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Another pervert groomer working as a teacher. Definite Savile vibes.


@TriptychTwinsRidesAgain Remember - teachers are not teaching queer theory to children; they're practising queer theory on children.
Big difference.

@KeepTakingTheSoma Every single teacher pulling that crap needs to be sacked

@TriptychTwinsRidesAgain @KeepTakingTheSoma

Queer theory is bullshit anyway. Some people like the same sex... big fucken deal. No point paying academics hundreds of millions to write gibberish about it.

@amerika @TriptychTwinsRidesAgain Queer theory is not about sexual orientation. It's about abolishing boundaries in society.

@KeepTakingTheSoma @TriptychTwinsRidesAgain

STILL bullshit. Also very typical of Leftism. The only "boundaries" they are dealing with involve most people being disgusted by homosexuality. The best it gets is people leaving homosexuals alone. Anything else is a power grab.

I'm aware there are people who are basically totally "normal" -- say a girl who thinks she's a girl and she likes guys -- but call themselves "queer", and it's purely a political thing, identitying as part of a tribe.

Of course as with everything related to postmodernism, it's pretty stupid -- in order to combat boundaries, a bunch of people place themselves within a set boundary.

This is the irony and it might be the deconstruction of postmodernism, the fact that ideologies utilizing postmodernism are not actually postmodernists, they are modernist for themselves and postmodernist for everything else. It isn't that they have a problem with grand narratives or objective truths, it's just that they have a problem with everyone else's grand narratives and everyone else's objective truths.

(Sending way later than expected, thought I already sent send on this)

@sj_zero @KeepTakingTheSoma @TriptychTwinsRidesAgain

It's one reason why "queer theory" is nonsense: if you want acceptance, defining yourself as a special interest goes contrary to that.

Better to just emphasize natural rights.