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O. I got Mint working. The problem was that I forgot I had a DVD in the disc drive and UEFI boot was trying to read from there instead of my flash drive, and when it didn't find what it wanted there it crashed. I'm retarded. Worked fine once I popped the disc out. Oops. Now I just need to get VLC to play blu rays and the wife will be happy.

@lonestarr holy shit we found him
the guy who still has a DVD drive

@lonestarr@mugicha.club Mint is a vtuber, which explains why she's difficult to run as an OS.

This machine is an old laptop I got in 2015 with windows 8 lmao

@lonestarr cc @mint how did he manage to get you to work

For the record in the future, if you force the PC to load into the UEFI menu upon POST, then it should let you choose which medium to boot from.

You will need to use MakeMKV when using Blu-Ray because HollyJew stuffs their Blu-Ray discs with six majillion DRM keys, which are (rightfully) not parsed natively by the Linux kernel.

I typed sudo apt enough times and she works now

always amazes that linux has so many issues. with as many programmers there are using it, i cant believe these issues havent been solved

@koropokkur @lonestarr
>always amazes that linux has so many issues.
*All OSes that have to be the jack-of-all-trades, catch-all for all use cases systems have so many issues. It's the long-time nature of computer development and not a particular OS ecosystem.

In this case, we don't want the kernel devs taking private, proprietary keys for Blu-Ray DRM from Sony and HollyJew as that will give both power by law over part of the Linux kernel, which nobody but HollyJew and Big Tech wants. It's not a "unfixed technical problem" but rather an unrelated-to-Linux-itself social problem that's won't get fixed anytime soon.

It's true

It's not like an embedded system like this that has ONE FUCKING JOB and doesn't change over time.

@tyler @koropokkur @lonestarr
I remember as a kid how many fatal flaws both Windows 98 and XP had, causing crashes and headaches for my parents, and occasionally me when playing some games. This was back when Windows was actually good and relatively well developed. I can't fault the White devs then for not thinking of absolutely everything when they were developing first and foremost a system to sell business licenses and Microsoft Office.

@SuperSnekFriend @koropokkur @lonestarr @tyler my dad had windows 2000 on his work laptop it blew me away how it just froze and didn't bsod

I think a big problem and part of most of the issues of that era was due to the Windows API giving driver manufacturers as much unchecked kernel power as he needed, and it ended up being probably The Chinese driver manufacturers that cause the issue, not the NT kernel itself.

Sorry this was a little bit unhinged because it was voice to text but you get the idea

@SuperSnekFriend @tyler @koropokkur @lonestarr I've been buying in to the XP/98 was perfect meme, but you remind me of the specific fact that all of the peak computer malfunction memes are in fact from that era.

@tyler @koropokkur @lonestarr
If only Gates told the Chinks to bugger off...

@SuperSnekFriend @koropokkur @lonestarr @tyler if he had a pc98 there'd be no blue

@Gundog @SuperSnekFriend @tyler @koropokkur @lonestarr A joke I used to hear a lot was "It's a good thing we stopped writing new software in the '90s. We've almost gotten all the bugs fixed now."

Realistically, the NT kernel engineers should have implemented at least SOME sort of panic recovery but it's too late for that now.

1999-2008 BSODs were a microcosm of groups of people being able and unable to govern themselves, when together, being worse for everyone.

Somewhat related
Today an Asian at the market told me "sir we don't let people take the shopping baskets outside the store" and I turned to her, gently smiled, and said "I will bring back your basket, do you trust me?" And then she said "well I guess it's okay...."

Of course I brought back the basket, but the entire time walking back and forth from my truck I was thinking about this; that people who cannot govern themselves are a burden on those who can.

God bless you and thanks for listening to my ted talk

I have to give it to Microsoft, for the most part Windows has gotten 9000 times better than it used to be. I've got windows machines that run for years without a reboot, that wasn't even possible on earlier versions -- it literally would crash after a certain amount of time.

@sj_zero @koropokkur @lonestarr @tyler
Yeah, it is more stable, though I am not sure the trade-off between the instability of 90's and 2000's Windows and whatever the hell Redmond, Washington created nowadays was worth it

@lonestarr@mugicha.club and for the record, she beat FMC fair and square. She was robbed.

She is this year's winner in my heart

lol...daisychain 127 devices over usb and they cant even chain 4 without bsod

One thing I'd suggest is looking at is a super ethical and definitely legal copy of Windows IOT LTSC edition. Basically it's like "Windows the way it should be out of the box edition". no windows store, no other crap, it even has a win32 API version of notepad and calculator.

Really makes you wonder why they don't sell it direct to consumer at any price.