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Patriots say that Americans will never pick up a gun to resist tyranny because Americans are too lazy to even send an email to Congress, but you should never give up defending freedom.

Don't go to the concentration camps quietly.

Yes. Be loud when you go to the camps. 😏

@freepatriot Americans are the epitome of the boiling frog.

@freepatriot This is not a bad thing. We can switch the stove off. Jump froggie!


And when we end up fully cooked, we'll the least of excuses of all the Western nations.

@zeke @freepatriot We are not France and frog legs are not on the menu!

@zeke @freepatriot Defeatist nonsense!

I'm glad they feel that way. Every empire that's ever invaded the lazy people of Afghanistan always underestimate the mujahideen because they are placid farmers and goatherds with primitive small arms.

Also, if Americans rise up, I bet you a dozen countries with rush to fund and arm them just like France did during the revolutionary war.

BRICS is itching to fund an American armed uprising.

The American froggie is too comfortable, too anesthetized, and too oblivious.

@zeke @freepatriot Probably. We might be witnessing the end.

@freepatriot Nothing will ever happen unless the average American man can no longer support his family/himself. While unfortune, revolts don't occur until shit is FUBAR.


If goldbuggers and rural gun nuts and international sexpats are right about only one thing, it's this: if your freedom - however defined - depends upon the normies and masses fighting for your freedom, you've already lost.

You are already unfree, and you will always be unfree, simple as.

@chris@abraham.su @freepatriot@merovingian.club

This is nigger talk.

The foreigns are never going to give us weapons. They're going to sell us weapons.


Never said give even once.

Maybe you think "funding" is "giving"

@freepatriot There's not gonna be any concentration camps, at least not officially, what we will get instead is just massive cities with tiny apartments that are priced so that you can barely afford food.

@KuteboiCoder @chris @freepatriot Your understanding of BRICS needs more investigation, don't just listen to Neo cons,Go read some articles on the New Development Banks website,(The BRICS bank) I assure you if anyone will be giving weapons to America's to fight America in this hypothetical uprising it will be cartels giving to Antifa sponsored by CIA hidden regime

The establishment doesn't need that help they're already the establishment. They've got the F18s already. Like Biden said b
@KuteboiCoder @freepatriot

I've forgotten more about BRICS than you'll ever know.
@KuteboiCoder @freepatriot

Pretty dumb, aren't you, with that clever riposte.
@KuteboiCoder @freepatriot

And your diet will be mostly vegan because animal products prices will inflate to luxury item levels.

You boomers are fucking irrelevant. The world has changed beyond your comprehension. You're out of touch to a dangerous degree.

Classic. Every generation thinks they’re inventing fire by calling the older one irrelevant. Boomers said it about their parents, we Gen Xers said it about Boomers, and now you’re here. Don’t worry, your time to be 'out of touch' will come soon enough—circle of life, kiddo.
@freepatriot @Scubbie @KuteboiCoder

You surely do not look remotely like a Gen Z. Maybe an elder millennial at the youngest. 🎵 🎶 Girl, ta da da da, you'll be a Boomer soon 🎵 🎶
@freepatriot @Scubbie @KuteboiCoder

@chris @zeke@nicecrew. @KuteboiCoder
The only reason I assumed you were a Boomer was because of the speech you used "I forgot more about BRICS than you know" is a Boomer thing to say,Like I walked to school in 6' of snow,I am Gen X and have never understood why some Gen X'ers repeat their respected Boomer masters,sorry for saying you were a Boomer, some Gen X drank from the water hose and some deep throated it but the reason you had to drink out of it is because the Boomers locked you out the house

My parents weren't boomers they were "the silent generation" as they had me at 33 in 1970. That means Biden's age. A lot of people mistake The Silent Generation fucks for Boomers. Boomers fought in Vietnam.

@Scubbie @KuteboiCoder

As of January 2025, here are the current age ranges for the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, and Generation X:

1. Silent Generation (born 1928–1945) Age range: 80–97 years old

2. Baby Boomers (born 1946–1964) Age range: 59–77 years old

3. Generation X (born 1965–1980) Age range: 43–58 years old

Interesting, eh? Trump's a Boomer but Biden's a Silent Generation.

The more you know

Time keeps moving which breaks most people's generational narratives. Trump is a very early boomer generation, Joe Biden is very late silent generation, and the recently departed Jimmy Carter was late greatest generation. Some people nonetheless would think of all 3 as boomer.

There's the rub. To a tween, millennials are totes boomers
@Scubbie @KuteboiCoder

@chris @sj_zero @KuteboiCoder Rub,Tween,Totes this also gives us Gen Xers a bad rep trying to speak to the Youtes in their lingo,I get it but they would call it cringe which in Gen X speech would be quit being a poser

@Scubbie @sj_zero @KuteboiCoder those youngins don't realize we're coldly mocking them with those usages. There's no such thing as a nose ring, a neck tattoo, a face tattoo, a septum ring, a pronoun, or a blue head of hair that we don't think is totally cringe. Only dad and moms give any fucks about what literal children think is or isn't cringe. Their entire lifestyle choice is "furry Disney vampire comicon"

Please don't beclown yourself:
> "There's the rub" means "there's the problem" or "that's the difficulty," essentially highlighting the main obstacle or challenge in a situation; it's an idiom originating from Shakespeare's Hamlet where "rub" refers to a hindering factor, often linked to the game of bowls where a "rub" is an uneven surface that affects the ball's path.
I have an extremely expensive degree in literature.
@sj_zero @KuteboiCoder

I think it's kinda funny that people use "the kids" lingo popularized by Moon Unit Zappa in a song that came out just as the first millennials were being born in 1982. Moon Unit herself is nearly 60 now.

> The term "tween" was first used in the late 1980s to describe children between the ages of 9 and 15. It's a combination of the words "between" and "teen".
@sj_zero @KuteboiCoder

> Also spelled Totes McGoats or totes magoats, it ultimately comes from totally, which dates back to the 1980s and was shortened to totes by the 2000s. The McGotes shows nonsense rhyming and the Irish surname construction Mc (“son of”), often used to make silly names (e.g., Boaty McBoatface).
@sj_zero @KuteboiCoder

This is cringe:
> "Bet, that fit is fire, no cap. You’re lowkey flexing on everyone, fr. Big mood though, 'cause the vibes are immaculate. If anyone’s salty, just ghost 'em—ain’t nobody got time for that. Highkey, you’re giving main character energy, so stay unbothered. On God, you’re living rent-free in their heads. Slay all day, bestie. I’m shook, deadass. Yeet any bad energy and just vibe, periodt."
@sj_zero @KuteboiCoder

Fer shizzle my nizzle
@sj_zero @KuteboiCoder

@chris@abraham.su @Scubbie@merovingian.club

time, keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin, into the fuuuuuuuuuture

@zeke @freepatriot
I reckon it´s just the opposite. Healthy food is prohibitive

Animal products are essential for good physical and mental health.