FBXL Social

It's hard to remember the early 2000's. Like there was this relatively sane world that I have memories of where everything generally made sense and everyone was generally decently well-groomed and kind (at least if you were in the healthy middle class at the time). I remember so much of it, but it's hard to actually, genuinely remember it as it really was since I feel like so many of my memories have been tainted by the eldritch nightmare that is modernity.

Kind of feels like an insane coma dream that only drives us madder because some people in our dream understand exactly what's going on but despite having the numbers of a small nation, nothing changes. Every day is a Groundhog Day of insanity but worse.

@Owl >Every day is a Groundhog Day of insanity but worse.

this exactly

@Shadowman311 in a little over a year there will be an entire generation of voters who have no idea what the world was like before the patriot act

@graf There already is, people born in 2000 turned 18 6 years ago

I was young in the time you're describing. But I remember it as well. I'm just shocked that so many elements, mostly racial and social, could cause so m​uch chaos that we can't have a public space, we can't have entertainment, we can't have our people, we can't have money, we can't have anything except accepting this world and the facsimiles of "people" in it. If this is life, what could Hell be like?

@Owl I was young too then, but its crazy how badly everything has gone. I can't imagine what the world will be like in 20 years, but I'll see it.

@Shadowman311 i did my math wrong, what the hell how can people born in 2001 be 22

@graf @Shadowman311 i was born in June 2001 and I'm 23. lol.

This one was born in 2019 and now she's dead 😘

Tyler had a little lamb
He shot it in the head
Now he brings his lamb to work
Between to chunks of bread

I'm 1995 - I don't know what life was like before it. It's beyond over.

Because math. That's why. 😏

She was only two, pedo. πŸ˜’

If someone offered me a portal to anywhere between 1985-1995 I would go through it so fast the negative vacuum of me leaving would suck Pixie, the kids and 2 of her neighbors through with me

Before 9/11 there was a lot of optimism. "Year 2000" "New millennium" etc.

Waco and Ruby Ridge notwithstanding, the 90s was not that bad.

The crack epidemic was largely over with the end of Bush1 and Heroin and Oxy wouldn't hit until Bush2.

Nobody knew how good they had it until it was gone.

I consider the peak of human civilization to be late 90s early 2000s.

No era is perfect and it had its problems, but the good far outweighed the bad.

I heard something recently that made me think though -- Someone said the 70s were the hangover for the 60s that laid the groundwork for the 80s. This framework seems like it could work somewhat -- The 1930s were the hangover for the 1940s, which laid the groundwork for the 1950s. The timing doesn't work perfectly but then we're living in a dynamic system so people are reacting to stuff. The 2010s and 2020s being the hangover for the 1990s and 2000s, leading potentially to a banger in the 2030s? Hard to say, we'll have to see. No matter what though, this moment will pass, as will the next. We live in a dynamic system and the only thing that won't change is things will change.

Western civilization peaked in 1913.

That's a really insightful date to choose.

We may not even be alive to know. Could you imagine living that long? Could you imagine bringing children into this world?

@Owl >Could you imagine bringing children into this world?

Yes I could, people were having babies during the black death, stop being an antinatalist

@Shadowman311 @Owl Total Black Death

@Shadowman311 Yeah it feels like a different world sometimes

How did I know you were going to say that? I just knew I should have said "not to be an antinatalist, but." I shall continue.

@Owl I'm a Catholic, the wanton creation of children is in my job description. Also you need to stop being such a sad fuck

That's an ironic statement considering I'm not one of the horde here constantly lamenting about loneliness or waaaah I can't be totally based and trad with muh Aryan waifu and 9,000 children day after day.

Just because this stuff is harmful to kids, doesn’t mean it isn’t harmful to adults..

A long-running survey of American teens found that, from 1990 to 2010, high-school seniors became slightly less likely to agree with statements such as β€œLife often feels meaningless.” But as soon as they adopted a phone-based life and many began to live in the whirlpool of social media, where no stability can be found, every measure of despair increased. From 2010 to 2019, the number who agreed that their lives felt β€œmeaningless” increased by about 70 percent, to more than one in five.

