The subject of The Grand Masters @Soy_Magnus & @Jonny

Exhilarating Mach🥊

Victory Sweet!

Long lasting defeat…..

@Economic_Hitman @koropokkur @realman543 @pernia @admin @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @RexRedbone @Twig @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff im not sure ive ever heard someone ask for help getting raped by a turtle but okay

cant scream for help when youve got a berry in yer mouth

theyre all twigs


@Twig @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @fkq1q2r2 @RexRedbone @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff i come back and this is what i find¿ i love it these are unironically amazing. Can u generate skeleton banana king in this style¿

@Soy_Magnus @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @fkq1q2r2 @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff

You have the Grand Idea, the brain…

I mean you and tiny of @realman543 and others help…..🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘

Let make a grand video 👍🥊, make it like @Economic_Hitman , you know what I mean…


@Soy_Magnus @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @fkq1q2r2 @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff

Great, great grandmaster….🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Perhaps ARTPOP song again…, I like the song 🥰 and ‘copy the Link is muy importanta…tanta tanta tanta ta ta ta ta ta…

@Soy_Magnus @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @fkq1q2r2 @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff

ARTPOP ARTPOP ARTPOP copy the link copy the link…., importanta tanta tanta ta ta

@Soy_Magnus @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @fkq1q2r2 @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff

ARTPOP ARTPOP copy the link copy the link muy muy muy muy tanta tanta importanta…

@NonPlayableClown @realman543 @pernia @Soy_Magnus @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @fkq1q2r2 @jeffcliff

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, absolutamently yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeS!

ARTPOP ARTPOP properly functioning ‘copy the link’

@Twig @Soy_Magnus @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @fkq1q2r2 @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff I actually have no idea I was programming and now I need to pee what's going on?

@Twig @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @fkq1q2r2 @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff oh yeah its just gonna take me some time to edit it all and render it. I have to work aboit 6 pics at a time

I used around 90 pics, about 2.5-3 sec per pic, minus the beginning and ending black fade in/out

I put it together with Avidemux (wasn't easy for me, a newb at video editing)
@Twig @Soy_Magnus @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @RexRedbone @fkq1q2r2 @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff

I don't know what you're asking is copyrighted. My video? Not by me. The Lady Gaga song? Yes. The software? idk, but I'm pretty sure avidemux is FOSS.
@realman543 @pernia @admin @Soy_Magnus @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @fkq1q2r2 @RexRedbone @Twig @Jonny @NonPlayableClown

Here's a tip for using Avidemux: number your images sequentially and Avidemux will import them as frames in that order. If your sequence has a gap, it will stop the import, so make sure you don't skip a number.

To import, just open the image 1.jpg in the folder with all the others and it should auto-add everything.
@Twig @Soy_Magnus @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @RexRedbone @fkq1q2r2 @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff

@Economic_Hitman @NonPlayableClown @Jonny @Twig @RexRedbone @fkq1q2r2 @ins0mniak @sysrq @nyanide @Merc @koropokkur @Soy_Magnus @admin @pernia @realman543

> . The Lady Gaga song? Yes

that makes the video copyright-restricted. i did not know who it was by

if you have ps, you can batch your images to put them in sequence. save em and then import them from yer editing prog.

@Economic_Hitman @Twig @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @RexRedbone @fkq1q2r2 @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff i use youcut but u can only load like 6 images at a time and sometimes u have issues while u render or add stillframes. But its a pretty smooth program its just alot for the program to do so it takes time ill have it done some time today it was late last night

@Twig @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @fkq1q2r2 @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff havent started yet im off for the next 3 days so ima work on it when im done here maybe about 2 hours

@Soy_Magnus @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @fkq1q2r2 @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff


Soy, I told you the other day I was in a fight, I won with an extra score, an unexpected outcome, I took out one potential opponent for the next fight. Next year fewer opponents definitely, I will take them out one by one.

I need a fresh video to celebrate the sweet victory! KittyPop!

@sysrq @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Twig @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff huh. Wait till u see what im making tonight mercurial black is gonna PAY for all this horse turds hes done to me ill me microwaving your spinal cord

incredible how you managed to reply to this very old post in the thread
@realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @RexRedbone @Twig @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff

biblically accurate puppy dog

@Economic_Hitman @Twig @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @RexRedbone @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff math is only for jewish people trying to steal my money i only like non jewish activities like not having sex with children and trowing axes at people who cant call the cops on me

@Twig @sj_zero @pernia @admin @Soy_Magnus @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff @Lyx I'll be frank I don't even know why I am being credited I just forwarded some videos to you. Appreciate the kind words nonetheless.

@Economic_Hitman @Soy_Magnus @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @RexRedbone @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff

I will show you how to solve this kind of thing logically and intuitively, write it down the proposition concisely please 😁🔥🔥🔥👍👌

@Economic_Hitman @Soy_Magnus @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @RexRedbone @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff

Actor Jude Law to star as Vladimir Putin in the film 'The Wizard of the Kremlin.'

@magicalthinking @Economic_Hitman @Soy_Magnus @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @RexRedbone @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff

BREAKING: 911 callers are reporting a group of five men in ski masks are setting fires across Los Angeles.

The latest unconfirmed incident was at 3506 Berry Dr.

Police report is that 5 kids are riding around on scooters lighting fires. One of these incidents was allegedly on Berry.

@magicalthinking @Economic_Hitman @Soy_Magnus @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @RexRedbone @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff

A reservoir in the Palisades that holds 117 million gallons of water was offline this month for previously scheduled maintenance. It was empty when the Palisades fire exploded.


Queen Eliz 3rd = 40 dresses
Queen Eliz 4th = 4000 dresses + (the 40 that Q3 owns)
Queen Eliz 5th = ♾️ dresses

Can you calculate the probability that all three queens will wear the same dress at the party?
@Soy_Magnus @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @RexRedbone @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff

why is UN funding illegals in the USA?
sounds like they have already started a war to me.

guy didnt look like he had any bwalls, either.
chopped those off earlier, im guessin.

@truthbait @Soy_Magnus @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Twig @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff DeWalt would have crapped out halfway through because the battery was low.

Also kill all kikes, glass Israel.

prolly full grown chinks.

@koropokkur @realman543 @pernia @Soy_Magnus @admin @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @magicalthinking @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff

The Palisades Fire grew by 1,000 acres overnight and is now threatening the Brentwood community in Los Angeles.

@Economic_Hitman @Soy_Magnus @realman543 @pernia @admin @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @RexRedbone @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff

The underlying assumption is that all 40 dresses of Queen Elizabeth 3rd and 4000 dresses of Queen Elizabeth 4th are different.

@magicalthinking @melodiousowls

Smith destroyed himself, dummy

@Twig @realman543 @pernia @admin @Soy_Magnus @koropokkur @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff

The picture is not mine, someone posted it on fedi a time ago and i saved it because it's funny

@Twig @koropokkur @realman543 @pernia @admin @Merc @nyanide @sysrq @ins0mniak @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @magicalthinking @Jonny @NonPlayableClown @jeffcliff OH NO WONT SOME BRAVE SOCIAL JUSTICE WATRIOR SAVE ALL THESE SAD RICH PEOPLE COME ON PEASANTS DOLPHIN DIVE ON THE FIRE AND MAKE THE BURNING STOP ITS FOR US IMPORTANT CELEBRITIES AND HOLLYWOOD CHILD RAPISTS

@magicalthinking @melodiousowls

Stupido, more than $50 million spent!

@magicalthinking @Twig I still have Tim Walz's dipshit face burned into memory when I see that name.