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Thats a lot of sheckels

@Terry And this is WITH the mass policy cancelations?

@Terry if insurance isn't a scam why do they go bankrupt every time there's a claim

@Terry >I could live long enough to see the day of the collapse of the entire insurance scam model happens

@Terry >insurance losses
cant lose money you dont pay out right?

Sorry, act of God because you live in Sodom and Gomorrah.

@Terry We're waiting for the ripple effect

@MechaSilvio Trump will probably bail them out

2008 style bank bailout. The banks are getting hit harder than even the insurance niggers tbh.

@transgrammaractivist @MechaSilvio @Terry Why are all the techies circling their wagons around Trump? So that he can take the fallout from the Great Recession 2.0.

Techies are just an arm of the US government and theyre hopping on the populism train because politicians and CEOs are getting shot. They dont actually care they just want people to calm down by pretending to be BASED!

Mark Zuckerberg doing a heel turn and pretending to be pro free speech is the dumbest shit ive ever seen but a certain population of retards will cheer because texas good California bad.

@transgrammaractivist @MechaSilvio @Terry What's going to happen is, outside of his cultists, the tech bros embracing the Republican party is going to kill any sense of populism in the Trump sphere.

The populism is already dead anyway. Its far too little too late. Zuckerberg will be hated even more as this next admin does and absolute shit job like last time.

@transgrammaractivist @MechaSilvio @Terry I'm just glad we don't even have to wait for the midterms for the conservatives to show their true colors. A hypothetical third party would be quite nice to have at this time.

@wgiwf @transgrammaractivist @MechaSilvio @Terry A organization will eventually arrive. And if it isn't viable long-term, there will be another one after that. In my opinion, 2.0 is still in the hangover of NJP imploding and a lot of people turning against PF.

@wgiwf @transgrammaractivist @MechaSilvio @Terry 2 things are problematic there, Due to the way the Weimerican system works a 3rd party is nearly impossible (IMO intentionally), and 2 if a based one comes to prominence they'll suffer the fate of Golden Dawn, or 3 they'll get fedded to shit like AW or NPD.

Its not impossible. Im fact there is huge demand for some sort of non retarded 3rd party which is why they nip them in the bud

@transgrammaractivist @MechaSilvio @Terry @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired The NJP wasn't a serious political party. There is an unmet demand for economic socialism and traditional social values that is unmet by design in the two party system.

@wgiwf @transgrammaractivist @MechaSilvio @Terry @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired I'm not gonna lie to you, I spent almost two years thinking I was surrounded by serious people, and got rug pulled basically at the same time Mike found out he wasn't either.

@transgrammaractivist @MechaSilvio @Terry @wgiwf The thing is the whole "vote splitting issue", I'm not sure how fake and gay the numbers are disclaimer, but typically elections are near 50/50, So a RW third party would have to deal with spliting the GOP's votes, and so RWers will sperg about the sheer IDEA of voting for one, even the lolbergs who are the biggest.

The GOP losing would be a massive win, not a loss. A spoiler would have more effect than actually electing Republicans

@transgrammaractivist @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @MechaSilvio @Terry @wgiwf I don't think anything is going to change until white people start to have their lives and property taken away for no reason at all.

People are still too comfortable.

@transgrammaractivist @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @MechaSilvio @Terry @wgiwf It's way way way too easy right now for people who have every single one of the views of people on poast but got lucky and have a wife and kids to essentially do nothing with any risk, but think they're an Aryan warrior cause they type nigger on telegram and voted for trump.

They just have too much to lose.

@wgiwf @transgrammaractivist @Terry Mid-terms??? Nigga, we didn't even had to wait for the inauguration 😂😂😂😂

It was the right idea with the wrong men

@transgrammaractivist @MechaSilvio @Terry @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired AS an activist wing of a larger more mainstream nativist party, sure. Economic and social nativism has much more mass appeal than explicit White Nationalism does, and the actual policy gap between the two isn't really that far.