@Owl @Shadowman311 How about for your case don't have kids.

For anyone else that is not an irresponsible nigger breeding more hybrisophiles and other garbage they can realize dogshit people are reducing the quality of life of this world to shit and have to be killed to reverse the trend.

Fuck off you glowing faggot didn't read enjoy a barbed wire noose fish nigger.

@Owl @Shadowman311 antinatalist in denial.

Nigga you worship black people in the streets with your liberal woke ZOGbot Democratic Nazi Kumbayah My Lord singin' ass sea cucumber bullshit.

@Owl @Shadowman311 @andreas Demonkkkrats with their bigotry of low expectations 😀

I thought it was the chinese who made wontons

I hate this meme.

@Owl You should stop talking to cadavers and start having children

@Owl @Shadowman311 provide proof I am voting for Harris the pajeet crackwhore or you are a gay liar.

You are voting for Trump instead of getting rid of a jewish democracy.

I don't even know how to vote and even if I did, you should thank your lucky vas deferens that I am allowed absolutely zero political power in such a process or I would go out of my way to vote for things that make you mad just to spite you.

@Owl @Shadowman311 Then you asking to receive punishment for who you spitefully vote for.

Then I guess we're all just one big miserable family beneath the hanging tree aren't we little nig?

It's the only honest conversation I get at this point. You've all lost your minds.

@Owl I think the person losing their mind is the one talking to dead people

@Owl @Shadowman311 I never voted at all. You are not my family or even genetically White. So kill yourself jigger faggot.

Maybe I will.

I can't believe owl is fucking dead...

The most based thing I've ever done.

fish nigger

He's a black fish nigger is what he is. Can we just defederate this faggot already, hand on the Bible I'll pay.

@Owl @matty @Shadowman311 You got offended because you are an antinatalist who is too retarded to understand you can improve the world and have kids.

I'm the only person on this side of the wall who vets higher education for economic mobility and the rest of you use the convenient excuse of "n-no it's jewed." I'm not going to listen to "improve the world" slop from the indolent.

@Owl @matty @Shadowman311 You allegedly vet higher education full of anti-White retards which makes you responsible for it being jewed.

Kill yourself now.

The only things taught in universities are bullshit like psychology and feminist studies

You'll never make it.

@Owl @matty @Shadowman311 Yes because the STEMs are completely safe from jewish grift bullshit, nepotism, retardation, and anti-White pseudo-science that they somehow conveniently ignore.

You are not going to make it. Your bloodline ends with you. Thank God for that.

You are licherally a fish nigger

My Master's Degree in the hard sciences says you should stop listening to Matt Walsh.

@Owl @Shadowman311 "Great star, what would your greatness be were not for those for whom you must shine"

I can't imagine having the motivation to get up and work every day if my goal weren't to have a family and people who depend on me

Yeah like I said, make your excuses and justify them with the Lexicon.

You completely indolent, frightened little limp noodle.

@Owl @matty @Shadowman311 How many aristocrats have you preen about vetting into higher education got into position that benefits your people again.

You claim to want higher education yet clearly fail to understand higher education means higher gullibility that jews have a field day. Do you understand what you are demanding lead to your failure at life.

Explain how this ties into hard science. Go ahead, I'll let someone whose last experience in a scholastic environment involved bright, round lettering of the alphabet on a wall explain this to me.

@Owl @matty @Shadowman311 Everyone with a functioning brainstem distinctly recalls a replication crisis and the completely atrophy of scientific methodology inside the hard sciences turned soft unscience.

That is what the jews did to the STEMs that people failed to kill in order to protect themselves.

Muh replication crisis

You don't know what you're talking about. Do you want to know how I know?

Dunning-Kruger in full swing.

Ancient Korean proverb.

It's not nice,
To burn rice.

@Owl @matty @Shadowman311 Please show and lie through your teeth.

Because you're a fuckin' fish nigger lmaaaaaaaaaaaaao

@Owl @Shadowman311 Without rice burning, ziohazard would have never entered our lexicon. What a shame that would be

God can make mistakes into miracles

@lonestarr @Owl @Shadowman311 I'm counting on it

Blessed πŸ™

@Goalkeeper @Owl @matty @Shadowman311 Whoever brings up Dunning Kruger on the internet slapfight has the increasing likelihood of simply failing to know what it was observing as a whole and claim otherwise.

