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I'd rather pirate everything and hope they all go bankrupt.

@Rasterman ....the industry Shill is seriously defending this shit?

I'm convinced that the real reason they keep jacking up the prices lie this is because they know that their fanbase is rapidly shrinking so they're fleecing the only retards left who still buy their games. Oh this is going to be funny to watch.

I never thought they'd do this but Rockstar might fuck up GTA VI so bad even the fanbois won't want to fork out $100+ for some video game.

@ChristiJunior I love how the options are $100 games or $70 (which is already insane) AND micro-transactions.

I've know Grummz for a whole 4 months and I thought he was a trustworthy fella. Some times you just don't know people as well as you thought.

Alright Grummz, let's go. Please get in the gas chamber with Elon.

@lethn I think they'd earn more if the sold cheaper copies to more players than asking for a third of the price of a Nintendo Switch for a single game. Personally, I thought $60 was a lot. To think they'd try to normalise $70 is asking for extra piracy.

I've seen him posted around a bit but don't know much about him, is he having some kind of mask off moment now?

@ChristiJunior @Rasterman You can interpret his phrasing as him meaning "which of these 2 obviously awful options do you "like"". That is How I Saw It and It is clear in the replies that everybody Else does

But with so many stupidity and evil running around, unless If you are expressing yourself in minutia, stating the obvious is not clear enough anymore.

@Rasterman this is what happens when u use a price piercing business model to keep competitors from entering the market with fair market price. At some point the bcustomers will have to pay real price and theyre going to refuse to not realizing why itnwas once so cheap only demanding it continues

@Soy_Magnus I demand it continues!

'madder o fact, I demand they lower it!

@Rasterman @lethn WHY SETTLE FOR $100, LET'S PUSH IT TO $500


Well this is a really interesting conversation in spheres that actually know the game dev back end. Ordinarily they would get more money absolutely because cheaper games overall mean access to a much wider market.

However what's happened is Rockstar and other games companies like it have bloated themselves so hard with DEI hires among other things that they need something retarded like 3 million copies sold in order to break even. So there are times when they release games and it can be months of sales before they even net any profit.

This is where indie dev teams have such an advantage, much better to keep a small but very expert team of 4 or so people on the payroll and they will do incredibly well for themselves. Even if the game is only a fairly minor success by AAA industry standards.

@Soy_Magnus @Rasterman >Price piercing model
>Real price

Come on man, it's digital distribution, you can make infinity copies of it, there's absolutely no excuse to claim you need $100 per copy when the logistic cost is negligible. In fact with steam your distribution cost is ZERO, you just pay a percentage per sale.

Reminder that BG3 sold a special edition with all kinds of physical stuff in it for $80 and made money.

@ElDeadKennedy @Rasterman @lethn I pirated it then picked it up when they gave it for free lol

Its time for a gaming reset.

I haven't got rockstar games for free but pretty much everything I've acquired recently I farmed off Epic Games' free game giveaways lol. I don't want any of the modern titles anyway.

@lethn @ElDeadKennedy @nerthos Epic gave GTAV for free one day. There were plenty of memes about it relating to both how expensive that must've been for them and how desperate they were to get people to use their shitty store.

@nerthos @Rasterman they could sell it fir free and use cosmetics like fortnite and make an astounding profit its all about how u structure it. That said they ubdrrcharged intentionally for years and havent done the proper restructuring needed to lower costs socwith that in mind, unless their willing to allow more freedon on thier platforms theyll have to raide prices. U dont see indie studios have this issue for the same reason u dont see indie studios pushing dei garbage in games, the house of cards they built is crumbling and they cant stop it only prolong it

@nerthos @Rasterman inflation and operational costs have also risen astronomically and coders are well known for being wastes of space. I could make a game that sold for $20 a pop but it would have heavily reduced features like no online (cutting server and code maintenance costs) and making it free to use non copywritten game (saving a fortune on lawyers and legal fees) but thats just one option and its not available to most tripple a studios they have way too many sank costs and theyre over encombered in numberous copywrite obligations and legal teams and preexisting bad purchases like ip's that died (or they killed with social justice) look at disney theyre rife with that shit

@Rasterman torrent is free and good for your wallet

@Soy_Magnus @Rasterman It's a step on the right direction to force such companies to crash and burn, to clear the field for sustainable business models (make a game that's fun and does what it's meant to do well enough, sell it for a reasonable price)

I would rather see them all without jobs and play no new games for a few years than become a hostage to their idiotic economic decisions. Paying higher prices to keep them afloat is exactly the same as giving money to a ludopath or alcoholic so they can keep their addiction up and they don't cry about having to straighten up their act.

@nerthos @Rasterman its normal boom bust economics. Once they shrivel up and die new things will come out and be even greater. It doesnt help that tgeres government agencies onvolved too i look forward the next playstation, or game cube, or n64. If u remember before the dotcom buble there was mass inovation and economic freedom we havent seen any new consoles since the wii i think¿ its just a dead industry reaping its consumers


@Rasterman @lethn also while I was looking for that picture I accidentally found this lmao

>He sold CDs and movies so fake that he was acquitted because there was no crime
>It sounds like a fantasy story, but it happened in the last few hours in Argentina. The Justice of La Plata acquitted a street vendor who had been denounced by the Argentine Society of Authors and Composers of Music (Sadaic) for selling fake CDs and movies.
>Despite the complaint, the Federal Court of La Plata considered that the products were visibly counterfeit and no one could confuse them with the authentic ones. The judges concluded that the items seized in the shopping mall were not suitable to produce the possibility of deceiving the consumer public.


@ElDeadKennedy @lethn

Mr. judge, he's selling my movies on CD!

You mean these 480p .avi files? They are so blurry they count as a separate product. You're free to go, Mr. merchant.

Thank you, your honour.

@Rasterman As Guybrush Threepwood once said, never pay more than twenty bucks for a [computer] game.
Or better, pirate everything, and send money through other means to the developers if you like the game.

@BrokenSword I often remember that line.

@Hoss @ChristiJunior @Rasterman the fucker just confirmed that kingdom come 2 indeed has gay shit and a nigger in it.
and both him and the normies act like this somehow vindicates the game.
im genuinly tired of these manchildren who dont understand anything that is happening and just want there fucking toys back.

I was looking up the most expensive games ever made today, and last year Monopoly go was released. It had a budget of over 500 million dollars.

For 500 million dollars, I could make 500 really good Monopoly games. With mini games if they really wanted them.

@ChristiJunior @Rasterman
with a "pick your poison" too
the shill is nowhere near as clever as he thinks he is

@Rasterman so uh what happens when everyone raises their prices to 100 dollars with the same dogshit quality and mobile style micro transactions. i can forgive mobile games using these scummy tactics since the barrier to entry is literally free you're paying to get ripped off


That HAS to be some sort of money laundering.

@Some_German_Guy @ChristiJunior @Hoss I saw it!

So... the main character can romance another man and...

@Rasterman implying the $100 game won't also have microtransactions in it

@ElDeadKennedy @Rasterman @lethn I cant read spannish.

I'm illiterate in spannish😭​

@ArmchairEconomist01 @lethn @ElDeadKennedy The summary he posted is all you need.

@ElDeadKennedy @Rasterman @lethn in a world torn between the real and the hyperreal become hyper-unreal

@ElDeadKennedy @Rasterman @lethn Argentina el mejor país del mundo la puta madre, nada se compara.