FBXL Social

@sj_zero I was talking with @thor and @thatguyoverthere about styles of moderation/government and realised that I should probably make something clear before I make this account my main: how do you moderate? Your "rules" seem kind of vague: "I'm not your dad, and you're not mine". What does that mean? Would you be willing to make clear and consistent rules that constrain moderation as well as posting? I keep getting kicked off forums for pissing off moderators that aren't clear under what circumstances they get pissed off or who moderate unjustly etc.

I'm not your dad -- it isn't my job to make sure you're not a jerk. I'm not going to stick my fingers into discussions. I grew up with no holds barred internet debate, it's halal.

You're not mine -- Don't break my toys. Most moderation actions I've ever taken are based on systemic risks such as spam or CP, because I don't want my toys broken.

Honestly, I had some reports about one of my users being mean to someone I like, and that's when I had to decide what to do about it. The only answer I could come up with was to say "If they're bothering you, block them". It's dangerous for me to start intervening in arguments like someone's dad.

One of the benefits of the distributed nature of the fediverse is that different instances have different standards and so nobody needs the one universal standard to fit them perfectly. Some instances are locked down and while I don't agree with it, that's their freedom to do so and it's mine to moderate as lightly as I do. We can coexist in the same fediverse, even if that fediverse looks a lot different.

The militar-they industrial complex

@sj_zero @thatguyoverthere @thor
>I'm not going to stop you being a jerk
I would like to try and hold back anyway just because you get into a lot of interesting discussions with the more sensitive side of fedi that I don't want to see disturbed.
I don't know how long I can do that for. They can be very hypocritical with what counts as hate speech.

>If they're bothering you, block them
That's all very well and good, but I've noticed the software can be very janky on that front.
I have muted many people on here but they show up in threads anyway.
Might be a Husky issue?

@sj_zero @thatguyoverthere @thor So, to be clear, this means you only moderate for spam and CP?

That's all thats come up so far. I'm not inclined to moderate at all if I can help it. Not a productive use of my time.

@sj_zero @thatguyoverthere @thor That's not very clear if you ask me. Are you promising not to moderate for anything else or aren't you?

@midway @thor @thatguyoverthere @sj_zero I am aware that that is in general an option, but not on software like this (see above). I was not demanding that he moderate for other things, simply asking if he will. I want things to he clear, you see (see above posts ITT).

I'm promising I won't moderate you for anything else willingly. If you fedpost so hard the RCMP gives me a call we'll cross that bridge when we cross it.