Did you notice the other part of the graph. If not...

>whoever calls me dumb is actually a dummy themselves HA!

fish nigger

He will call you dumb but he will never say he's not a fish nigger

Good luck to you, D.B. Honest. I think you'll make a fine father.


Mistakes into miracles matty. Mistakes into miracles.

dude I am standing in a cold storage full of dead people and you just drop this on me

@Goalkeeper @matty @lonestarr @Owl @Shadowman311 Miracles into more miracles

Well if you decide to kill yourself because of it you're in the right place.

you and I are on two different frequencies on what counts for "happy"

He's cooked.

I've contemplated it once before because of how funny it would be to take cyanide and slide inside a cabinet so when they open the cold box they'll see me laying there. It would be a funny joke.

I would do that on retirement day. Can you imagine?

@Goalkeeper @lonestarr @Owl @DEERBLOOD @Shadowman311 The person who drew this is in hell now, surely.

@matty @Owl @Shadowman311 I am lich fish nigger?

Fish nigger (not even a White fish lmao)

@matty @Owl @Shadowman311 You have jewish DNA thus non-White thus opinion discarded.

Evidence suggests the following.

@Owl @matty @Shadowman311 I distinctly recall asking you how many aristocrats that you encouraged to go through a higher guillibility education that benefited your people.

This is a question that requires math. 1000? 100? 10? 0?

Your perpetual butt hurt dispoaitionpleases me.


>[Reminder that Catholics pray to saints for intercession]



You're the one who doesn't see the other side of the water fish nigger.

@Owl @Goalkeeper @lonestarr @DEERBLOOD @Shadowman311 Now someone just needs to draw the lopunny with a baby Zubat and Joker standing there looking pissed.

They don't. I grew up Catholic.

You poor soul.

There's a reason I harp on them so much.

But, as is becoming of oneself I must self reflect. I don't pray enough.

@Codeki @Owl @Goalkeeper @lonestarr @DEERBLOOD I know what some of those words mean

@Codeki @Owl @Goalkeeper @lonestarr @Shadowman311 No, no one needs to draw that

@Goalkeeper @Owl @matty @Shadowman311 Answer the question or have it answered at your expense.

Here's a revelation for you: I don't care.

@DEERBLOOD @Owl @Goalkeeper @lonestarr @Shadowman311 @King_Noticer how much will it take for you to draw this atrocity for us?

@matty @Goalkeeper @Owl @Shadowman311 You are dumb yes but do you understand what DK is observing to correct that?

D.K. observes bananas and coconut guns little nig.

@Owl @Goalkeeper @matty @Shadowman311 A terminally low IQ video game cultural reference has undermined your credibility thus has demonstrated your ignorance and abuse of the observation of DK for internet brownie points and personal animosity.


@Omega_Variant @Owl @matty @Shadowman311 Did you have stroke?

Having a stroke in your case is a hilarious joke.


That's it. Keep it up

@Goalkeeper @Owl @matty @Shadowman311 You don't know and don't care you are retarded. Bad combo.

fascinating. Please spew more intellectual diarrhea about the intelligence of others, it makes you look really smart.

@Omega_Variant @Goalkeeper @Owl @matty @Shadowman311 Gay people use that emoji for declaring they love being a gay retard that takes it up the ass.

This nigga's charging people for fediverse replies but others are jewish lmao

I have never seen a fish nigger.

However here are two chicken wing niggers for your time.

These are pretty common

@Goalkeeper @Owl @matty @andreas Who were you replying to and what was the post

Here's a snippit

@Owl @Goalkeeper @matty @andreas Who are you replying to and why does he keep deleting posts?

@Goalkeeper @Owl @matty @Shadowman311 Please continue pretend to be intelligent while being retarded.

You already have that niche cornered friend, there's no room left for me unfortunately.

The best quiet quitting of all time.

