FBXL Social

Hyolobrika | @Hyolobrika@social.fbxl.net

I hate drugs.

Via Mira of Kyiv 🇺🇦 @reshetz
Modern Turing test

I'm surprised that so many people don't know this.

The FBI and CIA heavily recruit from the Mormon population because they have found that Mormons are exceptionally talented with grappling hooks.

A shift is happening:
•Biden has cancelled his meeting with Netanyahu
•Harris will skip Netanyahu's speech to Congress
•Harris will meet with Netanyahu to tell him to stop bombing Palestinian civilians
•Seven major unions just sent a joint letter to Biden calling on him to "immediately halt all military aid to Israel" ahead of Netanyahu’s DC visit:

Don't let up. Keep the pressure on until US stops funding genocide & starts rebuilding Palestine. Let's go.

Digital Rights Groups Rally Against UN Convention That Threatens Free Speech and Privacy


I have 40,000 followers on Mastodon. If only 1% of my followers gave me one dollar a month on Patreon, I would be making 40 million dollars every single month. The power of the generosity of strangers blows my mind.

Great now my vision is blurry

@jetton I don't mind so long as they're not above the law.

@evil @julia Maybe it's because you're evil.

Damn. He got off.

@memes I get intrusive thoughts like what that guy said

@yngmar more white than trump tbh

A picture of a scan of an old book. The header reads: "Agriculture." and indicates that this is page 33. The section of this book is entitled: "Abuses in bread one of the injurious practices of our times, and the importance of removing the evil." by the late Jonas Hanway, Esq.

@jeffcliff @1goodtern I wonder how much fluoxetine gives you?

Cat on lap means I have an excuse not to get up. Yay.

Bring back user-removable batteries