@wgiwf @transgrammaractivist @MechaSilvio @Terry My simple belief is the political game doesn't work, after all, if this hypothetical nativist party wins out, ZOG will just Golden Dawn her, only way to win is revolution if you ask me, wish it wasn't the only way, but it seems to be.

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @transgrammaractivist @MechaSilvio @Terry Even if that ends up being the case you have an organized opposition where there was none before, a net positive.

The fucking ripple effect is drywall and 2X4s are going to explode in price

@Dudebro @Terry Maybe all the illegals will go to CA to work when they rebuild.

@DC5FAN @Dudebro @Terry illegals will definitely be building the houses that get rebuilt, maybe it will expose how shoddy they are at building

@DC5FAN @Dudebro @Terry do for mexicans what elon's h1b rant did for indians.

@Terry Oh. They might use this as the scapegoat as they cut the power to the mostly fake economy.

Don't see how they can pull off another '08 style bailout. That was a one-time punt.

Its called money printer goes brrrrrrrrr and inflation goes up and up.

That's the problem. The US population is already unable to absorb higher costs.

The american people dont get a choice. Thats why elon is trying to pitch replacing us with Indians. Indians dont care if america is a collapsed shit hole its still nicer than india.

They're not going to be able to convince the current US population to spread the costs of multi-million dollar homes while being unable to afford groceries. Not yet sure what the reaction will be though.

It's an unsolvable problem, no matter how many jeets they try to flood in.

Below is not a claim of what they'll do--more of a devil's argument of possibility

Imagining how the current US population would be convinced to bail out insurance companies and pay for the LA multi-million dollar homes, I from-the-hip guess it would be by this process:

>don't attempt to convince--just blare a claim that insurance is backed by government the same as banks are
>go ahead and bail out insurance companies
>pivot media outlet focus to people (rightly) blaming the cost of living on pajeets
>keep importing pajeets
>follow by blaring a claim that the rising cost of living is a sign that we need *more* labor, *more* pajeets
>talk about how racist are those saying the cost of living is too high--that they don't understand the dynamic
>the conservatards will pivot to talking about "real racists" and the current cost of living of the average nigger compared to that under Obamablahblahblah...

By sad sleight of hand, the LA fires insurance topic is thus swept under an immigration topic. The original argument is lost, and the hands involved are washed of scrutiny anyway by the moral high-ground of anti-racism, as well as being shown to be busy by their having "addressed the issue; here's the dynamic." So would-be outrage simmers to a grating sigh about effectivity

@wgiwf @transgrammaractivist @MechaSilvio @Terry National Socialist American Workers' Party?

@Terry Another big ass bailout in the making, probably.

@Francisco @Terry Geeze. what do you do when a single state's deliberate actions threaten most of your insurance industry, plus re-insurers.

Anyway you look at it, this is going to cost all of us money. This flows uphill to re-insurers, the insurance companies for insurance companies, and I don't see how they'll avoid charging all US insurance companies higher rates.

It really calls for federal level insurance moratoriums. If a state is so evil it extracts, across the industry for all type of insurance, $1.09 for every premium dollar, it should just be cut off from any one that operates in more than one state (Commerce Clause). No insurance company would be able to think they're clever enough to make money in the state....

OK, another thing: don't let states force insurance companies to stay by mandating they offer one line like auto insurance that's a big money loser in part because the companies have absolutely no discretion in how they operate in it. I speak here from experience in Massachusetts, it was utterly awful (and that without my friends or myself having to make any claims), my bill dropped in half when I moved to a simply sane Purple state.

Njp was ahead of its time. Pf is still chugging along just fine

Theyve been doing it though. They did it the last 3 or 4 years. When someone has to bite the shit sandwhich its always the people and not the banks.

The trump honeymoon period has been hilariously short. Its nothing like 2016 no one is excited for the next 4 years of tech oligarchy ran through a retarded 80 year old dementia patient. We just had 4 years of that.