I would arrange a few of the bodies in your bosses office. Then leave for a quiet place in the country

Did you know if you rearrange the letters of yggdrasil.social you get lil gay drags

@Omega_Variant @Goalkeeper @Owl @matty @Shadowman311 Did you know that nice is a euphemism of being retarded.

Mine was better LMAO.

Andreas, he's likely defederated from Poa.st for being a fed.

@Owl @Goalkeeper @matty @andreas Yes he is, he's deactivated

I feel the anger from here.


He's in here making threats telling us how he's going to Judaize the fediverse or something idk I got bored and went back to work for a few.

@Owl @Goalkeeper @matty @Shadowman311

>Falsely accusing me a fed while promoting federal grifts of political leaders proven to be feds.

Yeah go kill yourself.

Your mother's buttcheeks? Yeah.

They're mine now.

ESL guy huh

Yes, we know you are.

Anyway, imma go now. Tell bot I said hi when you get back to the office at tel Aviv. Or is it Washington? Hard to tell them apart really.

@Jonaschuzzlewit @Goalkeeper @Owl @matty @Shadowman311 Your friend had a stroke a while back in the timeline. Go tell him to lay off smoking.

Advice from a quad vaccinated fish nigger.

My friend breaks the filters off cigarettes and puts them out on your mom's ass

@Jonaschuzzlewit @Goalkeeper @Owl @matty @Shadowman311 You are sexually abusing your own mother thinking you are sexually abusing my mother. Real stupid you are.

What an astounding retort.

Nu uh. Your mom. Talmud. Something something

@Jonaschuzzlewit @Goalkeeper @Owl @matty @Shadowman311 muh talmud.

If you fantasize about putting cigarettes into mothers' butts so much people notice you are a degenerate that would not hesitate to do it to their own mother.

You are esl and jewish. Out on and into and purposefully misreading an internet diss and making it creepy is a skill only a cock suckin jew (redundant) could do.

Your ESL problem is real faggot rabbi

theyre all over the place. not even hiding it anymore. πŸ˜†

Visit small town America and you'll catch a glimpse of it.

The noticeable wholesomeness is there in full force. The only thing missing is kids. Nobody has kids anymore.

@pepsi_man @Shadowman311 Here in rural Missouri, most of my neighbors have kids, so it's not all doom and gloom.

I love that state

@Jonaschuzzlewit @Shadowman311 @pepsi_man It's a state that no one really cares about. That's a good thing.

There weren't brownoids everywhere all the time

@Shadowman311 Early 2000s were such a vibe. It's crazy how far we've fallen.

@ArdainianRight @Shadowman311 The aftermath of 9/11 also resulted in a brief uptick in community and religiosity.

@ChristiJunior @Shadowman311
Even the shitty post-9/11 hysteria makes me nostalgic. Nowadays when something bad happens it's immediately politicized along partisan lines.

@ArdainianRight @Shadowman311 It wasn't a vibe. I was in early elementary school and my mom told me to pretend that I had a dad. Some kids found out I had two moms and our house was vandalized BY THEIR PARENTS.

@King_Noticer @Codeki @Owl @Goalkeeper @lonestarr @Shadowman311 Wow turns out you CAN rush perfection. That was quick

@DEERBLOOD @Codeki @Owl @Goalkeeper @lonestarr @Shadowman311 Yeah that took me like 40 minutes

You are absolutely going to Hell for this one.

@King_Noticer @Owl @lonestarr @Goalkeeper @Codeki @Shadowman311 You're not going to he'll. Lopunny or whatever fuck she's called is going to hell​

@DEERBLOOD @Owl @lonestarr @Goalkeeper @Codeki @Shadowman311 And also Joker, lest we forget that he is a bad murderer

@King_Noticer @Owl @lonestarr @Goalkeeper @Codeki @Shadowman311 I thought he just yelled SOCIETY or whatever

@DEERBLOOD @Owl @lonestarr @Goalkeeper @Codeki @Shadowman311 He yells society and then blows up a cruise ship full of civilians

@King_Noticer @Owl @lonestarr @Goalkeeper @Codeki @Shadowman311 Was that before or after batman fucked his lopunny?