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I genuinely enjoy watching Trump do his executive order thing. Trump's presidency has been just a joy to watch. I've never seen a politician do so much in so little time. The contrast with Biden, who never did anything, and never said anything is stark. I always know what Trump is thinking because he's always talking, I like that. Trump 2.0 is 25x better than Trump 1.0.


Trump 2 just doesn't give a single fuck, it's been pretty entertaining.

Trump 2 just genocided all troons and you're laughing?

@crunklord420 it may sound like he signs with a marker but actually its just a pen and that is the sound of millions of miniature libtards shrieking in agony

Trump 2 knows he doesnt get another term so throw whatever the fuck ya can kid. Hell he is even ignoring courts which is just chefs kiss.

"cheap gas and plastic straws" should have been in every ad. Who wouldn't vote for that?

The courts exist to cuck the legislative and executive office. Andrew Jackson proved that someone not cucked can render the judiciary neutered.