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incidentally i noticed this yesterday at walmart when i was buying a car battery. a lot of the young males look so unbelievably soy-infused. they look like their hormones have been severely disrupted by environmental toxins

probably the effects of atrazine and BPA and soy and other estrogen mimickers. you can really tell with the feminized fat distribution of overweight males (excessive boob fat)

Gym bros vindicated again.

there really are underlying drivers behind this whole trans phenomenon- i'm not discounting the cultural aspects that are exploiting the underlying biochemistry of it, but we should keep in mind that males really have been feminized chemically.

the solution obviously isn't to try to convince them that they can go all the way and become women, but they are victims of more than just a cultural trend

@threalist "just work out" is still some of the best possible advice for countering these symptoms


@threalist when i was in mexico i developed a slight case of b** t**s (i believe from eating non-organic butter and oats that were probably sprayed with atrazine)

very disturbing to see. obviously i took corrective action but it took me about 6 months to lose that fat after i came back to the states