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Apparently they are big fucking scared right now. Absolutely melting down on the back end so much so that (((CHUCK SCHUMER))) is kvetching openly about it. It's too late, we're going to know who got money and how much money they got.

@Eiswald >unauthorized access
But they are literally authorized.

@Eiswald It isn't going to work. He is the boss of all those agencies. It is starting to appear that Trump may have actually had a plan this time around.

Any U.S. citizen should have access to the treasury as far as reviewing where money is spent. It's OUR money.

@Marakus @Eiswald Yeah and I think the reason not a whole lot of noise is coming out of congress is because they're already operating way past their constitutional mandate. Passing laws on who gets to see the money and what specific tasks people can and can't do on their job in the executive branch would be like them passing a law demanding the president arrest someone.

@Eiswald criminals getting pissy that they're getting caught, boo fuckin hoo
the problem is their dip shit base has no clue whats going on and abc and the like will run cover for them and just straight up lie

ps i love how he's going to run to his house nigger like being a kike with a nigger is going to shield him
>reee you're a raycis anti semite for investigating us reee

@Eiswald At least the orange goyim nigger is making the final scene of the movie interesting.

The drones on the Left have been told for decades that when their Marxist masters are done with them they'll be the first ones at the firing line.

I can't see how this would benefit the "establishment" so unfortunately I have no real way to blackpill on this. I hope this continues for the next four years, and then beyond. I think the powers that be are scared of the veil being lifted - people realizing how things could actually be, and how people aren't supposed to exist to work a 9-5 in perpetual misery. I am cautiously optimistic. ​

@matty @Eiswald Depending on how you think things are, it’s either genuine team a vs team b fighting or just kayfabe, regardless I don’t trust it.

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @matty @Eiswald this is too disruptive to be mere "team A/team B" - I've said that was a useful model in the recent past. That was a model for describing the dielectric control mechanism that globalism was using, but starting with the extended failures in Ukraine, that started to break down heavily.

@Eiswald Supervising these programs is the core duty of the executive branch. Aside from commander in chief it's the president's function.

Schumer, in typical kike fashion, is saying the president should have no ability to observe what these rogue agencies are up to.

I've been talking a lot about this lately, but you can look at this through a superpositional lens and it makes way more sense.

It isn't two sides, it's many factions who have come under two banners, and each faction is further made up of people who have their own agendas.

I'm pretty sure one of the reasons for elon's heel face turn is the political machine was already lining up to fuck him, and he just fucked it faster. Be honest -- If he kept on being a good Democrat donor like he was in 2020, how much longer until they just swatted him like a bug anyway?

Total NGO banker death

So many of these programs are pure money laundering.

That's just what large criminal conspiracies do. It's just that some get to call themselves governments.

Narrative. None of them care what the actual truth is. Truth, to them, is what you can get the public to believe.

Sounds like something a fed would say...

Well, I used to be a fed, so, there's that...