hard drug mention
you ever come across a post which starts off "I've been smoking crack and thinking" and it's actually really thoughtful for the most part?
@Hyolobrika @dushman Typically ~50% of humans do not work, because they are children, informal carers, retired, or disabled. I think, under contemporary states, we’d all object to a system that restricted the franchise only to those formally employed. 2/
@interfluidity @dushman I have used “market socialism“ but that word can also refer to an economy with state-owned enterprises.
@Hyolobrika@social.fbxl.net @interfluidity@zirk.us
Yeah it's more or less what I mean. I want worker ownership of the means of production but without central state planning of the economy.
@lain Yeah, true. What’s a good book on this that I can read that explains your views in detail? I started reading The Machinery of Freedom but I couldn’t find anything other than a PDF which was inconvenient to read on a phone.