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Collective punishment is wrong

A Baphomet statue where?

What's the context?

I want the government to kill you

Actually, scratch that. It would be more satisfying to kill you myself.

My view is: if it's on private property, in an out of the way place, and the owner approves, there can be any kind of statue; if it's on public property, I'm not entirely sure but I think the opinions of people who have to look at it regularly should count.

People have often accused conservatives of self-sabatoge.

The summer of love combined with covidimania was the greatest PR win for the right in 70 years and possibly one of the greatest unforced errors in political history, and all the right needed to do was not act like similarly petulant children.

If you want to now why there's now a right wing government in italy, in argentina, in belgium, why there's a track to one in Canada, why the labour party in the UK is suddenly stealing conservative taking points, why it's presently looking like Donald Trump will be the next president in the US, that's why.

Isn't that old news?

The problem with the Confederacy was the slavery, not the raw fact of seccession.

I've also heard that the Confederacy was more decentralised than the Union, which sounds good.

I don't care.

(Removed unjustified threat)

I realised that I only said it because I wasn't decoupling enough. Lol.


At the very least the voters tried. If meloni goes full UK cuckservative it's not for lack of trying from the electorate.

The only based thing you've ever said

If that's true, then it's unfair and wrong. But collective guilt is also wrong.

Egalitarianism means everyone has rights, including white people you retard. If it doesn't then it's not egalitarianism.

Here's my shitty attempt

Being edgy is for children. And children should be banned from the internet.

Equal rights usually means equality before the law. How does that entail taking from the strong to give to the weak?