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WELKER: You support deporting millions of people?

RUBIO: Yes. This is mass migration to the tune of 20, 30 unvetted people. Nobody allows this. 10 million in just the last 3 years.

WELKER: Ok, but in the past, you said you disagreed with mass deportations.

RUBIO: Because the issue has completely changed since 2013. It went from 11 million to that number in the last 3 year alone. Criminals, terrorists. An invasion.

WELKER: And of course, Democrats tried to solve this with a bipartisan bill for the border, but Republicans walked away from it. But let me move on-

RUBIO: -No, no, no, we can't move on. That bill created asylum officers who can give people asylum right on the border without any appeal, giving them a path to citizenship.

WELKER: Some Republicans said they liked it.

RUBIO: Which? Which ones?

WELKER: Lindsey Graham.

RUBIO: Well, I disagree. I'm not in favor of these asylum officers doing this.

H/t @defiyantlyfree

"why did you guys walk away from the strengthen our borders and kill all puppies tragically bill? Don't you want strong borders?"

Poison pill legislation really needs to be called out more.